Controlled crying worked for us!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2005
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I know there has been a lot of discussion on here and a lot of people don't agree with controlled crying but i just wanted to say it has worked wonders for us. Aimee has been waking up every hour all through the night since she was 6 months old and i have been exhasted. Finally decided to give the controlled crying a go after nothing else worked. She is now sleeping through the night after only 1 night of crying. I had braced myself for about a week of crying but infact the longest she cryed for was 1 hour and that was the first time she woke on the first night. I'm so relieved to be finally getting some sleep especially when the baby is due soon.
I have to say Kellie i have also done controlled crying and it also worked for me. TBH I don't know what else you can do when you know baby is not hungry, thirsty or sick.
i do this with hope, i put her in her moses basket in a quiet place and it works every time:)
Thanks Kellie, you've given me hope

Alex goes down fine at bedtime but from 11pm it's every hour. I usually cave in at 2am and put him in with me. The kids are on holiday from next monday so I'm going to try leaving him :( Crying worked when my others wouldn't settle at the start of the night, but I didn't know whether it would help when it's every hour later on. If he sleeps through before his birthday, I'll love you FOREVER :pray:
its where u leave the child to cry and keep going in after 1 min, 2min,3min etc until they go to sleep, i have to stay it worked a treat for me 3 hard nights but we did it :cheer:

what age can u use controlled crying from???
Oh iv done that with Alfie! I did it to get him into a bed time routine, for the first two weeks id put him down at the same time every night but he would cry and cry for about 20 mins, now hes straight down no messing and sleeps all the way through, i did it from when he was about 4 weeks old and he went into his own room. I knew he was fed, clean, dry and winded so i just kept going and checking him, hes been gr8 at bedtime ever since.
I think it may have worked - I decided to try it last night, but I didn't do controlled crying as such, I just left him to cry (he's almost one). He woke at 11 as usual and rather than going in straight away, I was going to leave him for 15 minutes - he went back off after 10 minutes and I've not heard peep since.

Note, I'm writing this at 5.45am though- I can't sleep, but having a solid 5 hours between midnight and 5am has done wonders for me.

I LOVE YOU KELLIE - hope it works again tonight
Hope it keeps working for you Tracy! Are you finding you can't sleep too then. I'm just not used to sleeping more than 1 hour at a time and i keep waking up and can't get back off. :wall: They recommend you can start controlled cying from 6 months after you now they are not waking for a feed which Aimee wasn't cos shes 12 months now. I just wish i'd tried it earlier.
He eventually woke up at 6.30am :dance: Even better than a good nights sleep though - he's in a good mood today!!!

I think I was half awake all night waiting for him to wake - I felt so good when I got up. I'm feeling shattered now though :sleep:
We did it with Elliott too when he was about 9 months because after a nasty month of him teething with four teeth he was used to me going in 8 or 9 times a night to settle him. Once we knew that he had stopped teething we gave it a go and after three nights bingo! He has just been ill with a tummy bug and now a cold but he has stayed sleeping through even when I was sleeping in the same room with him again in order to change his nappy in the night during the tummy bug- he would wake partly then go straight back again and although I was worried about what would happen when I moved out again he was fine. I know that there is research saying it's not a good idea early on because they are probably crying for a reason but 6 months + I think you know when they're ill or hungry and when they're just in the habit of you going in and saying "there there go back to sleep" when they wake in the normal cycle of sleep. I felt v guilty about doing it the first time but I was in such a state myself at the time through lack of sleep that I wasn't a happy, fun mum during the day which isn't good for them either. I noticed no difference to the way he reacted to me afterwards and in fact I think it made him happier as he was sleeping so much better.


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