*******December 2015 and January 2016 mummies and babies *******

Awww lols82 your twins are soooo cute!!!

hello1231 - I was not sure at first, but at 3 weeks we had to introduce a dummy as baby has colic/reflux and the crying/screaming was so bad and for hours at a time! We use a tommee tippee one, she would not take the MAM dummies. She has not become confused and is breastfeeding, bottle feeding(expressing) and using a dummy for the last 2 weeks. I do not let her have it at night though. I had a dummy until I was 3/4 years old and has not done me any harm, not too sure what Dr Google was saying but I didn't ever need braces even!

My lo is really windy too, we have tried infacol and colief drops, not sure what is working, nothing is a miracle worker yet! When we bottle feed we give her breaks and wind and try and keep her upright if possible when feeding.

Does any one elses baby get really bad hiccups? xx
My little boy gets hiccups all the time. Mostly after we have fed him & tried unsuccessfully to get his wind up. We use Infacol & sometimes the wind comes straight up & other times we can't get anything at all!

We introduced a dummy for sleep time a couple of weeks ago & I find using that or offering my breast (I combination feed) helps when he does get hiccups as it helps regulate his breathing. We use tommee tippee too as he also has the TT bottles. Since he has had a dummy he sleeps much better at night. He is 7 weeks tomorrow & we now feed him at 9 & he then goes down til at least 2 - although I may have to get up a few times to pop his dummy back in.

I can't believe my little boy is 7 weeks! He has his injections next week - I'm dreading them. Has anyone had them yet?

How is everyone getting on with weight gain?

My oh keeps going on about dummies and I've been googling too so really not sure atm about it

Yup on the hiccups, I find if I've not winded her or put her down too quickly after a feed the hiccups start and go on for 20 mins or so. She was very hiccupy before she was born too

Last weigh for us was last week when she'd surpassed her birth weight, hv is back on wed to weigh her again, judging by my achey arm I'd say she's put a bit more weight on!
Hi all

Yes to the hiccups I feel so sorry for him his whole body jolts!

Re dummies .. We are BF and ds has had a dummy since first week. I can genuinely tell when he's hungry as he will either suck very vigorously and grizzle or spit it out and scream!
I use it to comfort him and not at night, although I used them later on at night with other children and had no problem

Lucylastic how is combination feeding working? Do you give formula at night? The section on here has virtually no threads and although BF is working well I like to know my options
Ah thanks ladies think I may consider a dummy then if it doesn't seek to interfere with bf!

Yeah my lb gets hiccups after feeds too and they last a good while, I have also noticed he sometimes brings his milk back up aswell and I get the fright of my life!

have any of u lovely mummies expressed yet at all ? I realy want to but don't know how to go around it ...
We use the dummies, on the recommendation of one of the midwifes in the hospital. They are great soothers but they fall out their wee mouths constantly. Plus, of all the dummies we have, there is only a certain make they will take.

I had both my boys on infacol and it was working great but after a few days it was causing Jude to projectile vomit, he's not done it since taking him off the infacol. I've bought gripe water today to try after speaking with our Health Visitor and hope that works. I'm always so scared to lay them down to sleep at night incase of sickness, and that's after keeping them up at least half an hour after each bottle sitting on their twin pillow.
My little boy gets hiccups all the time. Mostly after we have fed him & tried unsuccessfully to get his wind up. We use Infacol & sometimes the wind comes straight up & other times we can't get anything at all!

We introduced a dummy for sleep time a couple of weeks ago & I find using that or offering my breast (I combination feed) helps when he does get hiccups as it helps regulate his breathing. We use tommee tippee too as he also has the TT bottles. Since he has had a dummy he sleeps much better at night. He is 7 weeks tomorrow & we now feed him at 9 & he then goes down til at least 2 - although I may have to get up a few times to pop his dummy back in.

I can't believe my little boy is 7 weeks! He has his injections next week - I'm dreading them. Has anyone had them yet?

How is everyone getting on with weight gain?


Where has the time gone :)

My boys were born at 4lb 15 and 6lb 2 - they are now 7lb 5 and 9lb 2 :) Steadily gaining weight which is good. They are 6 weeks old today.
have any of u lovely mummies expressed yet at all ? I realy want to but don't know how to go around it ...

not yet, i'm the same! my OH wants to some feeds but I don't have a clue how to go about expressing!
I am expressing, baby wont latch on left breast at all, so I feed from the right, express from left. I also give one formula a night. I use Lansinoh electric pump and she usually has 2 or 3 bottles of that a day. x
Hi all

Yes to the hiccups I feel so sorry for him his whole body jolts!

Re dummies .. We are BF and ds has had a dummy since first week. I can genuinely tell when he's hungry as he will either suck very vigorously and grizzle or spit it out and scream!
I use it to comfort him and not at night, although I used them later on at night with other children and had no problem

Lucylastic how is combination feeding working? Do you give formula at night? The section on here has virtually no threads and although BF is working well I like to know my options

Combination feeding is going well. In the day offer both boobs & then bottle which he will take if still hungry (he normally is!) At night I tend to formula feed him. If he gets peckish any time in between I will give him booby or expressed milk.

I have been expressing with manual pump - 5 mins normally gets about 4-5 oz from each breast. It's really easy & doesn't hurt but you end up with an achy hand!

My little lumpet was weighed yesterday 10lb 7oz now - I can definitely feel he is heavier when lifting him! X
Dummy question - have any of you mummies introduced a dummy to ur babies ?
I want to but feel as though because I am breastfeeding it might confuse my lb and he won't ask for milk when he's hungy !
Or am I just being silly ? Google says a lot of scary things like it will affect babies in so many ways !
This is the 1st of my children to take a dummy. He was NICU for 3 weeks and the doctor was the one to encourage it. We are efb and he hasn't developed a confused suck, he was taking the dummy before the breast.
Hi, January mummy here, little Aria born on the 24/1/16 weighing 10lb 10oz!

She's obviously only 9 days old and I'm breastfeeding but have any of you managed to get into much of a routine yet? Have you been trying to make one or has baby fallen into one naturally?
I'm not too fussed it's just going to be when I want to go out, I know when she'll be expecting a feed.

Thanks for any responses x
Hi, I know a few people mentioned in the tri 3 forum about a december 15 thread over here. Thought as I'm awake waiting for a baby to settle at this time might as well do something with my time! So if people would like to join comment babies details and I'll make a list of everyone's DD and DS.

Hope everyone is adjusting to having new babies around!

Any January mummies who would like to join let me know and I'll amend the thread title.

Love to all Melissa x x x

# beanie5 - DD Emma 11/01/16 7lb11.5oz
# becky1 - DS 10/11/15 7lbs3oz
# hello1231 - DS 22/01/16
# keepingitcrossed - DD Holly 19/12/15 6lb9oz
# kellylou - DD Zara 22/01/16
# lisa1985 - DD 01/01/16 8lbs9oz
# lols82 - DS Jude 6lb 2oz DS Anthony 4lb 15oz 22/12/15
# lucylastic - DS 15/12/15
# Melissa sian - DS Elliott John 17/12/15 7lb3oz
# monkey1988 - DS Jack 15/12/25 8lb 1oz
# tilliewoo - DS Cormack 01/12/15

Can we be added? :)

I had a little girl, Willow, on 26/01/16. She was 8lbs 8oz!
Hope everyone is doing well!!

Please tell me it's normal for baby not to settle at night...

I knew obviously the early weeks would be hard, and I know breastfeeding is hard. But I thought she'd sleep in between feeds at night. Instead she just cries and cries! A week in and I'm absolutely exhausted, as is OH. Dreading him going back to work next week and having to do the 'night shift' alone.

Any tips/advice for getting baby to sleep better at night?
Trying to get into a routine here Ellie, oh went back to work this week which is making it a bit easier, bedtime is about 10pm when it's change, feed & fuss till she eventually falls asleep and morning is 8/9am when she wakes for a feed. Main difference between the two is what room we're in, if the curtains are open and the tele on- that's about as close to a routine that we've got!

Def normal sahf I'm afraid, I've spoken to so many ppl about it due to our issues! Everyone's says it'll pass.. Although from what I gather it gets better from 6 weeks ish. We've managed to get some sleep the last couple of nights so hope isn't lost! Only things I've found that have helped are infacol if baby's having trouble with wind and trying to make sure she's fed enough. Hope she lets you have a rest soon!
Mum to a 7 week old here - best advice I can give Ellie is to take your lo to the room where they will be sleeping for their bedtime feed. We start winding down from about 8 pm & all go to bed at 9. We make sure we have dim lights, minimal noise. I will then change his nappy, give him a feed, wind & hold him for a while before placing him in his crib. We tend to put him down when he is on the cusp of sleep & let him drift off in the crib
We keep bedtime very low key, lots of love but not too much fussing, no playing & not being too excitable.

Daytime needs work - getting into a routine though although we do get the joy of him screaming the house down most days! He tends to sleep when he likes in the day but generally after his feeds which are at more or less the same time daily. I am trying to establish routine of wake up, change, feed, nap. I have breakfast & dress whilst he is sleeping then when he wakes wash & dress him, play with him, nap, lunch, nap then play/cuddles until next feed or he falls asleep. Also if we go out he tends to fall straight to sleep in his car seat/ pram so we have to be a bit flexible with feed times.

The first few weeks will be more demanding for feeds & especially if you are exclusively breast feeding as they tend to want little & often. I combination feed which prob makes it easier for me.

Good luck you will be fine x
Thanks guys, I'm really lucky, she's such a good baby, only cries when hungry and when we change her. She's a bit of a monkey in her Moses basket, she'll sleep in it during the day, but when I put her in it of a night, she wakes up and wants picking up again?!? It doesn't help that I'm still getting pain when lying down and when I sit up to put her down, I'm sitting on my stitches :-( so I end up sleeping with her on me :-/ I know I shouldn't but don't know what else to do to get some sleep.

SAHF did they tell you that your milk is better at night as your hormones are more active, or something, so baby can seem to want feeding more of a night.
hi ladies
my little girl zaynab was born on 04/01/16
my god its gone fast and a VERy steep learning curve
breastfeeding is bloody hard work!
i have oversupply and a forceful let down- have found this website http://kellymom.com/ incredibly helpful
it explains all her symptoms- still having some green frothy stool, very gassy, chokes on my milk which is horrible
thankfully things are normalising though i think she has slight tongue tie too and probably gulps a lot of air
extremely sleep deprived! i bought the snuz pod but she doesnt settle in it at night and has ended up in bed with us despite me thinking this would never happen but only way i can get 2-3 hours sleep back to back

agree with complete inability to do any housework etc- how do you guys manage who have toddlers!! i have no idea

love her to bits but it is very hard especially lack of sleep and when she wont settle in night- can be very frustrating

having a lot of engorgement problems! not quite sure what to do trying feeding her both sides and also cabbage leaves etc but if she doesnt empty breast it gets bloody painful
excited newbie I had suffered with engorgement problems too
what worked for me was I bought a hand pump from tesco when feeding my lb at night I would use the pump and express from the free breast (got dh) to help and it worked wonders. Apparently when feeding we release horomones that help milk come so it helped me big time by expressing a little

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