Chartstalkers - February 2009

roseanimal said:
still a bit of spotting (like creamy cm in pants but browny :puke: :puke: )
:doh: didn't notice the cross had gone dotted!!

As a fellow PCOS-er, I have quite a bit of experience in the brown spotting department. Mine usually preceeded a full flow af when I got it, but it took about a week or so to arrive - very annoying. I really hope that you get your answer soon, hon! :hug:
thanks. it varies in colour. not to dwell on it too much but it's pinky brown - sometimes more pinky, sometimes more brown, sometimes with a bit of red for variety!! does that sound like what you had?
Donna's here said:
A&J, thought you were set to ov but your temps have gone mad :?

I don't think that I have actually OV'd for the last 2 cycles :wall: My monitor has not peaked either :wall: I am back at the specialists on Tuesday so will see what happens although I think she will put me on to clomid :?

melissa5317 said:
roseanimal said:
still a bit of spotting (like creamy cm in pants but browny :puke: :puke: )
:doh: didn't notice the cross had gone dotted!!

As a fellow PCOS-er, I have quite a bit of experience in the brown spotting department. Mine usually preceeded a full flow af when I got it, but it took about a week or so to arrive - very annoying. I really hope that you get your answer soon, hon! :hug:

also as I fellow PCOS-er I also get brown spotting only for a day before the witch hits me big time :( Good Luck roseanimal :hug: :hug:

I also hate it when my cm does not fit into a catagory :wall:

Good Luck ladies :pray:

:hug: :hug:
eugh i have immense amounts of creamy CM today it's nasty :puke: i'm sure i didn't have this much last month.
holly said:
eugh i have immense amounts of creamy CM today it's nasty :puke: i'm sure i didn't have this much last month.

I had loads of creamy cm before I got my bfp :) and your temps look good :)

Good Luck :pray:
A&J said:
[quote="holly;":1sj86aj1]eugh i have immense amounts of creamy CM today it's nasty :puke: i'm sure i didn't have this much last month.

I had loads of creamy cm before I got my bfp :) and your temps look good :)

Good Luck :pray:[/quote:1sj86aj1]

oooh thanks for that :)

i check my CM everyday around the same time and today; gawd there's loads of it! i had quite a lot a few days back but today it's back with vengeance!

and trust me to be wearing black undies the day it get attack of the creamy CM! :rotfl:
just got a pos ov test but no ewcm more watery im soooo confused. hah doesnt take much.
holly said:
A&J":1sdc771n][quote="holly;":1sdc771n]eugh i have immense amounts of creamy CM today it's nasty :puke: i'm sure i didn't have this much last month.[/quote] I had loads of creamy cm before I got my bfp :) and your temps look good :) Good Luck :pray:[/quote:1sdc771n] oooh thanks for that :) i check my CM everyday around the same time and today; gawd there's loads of it! i had quite a lot a few days back but today it's back with vengeance! and trust me to be wearing black undies the day it get attack of the creamy CM! :rotfl:[/quote:1sdc771n] Just been having a nosey else where and saw this topic [url=" said:
viewtopic.php?f=67&t=102807[/url] and thought of you :lol:
Hi all, good luck for feb! :)

thanks for including me, i am going to ignore my cycle for the rest of this one and get back on track with it starting from cd1 so i will be back with it soon
no more spotting.

temp way down today :cry: ff changed its mind :cry: :cry:

so down today (had a bit ewcm in amogst the creamy stuff yesterday but hubby was at work then went straight out and i was asleep by the time he got back and he's been working long hourss so far this week so we haven't bd'd and this morning he was really knackered and grumpy when i woke him up and he's back asleep now :cry: )
although i did something to my back in my sleep so not sure if maybe not bd'ing is a good thing! :rotfl:

anyway really low so just popping here then off - having a selfish day, sorry.
AF arrived this morning! :(

another empty chart!!
A&J said:
Just been having a nosey else where and saw this topic viewtopic.php?f=67&t=102807 and thought of you :lol:

i still have loads today, making me feel rather :puke: lol it's not nice looking stuff!

my post OV tempratures are abit all over the place this month :?
morning girlies :wave:

i'm feeling a bit better this morning and i think my fevers gone, my temp was back to a more normal 36.4 today :)

roseanimal - sorry you're feeling so down sweetie :( hope you have a nice relaxing day :hug:

lilly - sorry AF arrived, at least you can start afresh, really hope this is your cycle now :hug:

holly - really hope that the excessive CM is a good sign :pray: when are you due to test? :hug:
Morning all!

I have to go in a meeting in 10 mn so just popping here for a quick hello. Will have a proper stalk later :D

Lilly :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: better luck next month

Rose, don't feel down. Your temp's really low you haven't ovulated yet or you could be today so it's not too late. Try to convince your OH to bd today if he can.

Holly this sounds good! fingers crossed! :D

Sarafet glad you're feeling better :hug:

How is everyone else?
just a really quick :hug: for lilly- at least u havn't long to wait for next ov hun- fingers crossed!! will catch up later
Donna's here said:
Baby-Briggsy, if the pain doesn't go away babe then you must get it checked. Have you had your kidney results yet? I remember your post about going for a scan, did they give you any news hun?

Hiya, pain dulled down, it never got as bad as my previous pains so not putting it down to kidney prob. Still waiting on results, will chase them if i don't get them by Friday!

I'm so tierd and its only 2.15! - Still no af....i'm going to give up all hope soon

How is everyone today?

Holly my fingers are crossed for you!!!!!!
Lilly, babe, noooooo :( Oh mate, just when your hopes were up again. You ok? Now listen to me, this month ok, every damn night if you have to, let that silly women be right!!!!! :hug:

Holly, good luck hun :pray:

Baby-Briggsy, glad your feeling a little better. Dont let it drag though mate, get those results asap :hug:

Rose, :hug:

louise_c, wet cm is also a good sign of ov hun, get bding!!

Hi everyone else, shall stalk you all later xx
On CD22 and no OV, looks like im not going to this month :(
sarafet said:
roseanimal - sorry you're feeling so down sweetie :( hope you have a nice relaxing day :hug:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

anything but!

so short staffed today and as always everything happened at once as it always does. while it was all go at one end of the corridor we also had another kid arriving needing let in, physio going on, seizures... I am soooooo tired now!!

still spotting a bit. still gutted about not having ovuulated yet!!

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