Chartstalkers - February 2009

hello ladies...

well AFF arrived the is morning! Gutted!!

i do think i am going to give the charting a rest for a month or 2. ive only got 14 days left with FF, and dont want to buy another month.

i just need time to chill. If things dont happen i will go back to charting.. so you havnt lost me forever.

thanks girls for all your support.. i know where you are!! :hug:
Rose big big hugs to you :hug: :hug:

lilly i am sorry af got you :hug: :hug:

fx for you holly :hug: :hug:
My temperature has gone up again, if I didn't know any better I would say these are post ovulation temps...When using FF Chart Gallery 'Find Charts like yours' it shows percentages: anovulatory 4%, misc 3%, ovulatory 58%, pregnancy 34%. How can this be when I have not ovulated? Needless to say I am still very confused...
roseanimal....sorry you are feeling down :hug: :hug:

holly...really hope the cm is a good sign for you :pray: :hug:

lilly...Sorry the witch got you :hug: :hug:

Sarafet and Baby-Briggsy...Glad you are feeling better :) :hug: :hug:

wanting 1....agree that the temps look post ov :) but I am also confused by it all still :) :hug: :hug:

The stupid thermometer fell down the side of the bed and I could not find it to do temp this morning :oops: :wall:
Hi girls, Sorry but got to have a selfish moan and need some advice if any body can make any sense of whats happening to me.

I don't know what is going on with my body this cycle at all. Still spotting and temp has dropped low, but no af or full flow? Iv'e never spotted for this long before nomally only a day or two. Boobs are still sore.

Just don't know what to think and feeling pretty crap about it all really, I really hoped we would have success this time but no, so we have to now go the fertility and let them sort us out I really didn't want to and thought we would have a baby on our own.

Sorry guys all I seem to do is moan on here but don't want to burden my hubby or mum as they have enough stress on there plates and I'm normally a very strong and chirpy person but after two years I'm getting to the end of my tether with it all and what if we can't have kids I don't know if I could handle it.

Sorry again for venting, should have put this on the rant thread!!
LouF said:
Hi girls, Sorry but got to have a selfish moan and need some advice if any body can make any sense of whats happening to me.

I don't know what is going on with my body this cycle at all. Still spotting and temp has dropped low, but no af or full flow? Iv'e never spotted for this long before nomally only a day or two. Boobs are still sore.

Just don't know what to think and feeling pretty crap about it all really, I really hoped we would have success this time but no, so we have to now go the fertility and let them sort us out I really didn't want to and thought we would have a baby on our own.

Sorry guys all I seem to do is moan on here but don't want to burden my hubby or mum as they have enough stress on there plates and I'm normally a very strong and chirpy person but after two years I'm getting to the end of my tether with it all and what if we can't have kids I don't know if I could handle it.

Sorry again for venting, should have put this on the rant thread!!

Awwww hunny i'm not good with advice as new to it all, will let the others advise you but i want to give you lots of :hug: and wish you all the best!! xxxxxxx
Wanting1 said:
My temperature has gone up again, if I didn't know any better I would say these are post ovulation temps...When using FF Chart Gallery 'Find Charts like yours' it shows percentages: anovulatory 4%, misc 3%, ovulatory 58%, pregnancy 34%. How can this be when I have not ovulated? Needless to say I am still very confused...

Those are just the stock percentages for all charts in the gallery. If they don't have a narrow enough search criteria it just gives you that - helpful, isn't it? :lol:

Sorry I haven't been around much today - just wanted to give Lilly these: :hug: :hug: and Lou these: :hug: :hug: , and all in 2ww these: :pray: :pray: . I've been feeling incredibly tired the past few nights, so I'm off to get these: :sleep:

See you all tomoz!
my temp went up again this morning, but i don't know if it's bc i'm still unwell, but i don't seem to have a fever anymore..?
LouF said:
Sorry guys all I seem to do is moan on here but don't want to burden my hubby or mum as they have enough stress on there plates and I'm normally a very strong and chirpy person but after two years I'm getting to the end of my tether with it all and what if we can't have kids I don't know if I could handle it.

Sorry again for venting, should have put this on the rant thread!!

Feel free to vent! I'm sorry you are feeling so frustrated. :hug: :hug:
Good morning Ladies :wave:

How we all doing??

Cyprus, after what happened last month hun, things might take a little while to settle, so try not to worry. Its normal for your cycles to be a little longer as it's all been thrown out :hug:

Rose, its really hard to tell whats going on by your temps babe as theres not so many of them, am now hoping that af will arrive for you so you can get rid of that cycle :hug:

Lilly, oh mate, you cant stop now :( Were miss you terribly. You can turn FF off for a while and temp under the free one and then turn FF back on when you think your oving! Just an idea. I know I'm not pg again this month so I just want af to hurry up. I've decided next month that I'm not to go along with FF as much as I do and try bding every other day, maybe everyday when 'I' think I'm about to ov and use FF to help balance it out. I find FF is good but I've got fanatical about it and get upset when it doesn't say I've ov'd or my lines are moved and I find I take too much notice of it. I so badly want to be pg, like us all, but falling in Feb would be so ideal, we have no birthdays in Nov and it would be just lovely to give birth a month before christmas so we have decided to go wth everything in Feb, please stay even if not charting properly and give it ago with me, please xxx

Wanting1, I find your temps very strange hun. They are so up and down it's hard to make head or tail of them. Are your cycles rougthly the same length? Have you been using the opk's same time daily and had any near positives? Am wondering if you have ov'd and it's just not picking it up because the erratic temps :?

Lou, vent away, were all here for each other and we all know how your feeling :hug: I'm sorry to say though that from your temps the chances of you being pg are very slim. But if your period hasn't arrived by 14dpo I would do another test because you never know! :hug:

Mel, good temp dips, could you possibly getting ready to ov????? :pray: :pray: :pray:

Sarafet, wow massive rises. Have to see what happens the next couple fo days to get an idea of whats going on.

Cori, +opk already, wow girl, your body doesn't hang about does it lol. Get bding babe, fingers crossed for you mate, Mel said about kicking the top of the list into tri 1 so consider yourself KICKED :lol: :pray:

Puds, TEMP rise, EWCM, now get a +opk, come on, you can do it :pray:

Holly, cant comment as you haven't popped your temp in for today, but still :pray:

Hi everyone else, hope your all ok :wave:
Hi Ladies, still not sure what is going on!!! Thanks for all your nice messages, you are all great on here x x

Have hardly any spotting now and have been for a long walk with the dog ( in the snow!!) so if there was any cm, af or general stuff up there the exercise what have got things moving!! My boobs are still sore and temp went up this morning a bit and ff has moved ov day to the day we bd. The reason for my times being diff is i have had to get up an hour earlier this week with the weather as it is.

Donna, I read what you said hun do you or does anyone else think there really may be a chance of me being preg or am I clutching at straws???

Any advice greatly recieved x x

Have not been stalking properly, just feel a bit miffed and selfish!! Sorry x x

May have to build another snowlady to cheer my self up a bit!!
Lou, there is ALWAYS a chance. FF is great in the way you can watch whats going on but it does suggest things are happening but it's not always right. Looking again at your chart, the dip looks massive but then your taking your temps in Fahrenheit and not Celsius so the dips look bigger than what they really are, I hadn't noticed that before. You can have implantation dip that can occur from day 5 to 11, normally from day 7 to 11 and your dip starts at day 9, so if your temp rises again tomorrow then yes theres hope, there always is! Sorry if I sounded like thats your lot, I didn't mean to and again, I hadn't noticed the Fahrenheit. When you testing again?
Donna's here said:
Lou, there is ALWAYS a chance. FF is great in the way you can watch whats going on but it does suggest things are happening but it's not always right. Looking again at your chart, the dip looks massive but then your taking your temps in Fahrenheit and not Celsius so the dips look bigger than what they really are, I hadn't noticed that before. You can have implantation dip that can occur from day 5 to 11, normally from day 7 to 11 and your dip starts at day 9, so if your temp rises again tomorrow then yes theres hope, there always is! Sorry if I sounded like thats your lot, I didn't mean to and again, I hadn't noticed the Fahrenheit. When you testing again?

Hun you didn't sound like thats my lot :hug: , if anything a bit of hope!!!

Haven't thought about testing as I did think with the dip that there wasn't much point.

I think maybe the weekend might be best to test, see what happens with regards spotting and temps. Have got six test in the drawer though 4 digi and 4 normal all clear blue !!!!!!! When do you reckon 14dpo like you said?
14dpo is the best time really Lou, it's when AF is due and if no show then test. I tested at day 10 and have sat on my hands ever since which is good for me but I'm fed up with throwing money away, so am learning slowly (shut up Puds) to kerb my poas habbit. So yes, be a good girl :angel: like me :fib: and wait till 14dpo. (or if your temp rises, test tomorrow :shock: :lol: )
What ever way, good luck mate :pray: :hug:
havent a clue whats going on with my chart maybe i just dont understand fertility friend. whats the diff between the vip one n normal free one?
Hello everyone!

How are we all?

Louf: I believe there is always a chance so keep those fingers crossed!#

Donna: You didn't say how you are my dear, how are you today?

Sarafet: Glad your fever has gone, do you feel better now or still a little unwell? Not sure about your temps as i'm so new to it all but my fingers are crossed for you!

I'm OKish, still no af so i'm still confused and no sure whats going on.

I'm still get sicky feeling in evening and early afternoon and i'm so tierd all the time! - I keep thinking that if i feel this bad af must be on her way but nope. Never there!

louise_c said:
havent a clue whats going on with my chart maybe i just dont understand fertility friend. whats the diff between the vip one n normal free one?

I second that question, i might buy vip if someone can tell me the price in £'s and if its worth it? x
Louise, I predict your temps will rise over the next 2 days and FF will put you in as Oving at day 21. Charts to begin with are hard to read, whether your VIP or free. Try to get used to reading them for a couple of months and if you haven't fallen pg then think about buying VIP, but I would hold out for now.

The reason I say I think yours will rise is you had +opk's on day 19 & 20, had good cm days 20, 21 & 22 and a temp rise today day 22, so if you ov'd your next few temps will also rise giving ov day as 21. Fingers crossed :hug:

But in saying that, your temps do fluctuate quite a lot which does make it harder to read, but I hope I'm right xx
Donna's here said:
14dpo is the best time really Lou, it's when AF is due and if no show then test. I tested at day 10 and have sat on my hands ever since which is good for me but I'm fed up with throwing money away, so am learning slowly (shut up Puds) to kerb my poas habbit. So yes, be a good girl :angel: like me :fib: and wait till 14dpo. (or if your temp rises, test tomorrow :shock: :lol: )
What ever way, good luck mate :pray: :hug:

Ooooo just seen your chart that looks fab hun!!!! :pray: :pray:

Yep, think I'm going to wait like you :wink: I don't want to waste one and sods law it would be a waste!

Puds no pushing :shakehead: You naughty girl :rotfl: :rotfl:

Thanks for the advice Donna and good luck for when you test x x x x x x :hug:
VIP is expensive, I think it was something like £17 for 3 months. In a way I'm glad I have it but it doesn't really do much for your money. It counts down to testing, gives a point system to the chances of you being pg, you can compare charts with others like yours, gives traffic lights to when it thinks your fertile, but again it's things you can do yourself without the cost. I dont think I will buy again. Think I'd be happy with the free one.

As for me, I dont know. I dont feel one bit pg, have no symtoms, slight crampy pains but nothing major so shall see what the morning brings. If no af I'll test but I really dont hold my hopes up :(
FF gives me 66pts, not sure if thats good or not, think its out of 100 but again not sure.

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