Controlled crying help

Baby 2 sky you just can't help yourself can you... The forum police say buggar off this thread, no one is interested in your research against CC its not what the op asked for :)
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Seems you just can't help being rude when people have a different view to yours. Now I will let you have the last word seen as you love to stalk my posts on here. Bye.
In my first post I made it clear I am aware of opposing opinions and they were not needed as my decision was made, I just wanted advice.
I hardly come on here so I don't stalk your posts lol, I have much more important things to do with my time....But the few times I do come on I see you and a select few others butting in on posts where the OP's have specifically asked for people with opposing views not to comment!
History repeating itself baby2sky zzzzzz! If you don't like people disagreeing then they are stalking you lol. Karen specifically asked for no opposing opinions and I'm sure anyone wanting to know the pros AND cons could start their own thread.

CC is well researched and great when done in the right way. I have a very loving and connected relationship with my dd even after doing this - shock horror! Karen unfortunately I can't remember the ins and outs of how long it took to settle her but keep persevering and you will get there. Us mums need our sleep to be able to recharge and be the best we can be!
This is a serious post, with me asking for advice, please take your silly comments elsewhere baby2sky. I don't want people with actual advice to be put off by these sort of comments. Thanks
For god sakes... How did an advice thread go to this?

I suppose its fair to say the OP didnt want opposing opinions but didnt say she had read through research and people do feel a bit strongly. Quite a few CC threads turn sour.

For what its worth, I thankfully havent had to use this method but when I first read about it on here I thought it was a exercise that worked for some but on reading the research a PF addict had posted I was decided. But I understand for some its a choice and who are we to question anyone elses parenting choices? It has no direct affect on anyone moaning about it. My understanding of it is ypu leave a child cry until their exhausted then pop in n out. If it works IMO its because your baby then knows that each night will be the same. I myself dont like to cry myself to sleep and Im an adult. So I wouldnt do it. But each to their own, like I say someone elses parenting skills or opinions dont affect my life or choices? So likewise no one should be bothered by mine because it is JUST an opinion.

But, I myself have perhaps seen as butting in with an opposing view and been on the other side, when actually its a forum. Where everyone is entitled to an opinion. Many people have disagreed with my parenting skills but who cares? If you strongly dont want someone disagreein with something then dont put it on if you cant ignore it and get wound up.

Everyone should just do their own. If we were all the same the world would be shit. And Im not sticking up for anyone, Ive had my comments with B2S but guess what, life goes on, its only PF :rofl:

Its Christmas, cheer up!! :lol:

Hi I have recently did CC/sleep training with my 20month old after he was waking to come in our bed, at first it was only from 6am but that got earlier and earlier til he didn't want to go in his own bed at all, it took about 5 nights and we still have the odd night where he shouts for me. What worked best for me was going in after 5 mins if he was continuously crying comfort him for a minute then back out.
After 5 nights of getting hardly no sleep we cracked it, and it went from going in for 5 mins to quickly going in tucking him in dummy in and teddy then back out again without me saying a word. Hope she settles soon for you
It seems someone is channelling Katie Hopkins with their unwanted opinions. Just ignore them in the hope they'll go away, comments directly to them encourage them.

As far as cc goes, I did my own version of 5mins crying & quickly nipping in to lay him down & back out. It soon worked. I'm guessing the bf is the reason it's taking so long coz she's obviously sucking for comfort...have you tried a dummy? I know there's a lot of negativity around those too but if you limit use to sleep times only you'll be fine. My lb had a dummy for comfort & gave it up at 14 months by himself surprisingly when he was ill!
Katie Hopkins? :rofl:

Was this because I shared that I didnt do it? I also shared that I couldnt care if anyone else did? Its not my child.

Bit of an extremist here I think... Mind you, I shouldve posted I dont want any negative replies to my post. Oh thats right, your entitled to your opinion. A first on this forum of 3 years and a funny one. Thank you :lol:

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More important than dumbass comments! How are you getting on tonight Karen? Better I hope!
Katie Hopkins? :rofl:

Was this because I shared that I didnt do it? I also shared that I couldnt care if anyone else did? Its not my child.

Bit of an extremist here I think... Mind you, I shouldve posted I dont want any negative replies to my post. Oh thats right, your entitled to your opinion. A first on this forum of 3 years and a funny one. Thank you :lol:


No. I wasn't referencing you :)
Well in that case accept my apologies. I thought the word their you meant my post and B2S.

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It's a shame that someone has come on here genuinely seeking advice to have the thread derailed by unnecessary negative comments.

Cc isnt for everyone, but everybody is different, every situation is different and more importantly every baby is different.

Karen has obviously tried other methods that have not worked and I doubt she (or anyone else) has entered into it lightly.

We are all parents trying to do our best, can we not just support eachother even when others parenting choices are different to our own?

Best of luck Karen x
We did gradual retreat with our little girl! After a year of having to lie with her for 2-3 hours a night to get her to sleep we decided we had to do something! We did her bath and then straight into her room where the lights were dimmed and put her pjs on and had story time. After story time it was straight into bed with her bottle of milk, blanky (her comforter) and her dummy. First night she cried a little so I sat next to her cot j till she fell asleep, second night I sat a bit further away. After 4 nights she was lying in bed giggling at me being in her room so I started just popping in and out to reassure her that I was still around. After maybe a week to a week and a half she was settling herself! We never thought it possible! We will do the same with our newborn when she's old enough if we have too aswell!

Go with your gut instinct, you know when she's crying and needs you and when she's crying and really doesn't need you she's just angry because she wants her way! Hopefully tonight is better for you! X
Thanks for advice. She did cry for a fair bit tonight again :( but then she just woke for a feed and went down without a peep, so she's happy in there during the night, it's just that first settle so thinking of looking at my bedtime routine... She hates getting dressed so maybe having bath is perhaps not great for our routine? Maybe I need to find something that relaxes her more?

I tried staying with her previously but it makes her worse as she just doesn't understand why I don't pick her up! Tried lots of other things, this is last resort. I know a few people who have had great results so hope it works for us, may just be taking longer as we're going from co sleeping for six months.
Maybe try some calming lighting like lava lamps or something. They always make me feel sleepy!

It is such hard work but definitely worth it! Stick with it and you'll get there x
Thanks, yeah I think she'd like lighting like that, we go to a sensory group and she likes that sort of thing. Feels like, without a bath, the bedtime routine won't last long at all, but if the bath doesn't help then there's no point doing it. Will have a think. For now... She's asleep, fingers crossed!! X

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