Chartstalkers - February 2009

Morning ladies,

Rose - Lily maybe right, fingers crossed hun x :pray:

Lily - hope your temp goes back up x :pray:

Mel - hope your feeling better today x

My temp has dropped a little, hope this is not bad I'm not sure really any advice?
Good snowy morning ladies xxx Weve had about 8 inchs snow and they say theres worse to come :shock: (i need to go shopping :shock: )

Mel, babe, if you cant come on here and vent then where can you? Considering what you've been through in the last 3 months with your cycle let alone your loss I think your doing damn amazing mate, I really do. I know your body is playing up a bit at the moment but you know you can get pregnant, so it WILL happen again, hopefully sooner rather than later but we know what its like, go with the flow, do the best you can and things will change, they have to! :hug:

Lilly, well, damn damn damn. That temp and a neg, damn :( Got to be this month then hasn't it!

Lou, your temps are brilliant babe. You get a dip anywhere from day 5 to 11 but normally day 7 to 11 and it's called an implantation dip and can last 2 days, as long as yout temp rises again after that then the signs are good. So dont panic yet :hug:

Rose, Some ladies do follow ther coverline after ov but as your temps did go high i must admit I'm a little worried about it. See what tomorrows temp is and were get an idea of whats happening.

Puds again :hug: :wall:

Cyprus & Shaunie, welcome back ladies, glad your sticking with it Cyprus and glad you changed your mind Shaunie :hug:

Hi everyone else hope all is well on this cold winters day :lol: (i need to go shopping :shock: ) :moon:
Hi Donna thanks for the info, I just hope they go up from now on then. :pray:
LouF said:
Hi Donna thanks for the info, I just hope they go up from now on then. :pray:
You could get another low one tomorrow Lou as they do normally drop for 2 days, so dont worry if you do xx
Donna's here said:
LouF said:
Hi Donna thanks for the info, I just hope they go up from now on then. :pray:
You could get another low one tomorrow Lou as they do normally drop for 2 days, so dont worry if you do xx

Ok will try and keep calm, and no more testing for at least 4 days I promise!! Think I will wait until Sunday am if I can x x
I am starting to get depressed with my cycle, it was perfect last month but I am now on day 22 and still no ovulation :( Unless I did so on day 9 but that would have been too early and OPK did not pick it up either
Hiya everyone, How are you all?

I'm having a bad day today, i'm feeling very upset and over emotional!

I'm still waiting on my CT scan results which should be here by now and i'm STILL waiting on af to arrive, i feel like it never going to come and that i'm messed my ody up for good by having the depo. I just feel like crawling into a ball and having a good cry, i'm the sort of person who likes to bein control and at the moment i have no control over my body! It's been 42 days since depo should have worn off i would have though i would at least get a light af.

I'm not really sure where to go from i just stop thinking about it until af arrives or do i continue charting and just not worry.

I'm so sorry to be moaning when you ladies have been TTC for so long etc!!

Iid be happy to just get an af for now so i at least know my body ov's!

Sorry again x
hi girls, i feel awful today :(

had to go out to the docs earlier, and it was a nightmare :( i kept slipping and aiden kept getting snow in his hair :lol: i am not leaving the house this week if this is what it's like.

now sitting with a lemsip and hoping that my hugeeee temp rise this morning was a mixture of ovulating and fever :lol:
sarafet said:
hi girls, i feel awful today :(

had to go out to the docs earlier, and it was a nightmare :( i kept slipping and aiden kept getting snow in his hair :lol: i am not leaving the house this week if this is what it's like.

now sitting with a lemsip and hoping that my hugeeee temp rise this morning was a mixture of ovulating and fever :lol:

Hope you feel better soon!

Where are you to get snow, we havent got any at all here :(
Baby-Briggsy said:
sarafet said:
hi girls, i feel awful today :(

had to go out to the docs earlier, and it was a nightmare :( i kept slipping and aiden kept getting snow in his hair :lol: i am not leaving the house this week if this is what it's like.

now sitting with a lemsip and hoping that my hugeeee temp rise this morning was a mixture of ovulating and fever :lol:

Hope you feel better soon!

Where are you to get snow, we havent got any at all here :(

just outside glasgow, scotland :) you can have some of ours if you want :lol: i could post it to you :rotfl:
sarafet said:
Baby-Briggsy said:
sarafet said:
hi girls, i feel awful today :(

had to go out to the docs earlier, and it was a nightmare :( i kept slipping and aiden kept getting snow in his hair :lol: i am not leaving the house this week if this is what it's like.

now sitting with a lemsip and hoping that my hugeeee temp rise this morning was a mixture of ovulating and fever :lol:

Hope you feel better soon!

Where are you to get snow, we havent got any at all here :(

just outside glasgow, scotland :) you can have some of ours if you want :lol: i could post it to you :rotfl:

Oooooo, yes please that would be lovely! haha

It's freeeeezing here but no sign of any snow, we never get any in the south west!
baby brigs- i felt like that on saturday. i know how your feeling about the depo, but always remember that you could get caught before you have af, which will mean af will not come- you never know- ive got my fingers crossed you will get your bfp soon. i keep testing every two weeks- just in case... :lol:
I also thought that i would return back to normal straight after depo ends.. how wrong we were- hopefully it wont take us too long hun :hug:

I want snow... dont think im going to get any here though :(
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi Wanting1, Babyb and Sarafet, think we are all feeling a bit low today, lets all be miserable together :( :( :( :( :lol:

We could do with cheering up some how but I haven't got cheer in me sorry girls x x x x x

You can have some of my snow too Babyb !!!! Mines in the post to you express delivery but may take a few days as all the motorways shut!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hi Puddin, sending some snow to you too but as I said to Babyb delivery may be slow!!!
:rotfl: :rotfl: lol!! thanks louf - i want snow sooo bad- im watching all the british news so i can see it! :rotfl:
Its quite warm here about 17 today- its funny how you miss the snow and rain...
OMG girls you wil not believe this's snowing!!!!! - Really it is, lots but melting straight away! How weird! I wished for snow and it came......if i wish for a BFP will that come as fast as the snow has?!

I'm trying to take pictures to show you all but its such fine snow you can't really see it!
:cheer: great bb- if you send me some snow as well i may have enough to build a snow man :rotfl:
LouF said:
Hi Wanting1, Babyb and Sarafet, think we are all feeling a bit low today, lets all be miserable together :( :( :( :( :lol:

We could do with cheering up some how but I haven't got cheer in me sorry girls x x x x x

You can have some of my snow too Babyb !!!! Mines in the post to you express delivery but may take a few days as all the motorways shut!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

It must be the Monday blues! - We should all get a big bar of choc and a cuppa and sulk together on here? - Who is up for that? haha

(I'm watching the snow out the window, its slowed down now and all has melted nothing has settled on the ground :(
Already on it Babyb got my de-caff coffee here and a pack of choc chip cookies but had 2 and they taste funny don't know whats going on I love them normally!!

Puddin didn't see your in Turkey!!!!! Better send the snow in chilled delivery that is gonna cost you extra I'm afraid, can you pay up front or shall I put it on account? :rotfl:

It's still snowing here oh hope it carrys on for tommow x x
oooooo louf im symptom spotting for you.. funny tasting cookies... mmmmm :pray:
i could swap you the snow for some Turkish Delight lou????

Im on the decaf coffee now- no biscuits though, may have to pop out npw and get some cookies :lol:

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