Controlled crying help

Oh ffs you lot just bloody stop it will you!!

It's like being in school!!

Sophie woke three times last night and all times I went to her and fed her, I'm responding to her needs. I'm sure she would rather stay with me than go to nursery, so is sending her to nursery cruel too, because I sure can't respond to her needs then??

I will have a look out for soon calming lighting of some sort and omit the bath from bedtime routine tonight and see if it helps her settle.

Again, I appreciate all advice given on my situation.
Honestly this thread is embarassing now.

How old are you all? If everyone really that concerned about only helping the OP then why involve yourself in petty arguments?

Ignore the negative comments and move on. 3 pages of all different people accusing someone of being rude. Your all being rude to each other and behaving like children. Obviously all of you have the opinion to warrant doing controlled trying, yet B2S is the one taking the heat. Good for you, give the advice and move on. People say the OP didnt want any opposing opinions but its ok for more or less everyone on here to give their opposing opinion to someone else? I will be reporting this thread sadly because adults dont seem to know how to have a healthy debate and I am not sure why the bottle/breastfed argument keeps coming up every now and then as a petty dig because its irrelevant to this post and in my eyes is Flaming/trolling. And I for one dont like it being used as a troll subject since I myself bottle fed. Every parenting choice is different and should not be mocked.

Everyone else has something better to do right? But carries on arguing anyway.

I hope this post is removed. Its not helpful to anyone anymore. And personally if I had such good advice and didnt want to get into an argument Id just message her it. Not bully someone else who has an opposing opinion.

2guests viewing this post atm, I wonder how much they are cringing.

Baby2sky I wasn't trying to be nasty I you I only wanted to explain that posting articles about how cruel CC is isn't helpful to someone who has already made up their mind to do it, in a similar way that if you had posted asking how much formula your child should be fed it wouldn't be helpful for me to comment saying "well really it would be far more beneficial for you to breast feed, evidence shows breast is best..."

I'm not going t comment anymore but I hope there's an improvement for you Karen

I have no regrets doing CC, we all sleep much better and even my little lady's naps are better during the day. We are much happier and luckily for us it worked really quickly
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Great so the thread will be removed so I will no longer be able to ask for advice on this. Super.
I wasn't being nasty, merely a little sarcastic and making the point that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. In being a parent there are lots of things we all choose to do differently and choose to do for varying reasons. I thought some of the so called opinions were down right rude and mean.

Karen - a friend of mine read a book by Richard Ferber on sleep training, I didn't read the book but followed some of the same steps she did (I let her try them first as my Guinea pig lol) It improved everything dramatically for us.
Well sadly thats what happens when two different groups of people cant have a mature conversation about parenting choices.

Hopefully itll be removed or the Mod will put people in their place.

There is no need for all this, like I say if the peers are all really wanting to help you out they would be replying to your and only your posts. But from what I see its being used as a good excuse for a gang effort which is not allowed. Or your peers are able to use a message function. A few times Ive seen people say ignore the comments, but not seen people do that yet.

Everyone is putting their tuppence worth in here and IMO cant really say anything about anyone butting in or forcing opinions. The girl posted a study which she is quite well within her rights since it is a medical study on the topic you have posted regarding. Unfortunately we cannot pick and choose who comments on our posts. I think Id rather read all studies before deciding cause other people did it. Id want to see medical outcomes. There is nothing wrong with having all the information. She doesnt know what you have read, or what other people reading have read.

There is a hide post function which Im sure alot of you could use if you really were constantly offended or tired of B2S posts, but for some odd reason people ignore that and carry on an argument. Likewise B2S if you have stalkers, block them.

There is a difference between nasty and rude which is what I says, rude.

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It's all ridiculous. I asked for advice from those who had experience. Jeez, sure puts me off asking for advice, how sad is that, that I'm left feeling I can't even ask??
As Ive just said, if everyone was really that intrested in the main cause which is giving you advice or you receiving advice yous would have all ignored the "negative and opposing opinions" but instead, people are retaliating.

So yes you can ask for advice and receive it but just because someone has a different opinion doesnt mean they cant post it and does not mean that majority of the thread can then turn and tell them their opinion is unwanted. Im sure B2S doesnt want or need anyone elses opinion on here because she was specifically posting in relation to the thread. But it got posted anyway.

I just cant believe threads are coming to this. Mortifying :shock:

I do hope your baby gets sleep and help, ypu should take the good points that have been shared before the threads gets any worse and closes.

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The funny thing is Wilson once posted a thread about being proud of bf till 2 yrs old. The very same people having a go at me for "not sticking to the topic" were the same ones criticizing Wilson for posting her thread and how it makes ff mums feel shit. So if we wanna talk about stones and glass houses, better watch where you step as there's smashed glass all over the place.
The funny thing is Wilson once posted a thread about being proud of bf till 2 yrs old. The very same people having a go at me for "not sticking to the topic" were the same ones criticizing Wilson for posting her thread and how it makes ff mums feel shit. So if we wanna talk about stones and glass houses, better watch where you step as there's smashed glass all over the place.

I just think being a mum can be really hard, and to be criticised for any decision doesn't help, we should all respect each others decisions. No ones perfect.
I agree Karen. This is mummywars at its finest. But honestly don't give a shit about anyone else's opinion as there will always be one floating around, so long as you're confident in what you decide that's all that matters.x
Karen, I do hope that you can continue to use this thread for support and advice. It would be a real shame if a few negative posts meant that you were not able to get the support you want, after all that is what this forum is for. Chin up, hope the sleep improves soon x
? Well as a new member I have to say that a lot of these posts have put me off the forum slightly...

This post was quite interesting to begin with hearing different experiences but then everyone started being mean.

Hmm not sure if this is forums for me...
Yes, everyone sweetmammat.

Welcome to PF, the place were grown adult cannot differ opinions without it turning into a slagging match :lol:

Sophie woke three times last night and all times I went to her and fed her, I'm responding to her needs. I'm sure she would rather stay with me than go to nursery, so is sending her to nursery cruel too, because I sure can't respond to her needs then??

I will have a look out for soon calming lighting of some sort and omit the bath from bedtime routine tonight and see if it helps her settle.

Again, I appreciate all advice given on my situation.

Did she go back down easier after the feeds?

Hopefully the various comments in between will be removed & your thread will remain
2 accounts have been deactivated for review... It's the weekend then the holidays so I'm in no rush to review them. If those banned create a duplicate account within this time accounts will be permanently deactivated.

A reminder of the forum rules:

  1. Rudeness, flaming or trolling is not tolerated on, or about the Web Site, or its members. Any member who is intentionally disruptive may have their account restricted or banned without warning.
  2. Antisocial, discriminatory or offensive messages (intended or otherwise) aimed at the community at large, certain demographics (including parenting styles) or specific members, are not permitted.

Any further activity that ignores/argues these rules will also find their account deactivated.

Lets move forward with the original question aimed at those who can help with this parenting method x<3 <3
Sophie woke three times last night and all times I went to her and fed her, I'm responding to her needs. I'm sure she would rather stay with me than go to nursery, so is sending her to nursery cruel too, because I sure can't respond to her needs then??

I will have a look out for soon calming lighting of some sort and omit the bath from bedtime routine tonight and see if it helps her settle.

Again, I appreciate all advice given on my situation.

Did she go back down easier after the feeds?

Hopefully the various comments in between will be removed & your thread will remain

Yes she did go back down after her feeds, it's just the first settle that is taking ages, will try without the bath and a longer time relaxing with books and calming music to see if I can relax her a bit more first :)

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