Chartstalkers - February 2009

waterlilie said:
Lou, it's only your CD 23 so it can't be your period. How long are your cycles usually?

I'm not to sure Waterlilie I think about 28days I have had a 24 day before but that was July when we went on hols, after that I kind of stopped noting them down got fed up of it all then after last cycle thinking I was preg but not came on here for help and started charting.

Spotting got worse earlier when I went to the loo (number 2 tmi sorry) it was bright red :(
I would say normally 28, if it is af I will be very sad but we are off to fertility clinic on the 12th so hopefully they can help us :pray: Hope they don't have to.
puddin said:
waterlilie- i wish i knew how that wheel thing got on there- but i cant remove it! :rotfl: can you still see my chart when you clock on my link or is it not coming up?? :doh:


Yes i can still see your chart when i scroll down the page. You're on CD 4 so still a few days to go before ovulation :D

The wheel is just another way to read your cycle, the red cell is your CD 1. I am curious to see how it develops to show your ovulation, due date etc.. :D
LouF said:
waterlilie said:
Lou, it's only your CD 23 so it can't be your period. How long are your cycles usually?

I'm not to sure Waterlilie I think about 28days I have had a 24 day before but that was July when we went on hols, after that I kind of stopped noting them down got fed up of it all then after last cycle thinking I was preg but not came on here for help and started charting.

Spotting got worse earlier when I went to the loo (number 2 tmi sorry) it was bright red :(
I would say normally 28, if it is af I will be very sad but we are off to fertility clinic on the 12th so hopefully they can help us :pray: Hope they don't have to.

right...i am no expert but i read that IB can be bright red provided it's not heavy bleeding. It's more like a discharge and you only notice it while wiping. If the bleeding gets heavier and you start feeling bad cramps i'm afraid it's not good. I really hope it's IB and i have a good feeling it is so let's wait and see, hopefully tomorrow there will be nothing and you will get a rise in your temp :D

I know how hard and agonising the last days can be, the waiting game is a real torture but it's not long to go for you and you can test soon, hopefully there will be no need for you to go to the fertility clinic :hug:
Thanks Waterlilie, I hope it IB too it is like discharge and only when I wipe. Lets wait and see like you say, I will be on with my temps first thing :pray: . Thanks for the advice hun :hug: , your all so nice on here and a real support x x x x
hi does ur temp decrease just before ov just im due to ov in the next few days and my temp has decreased a bit today
:hug: roseanimal, all i can think is implantation dip but i don't know if yours is too early; or wether it's meant to stay down or go staight back up. someone will hopefully clear this up for me!

my temprature went down yesterday by .3 and i stressed :lol: but it's back up .2 today so i'm a happy lady again :)
holly I can't see yours. not sure if it's just me but I can see others.

think implantation goes straight back up but hopefullly someone will be able to clear it up!" PLEEEEEEASE!!!
Hi Rose, sorry i am new to charting so I am not sure whats going on, but didnt want to read and run. Big hug for you hun :hug: hope its a good thing :pray:

Louf- how are you today? Hope you temps are heading in the right direction :hug:
waterlilie said:
Sarafet, that's a hell of a jump in temp!! what happened there? :)

i'm unwell :(

took it again this morning and it was at 37.9 :( i've put 'fever' on my chart, so FF have discarded they temps..
Morning ladies, how are we all today?

My temp is yet AGAIN 36.3?! - Is this normal to have same temp most days?!

Still no sign of af, still feeling down and i'm still not feeling 100% health wise :(

*Gee's self up for the day ahead* = Come on think positive things will happen!!!!

Hi girlies :wave:
how are we enjoying the snow?

wow that pictures huge- not sure how to make it smaller though!!

BB- my temp has been similar temp for a few days- its actually good for it not to fluctuate too much. Don't worry about af not turning up chances are if u havn't ovulated- which it doesn't look like u have yet- u won't get af yet a while. ur body will prob try to ovulate soon so keep bding. as for waterlilie mentioning ur uncertain temps- on ur chart ff does that dots in white if u have temped at a different time or have added notes- urs has a lot of white dots recently. have u been temping at a different time or is ff playing silly buggers!!! :lol:

sarafet- hope u get well soon hun :hug: what were u temps yesterday and today anyway? there was a nice drop on sunday on ur chart which could have been pre ovulation? :pray: if ur temps are high it may well be that uv ovulated and have a fever!!

puddin- have replied to ur other post hun

holly- charts looking good- fingers crossed. try not to stress too much about every temp though (easier said than done!!) is shaunie temping again?

roseanimal- sorry hun but i'm not convinced u ovulated. think ur temps may be just fluctuating. ur temp didn't go really high and it has dropped for two day in a row. ff is obv not sure either as u have dotted red lines. see what 2moros temp brings- fingers crossed for u. keep bding just in case.

louise c- yes normally ur temp will drop the day before ov. havn't seen todays temp but praying it was high for u. keep a look out for either watery or ewcm as thats also a clue to upcoming ovulation. ur doing the right thing though bding every other day.

louf- not liking that dip today but praying its implantation dip. if temp goes straight back up again 2moro thats a really good sign! any other symptoms yet? lots of luck. slap on the wrist for early testing!! :lol:

waterlilie- feeling mmuch better hun and back to normal :wink: but have a sore throat today!! hoping to resume the baby making tonight!! its a cheap way to keep warm! :lol: think the sme fertility strips are 30mui- thats what mine have printed on them. what does that mean - are the sensitive or not?! i've been getting faint lines since about day 20- a month ago!!! hope u get ur gp appointment rearranged soon. :hug:

mel- hope ur feeling better today hun. all i can do is sympathise. :hug: i'm still waiting to here from hospital for a date for my scan. just wish we could skip forward a few months and see what it brings!! :hug: u don't need to lose any weight though- ur already very slim aren't u! few more months and we can reign supreme at the top of the list!!! :lol:

lilly- glad u had a lovely break. c.p is never relaxing always feel i need a holiday to get over it! shame u weren't snowed in there- could have got a few free extra days!! fingers crossed for u- its not over yet. :pray:

donna- waiting for todays temp :lol: good luck- any symptoms??

wanting1- still don't think uv ovulated yet hun- keep bding!!! if u have the energy- u 2 are certainly going for it this month!!! :rotfl:

kitcat- welcome :wave: sorry u r here under very sad circumstances- hopefully it will be a short stop 4 u. :hug:

cyprus- look like ovulation is getting close! good luck.

cori :cheer: looks like a better cycle for u!!

puds said:
sarafet- hope u get well soon hun :hug: what were u temps yesterday and today anyway? there was a nice drop on sunday on ur chart which could have been pre ovulation? :pray: if ur temps are high it may well be that uv ovulated and have a fever!!

is that you in the picture? you're sooo pretty :D

yesterday my temp was 37.5 and ths morning it was 37.9 :( think i have glandular fever :( i was hoping that it's a mixture of fever and OV though, suppose i won't be able to tell until i get well again, such a pain :wall: we got a BD in on sunday night though, just incase :lol:
yes thats me! thank you hun- i'm blushing now :oops: !! u are v pretty urself :hug: - we are having a mutual love in- anyone want to join in??!! :lol:

wow- those are some high temperatures- very jealous :evil: - my bets on that u have ovulated- and the fact that u bd'd sunday is excellent news!! the drop in temp b4 the rise is textbook temping!! :lol: i guess u won't know for certain until ur feeling better but stay positive and try to get plenty of rest and recover quickly just in case!! good luck!!

Good morning ladies xx

Lou and Rose, how's the spotting this morning?

Lilly, just hanging in there babe, how you feeling?

Shall have a real stalk in a mo, DH just come home????
puds said:
wanting1- still don't think uv ovulated yet hun- keep bding!!! if u have the energy- u 2 are certainly going for it this month!!! :rotfl:

Hi Puds,

thanks for your comments, yes we certainly have been busy this month. I am not sure when I am ovulating this month but like to make sure that we do not miss it :) I am getting very frustrated though, not sure what's going on at the moment...Lovely picture by the way!
Morning everyone!

Wow puds! lovely snow pic, thanks for posting it! and you are very pretty indeed :D
Glad you're feeling better :hug:

Lou, anymore spotting this morning?

Rose, looking back at your temps i think Puds is right. You probably haven't ovulated yet. Some people get light bleeding around ovulation time so you could be ovulating now. Keep the bding.

Sarafet, i am completely useless at temps in Fahrenheit, what's the equivalent of today's temp in Celcius??

Hi everyone else :wave:
puds said:
think the sme fertility strips are 30mui- thats what mine have printed on them. what does that mean - are the sensitive or not?!

I think 30 mui are not sensitive enough. The babymad ones were 25 mui and gave me crap results for 2 months so i wouldn't expect much from these. Shame as i bought 40 of them and was looking forward to trying them :( i might get the superdrug ones and use them in parallel :D
Hi again ladies :wave:

Cori, temps looking better this month! Good dips the last couple of days, maybe your ov early again!

Lilly, see your hanging in there babe. 15dpo but temps are a little low. How you feeling?

Puds :hug:

Mel :hug: You 2, well, feeling for you's xx

Holly, 7dpo and temps looking good hun :pray:

Cyprus, looks lile ov is immanent, get bding hun.

Baby-Briggsy, least your temps seem to have leveled. Hope ov happens soon :hug:

A&J, thought you were set to ov but your temps have gone mad :?

Rose, looking at your temps now babe I don't think you ov'd :( Its dropped now for 3 days and is far below the coverline. Are you still spotting? Am wondering if af might be on her way!

Lou, you ok? Not liking that 2nd day of spotting along with that big dip. Is the spotting getting heavier?

Hi everyone else, hope ov happens soon for you all. Not many in the 2ww.

As for me, temps raised big time this morning so I done the dutiful thing and poas and its a big fat neg lol. nothing new there then :wink:
waterlilie said:
Sarafet, i am completely useless at temps in Fahrenheit, what's the equivalent of today's temp in Celcius??

37.9 degrees Celsius = 100.22 degrees Fahrenheit


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