Chartstalkers - February 2009

sorry bout bfn donna- but temperature looks soooo good- hoping this is it for u!

waterlillie- oh what a bummer!!! let me know how u can get on with them so i can change when i run out if necessary!! do urs not have anything printed on the wrapping? maybe they are all different? why is it sooooo complicated! and if these aren't sensitive y do i keep getting faint lines!!!
I was just going to do a poll on whether you think i have ov'd yet or not and get people to bet on when you think i will finally get my af! But then i needed to the loo and sorry for TMI but my liner has like a pink/creamy discharge on it? Quite a bit of it with a strong odour which i've never had or smelt?

Is this something to do with af, oving or an infection or something?

How can i create a poll for a bit of fun? - I suppose i'll have to start a fresh topic to be able to start a poll??
Helloooo lovelies!

Rose, I agree hon, I don't think you oved either, but maybe af is on her way with your spotting and you'll get to start fresh?

LouF... :think:'s looking more like af is on her way for you, unfortunately, but I hope I'm wrong about that! :hug: What time did you take that temp this morning?

30mIU are standard sensitivity; I've been using 25mIU and getting almost positives on days that I shouldn't be at ALL, and when I was using the 30mIU ones I was getting lines every day - not particularly faint ones, but not too dark. I'm switching to the 40mIU.

Pudsie - great pic! And :rotfl: I don't need to lose weight? Aww, :hug: I do, tho, I'm afraid. I'm trying to lose all the weight I've gained since moving to the UK five years ago, all 40 pounds of it! I'm currently weighing in at 167lbs. It's a real problem for pcos to be overweight, too, and I have a family history of diabetes, so I'm wanting to make sure that I don't get any of that crap! I carry it ok and I'm built like my dad (i.e. a brick shithouse) so I look smaller than I weigh, if that makes sense, but I am definitely going to be happier when I'm no longer a size 14.

I guess we just need all those ladies at the top of the list to go on and get their bfps so we can move up! :lol: *gives them all a playful kick in the behind* c'mon, girls! :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sarafet, hope you're feeling better soon, hon! :hug:

Still need to have a proper stalk - shall return later! :wave:
puds said:
holly- charts looking good- fingers crossed. try not to stress too much about every temp though (easier said than done!!) is shaunie temping again?

she has decided not to for the time being but has put her account on hold just incase :)

Donna's here said:
Holly, 7dpo and temps looking good hun :pray:

thanks-you lovely :)

they may look good but i'm not convinced i have a chance this month; at all.

we last BD on CD18 and then i Ov on CD21, but shaunie has informed me that because of it i could have a chance and it'd probably be a girl. i knew nothing of this :lol: but we learn something new each day don't we! lol

i've got no symptoms at all either yet, last month i felt like death and it amounted to nothing though :lol:

and don't get put down by your BFN; your chart is still looking really good :)

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: for everyone else; don't have time for a proper stalk but hopefully i'll be able to grab 5minutes later.
Afternoon everyone,

I had to work this morning but home now!!! You lot have been busy bee's, had to get my pen and paper out to take notes!!!

Thankyou to all of you for asking how I am, well took temp at 6am instead of 7am as jad to be up early with the snow etc, spotting still going on, it's not heavy only when I wipe and is pinky / brown, no cramps as if it were af so not to sure really.
Boobs still sore and felt bit sicky this morning!!! Just have to wait, felt bit pee'd off this morning as feel like my body is letting me down a bit. Feel better know if I'm preg fab, if not let's let the fertility drs help get me preg!!!!

Cori - Poss dip before ov?

Donna - Sorry you got - test hun :hug: But your temps look fab fingers crossed x x x

Lily - Everything crossed for you chick hope that temp keeps going up :pray:

Puds - Wow your a foxy chick in your photy!! Haven't got a clue about your chart sorry hun x x Slapped wrist for testing, no I could do with a brain transplant!!! :rotfl:

Mel - Hope your feeling better today hun, haven't got a clue on your chart either sorry x x :hug:

Waterlilie - Not to sure on your chart hun but hi x x x x

Holly - Ooooo temps look good I think, keep them up :pray: :pray:

Cyprus, BabyB, AJ, Wanting1, Rose, LouC, and Puddin - not sure on your charts but hi and hugs to all of you x x x :hug: :hug: :hug:

Last but not least Sarafet - hope your feeling better, get the OH to give you lots of lemsip and cuddles x x :hug:

Right of too walk the dog then, food shopping oh joy!! Not! Will be back on later to catch up :wave: x x
I have a QUESTION... (yes, that's right :lol: )

When y'all have cm that is clear, stretchy and slippery but there isn't much of it at all, do you put EWCM or something else down on your charts? My cm is so annoying - it never seems to fit into any of the categories. It seems to be either white and slightly stretchy, which makes no sense, or there's nothing, or it's this slippery film that I wouldn't quite call EWCM (I've had EWCM before and this just isn't it) but it is still clear and stretchy. I can't really call it 'wet' either b/c it's not watery. :roll: Stupid body - maybe I'm an alien!!! That would explain SOOOOOOOO much. :shhh:
Hey Alien!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Only joking Mel, I feel like you too on the cm front, I keep looking in the bible ( Toni book ) for help and inspiration on it and I haven't got a clue!!! :?

I just put down what I feel best describes it. Also mine changes throughout the day so are you meant to put down am, pm, or all blooming day em !!! TTC it's such effing hard work and distress if only people knew the things we do poking around our bits, temping, drinking and eating the right thing the list goes on!!! Ooooo nearly a rant :lol:

Maybe we can be aliens together :rotfl: :hug:
*stomps feet* Huffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff

Baby-Briggsy said:

if u find out let me know!! mines just soooo annoying!! prob have already told us a million times but i get so confused now we r such a big family here at chartstalkers- have u been on the pill/depo??
as for the similar temps i'll post what i posted for sarafet last week which i found on ff: If your temperatures seem to be around the same level all the time, the culprit is usually your thermometer. Even when you are taking your temperature at the same time, following all the guidelines, there is usually some fluctuation in temperatures. Your first step is to check your thermometer's battery or get a new thermometer. If your temperatures are still flat, and/or show no sign of a biphasic (ovulatory) pattern when you would expect them to, this is something to ask your doctor about if it happens for a few cycles.
also does ur thermometer do to 1 or 2 decimal places? where did u get it from?

mel: i keep getting stretchy, slippery,watery, thin, white cm. it stretches really far - deff not left overs as its been over a week! put it down as watery but it stretches!!! opk still neg though!! the mind boggles!! why does ff not have a slippery, watery, thin, white but mega stretchy cm option! :lol:

LouF said:
Also mine changes throughout the day so are you meant to put down am, pm, or all blooming day em !!!
sure i've read somewhere to put down ur most fertile cm uv seen all day- i.e. ewcm- watery- sticky- creamy.

lord help us- if mels asking questions something seriously odd is going on round here!!! :lol:

MEL :shock: Your asking questions :shock: :lol:

I class anything that stretches over an inch as ewcm. Mine too never follows the norm but I've got to understand it over the past few months.
Clear and stretchy over an inch ewcm.
Clear and snotty ewcm
Creamy but sticky, sticky
Clear but sticky, sticky
Clear, wet
Dry never get, always something down there :puke:

Now I also get this nasty clumpy white cm just before and after ov and I class it as creamy, but it's far from creamy, its bloody horrid and again I dont know what to class that as. Its more like cottage cheese :puke: even smells like it :shock: yes your never eat it again without thinking of me :lol: I dont :talkhand: :moon:
puds said:
LouF said:
Also mine changes throughout the day so are you meant to put down am, pm, or all blooming day em !!!
sure i've read somewhere to put down ur most fertile cm uv seen all day- i.e. ewcm- watery- sticky- creamy.

lord help us- if mels asking questions something seriously odd is going on round here!!! :lol:


Yep your right hun, you put the most fertile cm you have in that day. If your creamy in the morning then get ewcm or wet, you change it to that.
humm...still confused about the sensitivity of OPKs but it doesn't reallly matter, i'm stuck with the sme fertility ones now we'll see how it goes but i am going to discard all faint lines and only consider the real dark ones as positive. Went to get the superdrug ones but they're not buy one get one free anymore, bugger!

Mel, if you notice any amount of EWCM you have more of it up in your cervix and that's where it matters. If it's thin but still stretches well between 2 fingers then it's definitely EWCM.

Are you guys still drinking the grapefruit juice? i've kind of given up this cycle, had some during the first week and couldn't be bothered to go and get more. I'm taking EPO so hopefully it'll do the trick!

Donna, sorry for your BFN but it's definitely too early to test. You should have told us before testing Puds and i would have talked some sense into you :lol:
FX for a BFP in 3 days!

Sarafet, that's quite a high temperature. FX for a BFP!

Louf, my chart looks pretty simple at the moment, i'm on CD10 and waiting for ovulation. Take another look around day 17 but make sure you have some headache tablets ready before you do :lol:
Donna's here said:
Now I also get this nasty clumpy white cm just before and after ov and I class it as creamy, but it's far from creamy, its bloody horrid and again I dont know what to class that as. Its more like cottage cheese even smells like it yes your never eat it again without thinking of me I dont
Thats what mine was like but assumed it was thrush (mine was slightly itchy as well though- sorry tmi!!!) have treated it last few days using canasteen and its all cleared up now!! don't think u may have a mild case thats comes and goes do u?? thank god i don't eat cottage cheese!! :lol:
like u i'm never dry either!! :lol: good luck hun- can't wait for ur temp each day!!!

puds said:
Donna's here said:
Now I also get this nasty clumpy white cm just before and after ov and I class it as creamy, but it's far from creamy, its bloody horrid and again I dont know what to class that as. Its more like cottage cheese even smells like it yes your never eat it again without thinking of me I dont
Thats what mine was like but assumed it was thrush (mine was slightly itchy as well though- sorry tmi!!!) have treated it last few days using canasteen and its all cleared up now!! don't think u may have a mild case thats comes and goes do u?? thank god i don't eat cottage cheese!! :lol:
like u i'm never dry either!! :lol: good luck hun- can't wait for ur temp each day!!!

:lol: :lol: I treated mine for thrush the 1st month I was checking because I thought it was but I've got it 3 months in a row so I know it's my body. But I wouldn't really know about it if I wasn't checking up there, I would only have a little come out and wouldn't of known any better, but after examining my cervix, my fingers seemed coated in the nasty stuff.
puds said:
Baby-Briggsy said:

if u find out let me know!! mines just soooo annoying!! prob have already told us a million times but i get so confused now we r such a big family here at chartstalkers- have u been on the pill/depo??
as for the similar temps i'll post what i posted for sarafet last week which i found on ff: If your temperatures seem to be around the same level all the time, the culprit is usually your thermometer. Even when you are taking your temperature at the same time, following all the guidelines, there is usually some fluctuation in temperatures. Your first step is to check your thermometer's battery or get a new thermometer. If your temperatures are still flat, and/or show no sign of a biphasic (ovulatory) pattern when you would expect them to, this is something to ask your doctor about if it happens for a few cycles.
also does ur thermometer do to 1 or 2 decimal places? where did u get it from?

mel: i keep getting stretchy, slippery,watery, thin, white cm. it stretches really far - deff not left overs as its been over a week! put it down as watery but it stretches!!! opk still neg though!! the mind boggles!! why does ff not have a slippery, watery, thin, white but mega stretchy cm option! :lol:

LouF said:
Also mine changes throughout the day so are you meant to put down am, pm, or all blooming day em !!!
sure i've read somewhere to put down ur most fertile cm uv seen all day- i.e. ewcm- watery- sticky- creamy.

lord help us- if mels asking questions something seriously odd is going on round here!!! :lol:


Yeah i was on the depo, it wore off on Dec 22nd.

Therm only 1 dec i think. It gives me dif temps through the day but say temp most mornings when doing my bbt!

-I'm getting quite bad pains in my lower left side, i'm currently under going investigation into kidney problems and have been getting very bad pains in same area before (with extreme sickness and infections glore) but this pain is not as bad and is only happening in sharp bursts..i don't know if its kidney related or something else?- -I don't want to have to go back to hospital for yet most tests, so hoping the pain don't get worse today!-
waterlilie said:
Donna, sorry for your BFN but it's definitely too early to test. You should have told us before testing Puds and i would have talked some sense into you :lol:
FX for a BFP in 3 days!
I promise I wont test for another 3 days :fib: and you and Puds can encourage me to be a good girl :lol: :angel:
Baby-Briggsy, if the pain doesn't go away babe then you must get it checked. Have you had your kidney results yet? I remember your post about going for a scan, did they give you any news hun?
ff has given me 5 free days vip membership-has everyone else got this or is it feeling sorry for me!!! :lol: is there anything i should use on it whilst i have the vip?? thought i would use the 'find chart like yours' and it says i need to be a vip member- make up ur mind ff!!!!! :x
waterlilie said:
Mel, if you notice any amount of EWCM you have more of it up in your cervix and that's where it matters. If it's thin but still stretches well between 2 fingers then it's definitely EWCM.

Are you guys still drinking the grapefruit juice? i've kind of given up this cycle, had some during the first week and couldn't be bothered to go and get more. I'm taking EPO so hopefully it'll do the trick!

Hi hon; thanks. :hug: I already have to check my cm at my cervix b/c I just don't have enough of it down at the opening, so that's why I'm confused about what I should label it. I guess I'll start putting it in as EWCM, then - I"ll have more of it than you've ever seen now! :lol:

Still drinking the juice, twice a day when I take my nutrients. I always get the 3 for 4 quid when I go grocery shopping. I'm hoping when I finally DO ovulate that all that back-log of grapefruit juice will mean loads of lovely cm... :puke:
still a bit of spotting (like creamy cm in pants but browny :puke: :puke: )
:doh: didn't notice the cross had gone dotted!!

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