controlled crying

Tara & Liam

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2005
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Can anyone give me advise on how to do the controlled crying.

Liam is just over three months and we bath bottle at around 7.30 and he falls asleep for 4 hours then we feed him, put him to bed and then its another 4 hours. then he wakes at around 6am.

Is he too young for the controlled crying and what exactally does it entail. Joshua was just over 2 when we got him to go to sleep in his own bed. dont want to make that mistake again with Liam.

Hi Davina

we did this with alex over at about Liams age and now 9month later) he goes to bed without a whimper!

we basically put him in his cot after a big hug and kiss, said goodnight and left him. obviosuly he screamed so we kept going back in every few mins making it a little longer each time and reassuing him - we didnt pick him up just stroked his hair and said its ok time for sleep now etc.

First time he cried for half hour then was so tired he went to sleep. next night it took about 15 mins, then 10, then 5 now hardle ever cries when its bedtime or naptime in the day

should point out that he was already sleeping through he just wouldnt go to sleep without us holding him then had to gently transfer to his cot.

we have done it during the night if he has woken and he once took about an hour to go back to sleep.

its not easy and if you can do it when your partner is there its easier when you have support. best thing was the next morning he still had his usual big grin for me and didnt hate me! :D

hope that helps

sorry thats 1 month later not 9!!! :oops:
thanks for that em, the problem is that liam doesnt sleep through, and he only drinks 4oz at the most in one go, so he does have some of his allowance at night. what we would probably have to do is make sure that he has all his milk during the day. but then again we can start weening him in three weeks so maybe it would be better then, what do you think.

how ofter are his feeds at the moment?

he was on 4 hourly feeds and then he would sleep through for two nights then not on the third so we increased his feeds to three hourly in the day so that he still had 5 feeds a day and that did the trick he started to sleep through. once he was into the habit we reduced back down to 4 hourly.

its tricky as Alex has always been a piggy. he is bf so i dont know how much he takes but his last feed before bedtime has always been bottle and he took 5 ozs when he was about 8 weeks. and once he started sleeping through it went up to 9ozs at one point (down to eight now we are weaning)

we started weaning alex about a month ago (15/16 weeks i think) and he loves his food. we just started on a little baby rice and then added mashed banana after a week or so. he has just wolfed down carrot and parsnip followed by apple & peach for pud!

is there a specific reason you are waiting to wean or is he just not ready yet?


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