Hi Karen thought I'd give you my experience given I won't be lynched for it, we found it quite a struggle getting him asleep from around.. 6/7 months on. I was extremely reluctant to do any sort of CC, but just before he hit 1, we were running out of methods to get him asleep, as we tried everything, patting, singing, lying with him, rocking, feeding to sleep etc would work for a few weeks and suddenly, he wouldn't settle doing it and would just cry as soon as we moved him to the cot if he would wake. sometimes it could take upto 3 hours to get him asleep.
I decided his lack of sleep (give or take sleep regressions) and mine, was nearly at my breaking point and I'd just cry every night, and he was tired most days, limiting his naps was getting more difficult, and he was quite late for crawling etc, so alot of the time wearing him out was difficult. we decided to ease into "self soothing" rather than CC, so we got him a slumber buddy toy which is just a little projector and music, and continued his routine of bath, massage, bottle, dummy and then cot with slumber buddy. the first few nights he did a 'moaning' sort of cry more than a bawling, I'm sure you know the difference between your daughter's whingey type cry and a proper hunger cry! and I would go in and put his dummy back in, maybe pat his back, but I refused to pick him up. We found he was watching the projector and music. Forgot to mention, by the time he could roll he would sleep on his stomach/side, at first we would move him to his back as we were concerned about the risk of SIDS, but he would roll on his front anyway.
My point in that rambling was, sometimes he still has bad nights and I have to walk up and down the hall with all 25 lbs of him, but his initial protests etc, has not affected his bond with either me, or his father. He's a very well-balanced 14 month old, (aside from his actual walking balance lol) and I wish we had instilled the set routine of bath, massage, feed, bed WITH use of the slumber buddy/projector earlier. He now settles without crying at all, and is usually asleep within 5 mins. We usually only go in to remove dummy and place a warm blanket over him once hes fast asleep. I wish we'd have tried the whole routine with a projector whilst he was abit younger, it wouldve saved us a massive deal of tears and tantrums!