Controlled crying help

We tried the pick up put down, but that just made him worse. It was a long hard week, but they won't remember it, and in all honesty, I had such a good little boy as he was getting more undisturbed sleep at night! We had a great little routine going once he slept properly at night!
I don't think Sophie would respond to that either, she doesn't seem to have a sleepy mode, it's either asleep or awake, so being picked up so much would just make her wide awake!!
We did this just last week with Felix, he was waking every 2 hours wanting a bottle so we decided enough was enough, he woke at 11 expecting a bottle so we just gave him a bit of water.
He cried for just over an hour, I just sat beside him stroking his tummy so he knew someone was there and shushed him and when he did go back to sleep he slept until 4! Which for Felix is pretty unheard of, we gave him a bottle then and he slept again until 7 so I think it's definitely worth it.
A lot of people are going to have their opinions but I just think we can't spend our lives tiptoeing around avoiding anything that is going to be unpleasant for the baby, if it's in their best interest in the long run I do not see how it's going to 'damage' them long term.
What's more damaging is parents who are exhausted and stressed from lack of sleep! xo
Thanks :) she slept from 8pm til 10pm after 50 mins of crying, I then fed her at 10 and she didn't wake up until 7.30!! Most sleep I've had in 6 months and I'm sure it did her good too!
Its not in a babies best interest to be left to cry tho is it? Its purely for the parents benefit, and the only reason it "works" is that the baby has given up hope that their needs will be met. We seem to measure "good" and "bad" babies by some arbitrary timeframe that they should be sleeping 12 hours, but some babies just dont do that. In fact, it is biologically normal and essential for growth and development for babies to wake.
I once watched a bbc documentary on YouTube I'll see if I can find the link for you. Of 3 different types of parenting. And to be quite honest I took bits out each type and have used them. I'm glad she slept well. Last night lily managed 7.30pm til 9am this morning I don't expect that every night but she didn't stir once and woke this morning babbling to herself so I wouldn't say she's upset by it. People will always have opinions no matter what you do so that's why I I go with my gut these days. My son was the same as your lo though we co slept for months and he took a lot longer than lily. I cannot function on no sleep especially having a 4 year old too xxx
Its not in a babies best interest to be left to cry tho is it? Its purely for the parents benefit, and the only reason it "works" is that the baby has given up hope that their needs will be met. We seem to measure "good" and "bad" babies by some arbitrary timeframe that they should be sleeping 12 hours, but some babies just dont do that. In fact, it is biologically normal and essential for growth and development for babies to wake.

If Sophie needs feeding I will happily feed her. This is not a desperate attempt for her to sleep through, co sleeping was no longer working and damaging my hips. Sophie was also sucking most of the night which is not good for either of us as she would wake a lot. I have spoken to a health visitor today who agrees with what I am doing. If Sophie NEEDS me she knows I will be there. She's crying because she WANTS me and that's a big difference.
Its not in a babies best interest to be left to cry tho is it? Its purely for the parents benefit, and the only reason it "works" is that the baby has given up hope that their needs will be met. We seem to measure "good" and "bad" babies by some arbitrary timeframe that they should be sleeping 12 hours, but some babies just dont do that. In fact, it is biologically normal and essential for growth and development for babies to wake.

When the baby has given up hope? Are you for real! If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all! Just because someones parenting differs to yours, doesn't mean you're right and they are wrong! As far as I'm concerned what works for one, doesn't work for another, but I would never say such things as you unless I was trying to make someone feel shit for the way they are looking after their children. Absolutely no need for it!
How did you get on tonight Karen?

Well last night was great but tonight is not off to a good start... She seems to be crying more but won't go on boob which I normally do to calm her down when she's really upset! Hoping she'll settle soon as close to caving in... But then the last four nights were a waste!
It's always the same people on here butting in where they are not wanted!!
My LO is only 18 week and we sort of did controlled crying but we didn't wait as long as 10mins, only because we didn't need to really, he sleeps so well and when he wakes in the night he talks to himself for a bit and goes off back to sleep, we don't even need to go in anymore, he doesn't have a dummy or a comforter he just goes back to sleep all by himself! he's the happiest baby ever and so content so CC clearly doesn't really effect babies in a bad way. everyone can believe what they want to believe! if you don't believe in it then that's your opinion, keep off posts that don't concern you! xxx
The video is called bringing up baby on YouTube. It's very interesting to see the different parenting styles like I say I've took bits out of each style on this program. Xxx
The video is called bringing up baby on YouTube. It's very interesting to see the different parenting styles like I say I've took bits out of each style on this program. Xxx

I'll have a look tomorrow, thanks xx
It's always the same people on here butting in where they are not wanted!!

Lol yes!!!!

Karen wasn't asking for anyone's opinion on cc. She was asking advice on how to implement a settling technique successfully. She even stated in her original post that if you didn't agree with the method then don't read on!

Karen am really glad to hear you got a good night. I hope Sophie has settled for the night.
Thanks Colette!! There is no right or wrong when it comes to babies, if only there was an instruction manual hey!! Some people can't resist throwing their opinions in and are so narrow minded in their view!!
It's not just the op tho who reads the thread? Someone may be reading this who is undecided about controlled crying. Which is why its important to mention the research against it, so people can make informed decisions. Its always the same people on here having a go at what people post as if they're the forum police!
There's research for and against every decision! How much research is there saying breast milk is best for babies, but most formula feed?? And I would never ever judge or put down those who do because every baby and situation is different and there and pros and cons to every decision!! We should respect the decisions mothers make for their own children.
It's not just the op tho who reads the thread? Someone may be reading this who is undecided about controlled crying. Which is why its important to mention the research against it, so people can make informed decisions. Its always the same people on here having a go at what people post as if they're the forum police!

I don't think that's fair, the post was from Karen wanting support for CC and the people who are posting negatives aren't helping Karen, and I know if it was me, I would feel those people are being unhelpful and trying to make me feel like rubbish. If you can be of no help to Karen then there's no need to comment just move on. And I'm sure in this topic, if someone was looking to make an informed decision they could find plenty of views against it in the Internet,

Karen your right btw, the hell id get from people if I said commented on how someone isn't giving their child the best nutrition by formula feeding (not that I would) but someone can bash away at me for using CC, it one rule for one....

How was last night?

We had a tiny regression last night, I went out with friends for the I think the third time since my Lo was born and while oh said she was fine all evening once it got to bed time she got really upset but thankfully he said she did drop off after a few minutes of crying
Apologises if you've already answered this, I've only skimmed some of the older posts...

How often are you feeding in the night? When I did a version of this I also reduced feeding. Before the anti cc police come along and berate me this was on the advice of HV, ds was 7.5mths, on 3 meals a day and still feeding at 12,2,4 and 6 at night. I started off that I would use the shhh pat method if he woke before 4 hrs first night, 4.5 second etc. This worked really well.

It's so true that it's one rule for one, one for another. You can usually find a study to back up most things when it comes to babies good or bad.
She's naturally reduced feeds herself as sheets pretty much on meal night before! She fella sleep before 9, then woke at 11.30 for a feed then went down fine until 8am! I did hear her cry briefly at 6.30 but she'd stopped before I even had chance to get up. When she does settle she's fine all night, just taking ages still for that first settle! Night five and still 1 hour 50! I went in and fed her a couple of times in that time but she just didn't want it!

I really appreciate people's advice on here, thank you xx

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