Hi Karen, I've done cc with both my girls now and I've found if I start when they are in one of those Wonder Week 'leaps' then they can cry for ages. Do you know if your lo is in one? Otherwise I found that the first 2-3 weeks were when they either went to sleep quickly or put up a fight, once I got through those, they were pretty good at going down and sleeping either all night or most of it.
I think it was you I was discussing the pick up/ put down method with my youngest? I did that at 7 months because like you we were co-sleeping and it just wasn't working anymore as she woke every 45 mins. If that hadn't worked I would've gone to cc then too.
Both girls certainly let it be known if they need or want me still though so the theory which says that they just shut down because they're ignored doesn't apply to us....unfortunately... kidding of course
I did do loads of research on cc as I'd also read about the negative side of it that Baby2sky has mentioned, it's all very interesting but I don't really rate the sample study used in many of the research papers and just couldn't see how it applied to well taken care of and loved babies. I am happy I looked into the flip side of cc as it's made me more confident in my decision to do it and I now don't get upset when anyone tells me I'm 'cruel' or anything so I wouldn't be so hard on baby2sky for questioning it.x
I think it was you I was discussing the pick up/ put down method with my youngest? I did that at 7 months because like you we were co-sleeping and it just wasn't working anymore as she woke every 45 mins. If that hadn't worked I would've gone to cc then too.
Both girls certainly let it be known if they need or want me still though so the theory which says that they just shut down because they're ignored doesn't apply to us....unfortunately... kidding of course

I did do loads of research on cc as I'd also read about the negative side of it that Baby2sky has mentioned, it's all very interesting but I don't really rate the sample study used in many of the research papers and just couldn't see how it applied to well taken care of and loved babies. I am happy I looked into the flip side of cc as it's made me more confident in my decision to do it and I now don't get upset when anyone tells me I'm 'cruel' or anything so I wouldn't be so hard on baby2sky for questioning it.x