controlled crying

Hoping someone can reply to my questions above!!

Good luck Mrs V - shall be stalking in the morning for an update :) xx
Stalking this too!
Hope u have another good night chick!! X
Well ladies...drum roll...Archie cried at 10:45pm for a whopping 2mins and went back to sleep and is currently STILL sleeping as I type, he went to bed at 7!

I must say I am absolutely amazed he has clicked on so quick...this has made such a difference to getting up twice a night. So yes I initially used the cc technique, was lucky enough to only use in properly on one occasion as the rest of the time he has criedbfor no more than 3 mins....

Lay here quite shocked lol :)
Hooray!!!!! That's great news - long may it continue for you both xxx
Yay!! So pleased for you sweetie, sleep makes such a difference xx

Excellent well done! X

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Thanks everyone, I actually nearly cried on the way to work this morning, so proud of my little man! I do feel like a cheat though haha, I mean half hour really of crying is all its taken! Thanks for all the support...xx
Hi mrs v, MrsV here :) So glad that you had another great night. I've been following this thread with great interest as 1) like many, I can't wait until I get a decent night's sleep and 2) because I'm now very concerned about the amount my daughter cries and the potential damage. She's only 3.5 months and suffers with severe acid reflux, so I do rush to comfort her every cry. However, I'm not always able to comfort her immediately - sometimes because mummy cuddles are just not enough when she's in pain and like others have mentioned, when driving. Ada also went through a period of screaming her heart out in the car. When I could I would pull over and cuddle her, but there have been fairly lengthy periods where this has not been possible and I spent much of last night upset that I've managed to now damage my baby.

So like Chezza, I would really like to learn more about what we're supposed to do and if we can be pointed to the research undertaken so we can read the findings... Everything I've read thus far, and the advice from Ada's consultant paediatrician, was that CC is the action to be taken (when you're sure that the cries are not pain, hunger etc)... Many thanks in advance x
Leesey have you got copies of these studies? I would be very interested to read them myself.
I do use controlled crying as I feel its best for my child, but I would love to see the evidence against it for myself including numbers of participants , measures used to detect damage etc? I will always make a judgement based on the information that I read/believe and then decide what is best for my child. I think everyone does that, just sometimes what people read or believe varies as its all subjective. I don't really mind what other peoples opinions are on things I do for my child (ie. my mother in laws!!! he he) I just make the best informed decisions I can and then as his mother know I get to make those decisions myself!
Really glad you got a good nights sleep Hun xxx makes a world of difference xxx
Well done Archie!

Just shows that you did the right thing. He didnt need his mummy or a feed during the night, he just needed to learn that he can settle himself

Clever mummy x
Hey Mrs v! Sorry you arnt getting much in terms of sleep. Cc really was the final option for me, and tbh his age did come into account when making my decision, lo is nearly 11 months now, so I knew in my mind that he could do it but I had taught him that if he woke he would get a cuddle, I have now taught him a different method which luckily for us has worked.

Iv never been an advocate for cc, but as iv repeatedly said it was having so much impact and as I'm back at work we needed to at least try.

Leesey has put a link on one of her posts to a lady who has done lots of research, might be worth a look.

I think with any parenting technique people will always form their own opinion and hold different values, you must only do what feels right for you, and at a time when you feel you and your baby can cope.

I really do sympathise with mummys who don't get sleep, I do believe to an extent it is what we teach them, obviously if they are poorly this is not the case.

Would be great to see leeseys research, I think it will help a lot of mummys on here xx
I cant see the published papers on the research using that link?
am I being dull?...could be my delightful lo was up for the day and full of the joys of spring at 4am!!!!
No iv just had a look and I can't is cc something you have done yourself mrsw84?
yes a little bit for two reasons
1. he has always been a fab sleeper til he started teething at 4 months (early I know) and then refused bottles or food in day and got used to having milk in night. so when he stopped teething we weaned him off night feed by giving less and less milk and then just giving water but then h was just used to being picked up in night so I did three days of cc and he stopped waking up yey!
2. he is terrible at day time naps and wouldn't self settle so did cc to help him get used to settling himself in the day.....worked well...

I hate the thought im damaging him but I feel like he needs the sleep to grow and develop and he is fighting sleep as he is only I want to see the evidence that says its damaging so I can decide if I think its worth the risk ! depends on how many babies it involved and what they determined as damaging...
have u seen the adverts on tv where they say like this product is recommended by 90% of users and then at the bottom it says in a study of 17 people....hardly representative of the entire population ha ha !

I like making decisions for my lo and at the moment my decision is cc is right...but I am open to looking at any evidence that suggests its more harmful than him not getting enough sleep?

Hi ladies
I hadn't replied as Im no expert on CC I just have my own views and experience. However I have listed a couple of my understandings below and I hope that Leesey will be able to come and provide some more information and indeed tell me if any of the below isn't correct!

- I understand that if a child is crying in a car / in your arms etc this isn't considered controlled crying as you are there with them and can offer support and comfort.
- CC is where a baby is left alone to cry with no comfort for increasing periods until they fall asleep.
- you don't need to necessarily pick the baby up to offer comfort when they cry, my LO wasn't always a fan of being taken out of her cot and preferred me to pat and shoosh her while she lay in the cot.
- Even advocates of CC don't recommend it for babies under 6 months and many are now saying 1 year
- One of my personal concerns is the fact that it's not a one off fix and for many parents they need to repeat the practice when a baby goes through a leap or sleep regression.

As many of the posts have said this is a very emotive subject and I find people tend to feel very strongly either way but I do echo the concerns of Leesey and from a personal experience my little girl learnt to self settle in her own time without any form on sleep training (not to say it was easy!) and I do believe that all babies can do this some just take longer than others.
I do laugh at it being called controlled crying as well...I think it was invented to give mums some element of feeling in control and to be honest sometimes we all need that don't we?
just to feel like you are doing something constructive even if its for 5 mins!
every child is different and every family is different and in different circumstances we all just do what is right for ourselves and our family given the information we choose to look at/listen to

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