*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

This is such a long thread and I'm at work so can't read through it all for my answer so...

Does anyone use the Persona monitor instead of cbfm? My friend is lending me hers for my next cycle, although fingers crossed I won't actually need it by then ;-)

Any advice/thoughts/reviews?!

Sorry hun cant help you with the persona monitor, i have heard about them but not had exeperience with one myself. Dont want to give you any wrong info, sorry x xx
Ps of you took that one high spike out of your chart from the weekend it's still on the upward curve hun x

Ive just had a look on ff and the saturday reading was actually taken at 5.40am rather than 6am....surely 20mins cant make that much of a difference? I think also i may have had a restless night or maybe not enough sleep, i'd been going to bed at about 1am and waking up at 5-5.40am! Lol

How much sleep do you get? And what time do you take your temp?

Thanks for your encouraging words hun, need to keep chin up! x xx
Hey em - it definately makes that much of a difference - if you go onto google and search for bbt converter it comes up a site called when my baby - you can type in there your usuall time of waking and what time you woke and tool temp and it will show what temps would be of take. At same time each day!

I tested to see if it worked the other day ( I woke at 5 and took temp and then when I woke at 7 tool temp again) when I put both times and temps in to see what it should be at 6am they both converted to the same temp!!

I am usually asleep by 11 and am waking between 5.30 and 6 (prob because I'm thinking I've got to take my bloody temp lol) I tend to take it as soon as I wake - whatever the time is- just to be sure I've got it done after a few hours sleep!

Keep chin up and remember that your chart is still high so still looking good xxx

Also I don't think it matters too much if temps go slightly up and down (because this is usually due to irregular sleep and waking times) it's more so the trend that you need to look at! Don't forget your still way above your cover line!
Sorry about spellings - I'm typing on iPhone and seems to be putting what it wants lol x
Lol thanks steph, i'll definatelt have a look at the site you mentioned. I'll see what temp it gives me for the saturday.

I know its still way over cover line, i'm just being irrational, i wanted my chart to look picture perfect....not gonna happen espically considering its my first time temping! I

I get what you mean about waking up early, i have been doing and i really think its because i have temping on my mind! Lol

Thanks for the help x x x
Ok i've just had a look on the website and all of the temps apart from saturdays are coming back in the 36.40+ region. Even fridays, i took that temp 30 mins earlier and that is coming back as being 36.44.....so for some reason saturdays temp is a little out.

The only thing i can think is either i didnt get enough solid sleep or....I remember waking up one morning and being absolutely freezing as i had no covers on...im thinking this may have been sturday morning. Would being cold effect your bbt?? I would imagine the body had to work harder to keep you warm, therefore not completely rested? I'm gonna google! Lol

I feel a little better now, i think i just had an out of whack temp on saturday.....i dont know why im worried to be honest, like you said steph temps are all above coverline so thats a good thing....

......must relax!!!!
Thanks ladies-feeling a lot more positive now! Im sorry I can't contribute much to tthe temping debate-I haven't tried it so dont really know how it works. Will let you know for sure what my monitor shows tomorrow. All I have to do is figure out a way of....ahem....jumping on oh on Thursday afternoon soon as i see him (sorry tmi!) In his Mums house too but hopefully will manage to lure him in a non 'I only wanna shag you to catch my eggy kinda way" That would so put him off!! Gosh what is this ttc like OMG!!!!! Turning me into a mad woman lol :) xxx
Another question ladies! As you need to use early morning urine what is the longest you can pee on the monitor stick before actually using it? I ask because I set my monitor quite lat (Doh!) & I'm pretty sure it should be frost wee of day? I think the instructions say something about 60 minutes but I'm at my mums & don't have them with me.... Thanks in advance girls xxx
Hi rednursie - are you still on a cd less than 5? If so you can reset your monitor at any point in the first 5 days so that it has a time slot better for you! I have attached link for the instruction booklet http://www.clearblue.com/uk/pdfs/clearblue-fertility-monitor-pdf.php

I'm not sure how long you can leave it as I always poas and then put straight into the machine! Your best bet would be to reset your timer but as I say you can only do that of your on cd1-5! Hope that helps xx
Hey hun as steph mentioned, if your still less than cd 5 reset it. I did this once. I had a lay in and when i woke up made coffee and had shower i reset the monitor....It was 12pm! There was no way i could hold pee that long as i usually get up about 6-7am! So the next morning on cd 2 i reset the monitor back to cd 2 but i did this first thing in the morning.

Also you have 3 hours either way of when you first set the monitor. So if you set it at 12noon it will first ask for a stick at 9pm and last ask for a stick at 3pm. Which is way to late if your an early riser like me! x xx
Hey ladies,

How you all getting on. As you can see my temps took a nose dive this morning, its way to early for af not due til earliest 20th....unless they start diving this early, i have no idea. Not stressing tho as i did have broken sleep last night, woke up about 3.30 for the toilet...then took temp at 6am. But i would have thought the temp would have been elevated due to moving about. How knows, if its still low tomorrow then i'll cry!! x x x
Thanks ladies

I'm on cd15 so too late to reset but it's a lesson learned for next month! I'm thinking of peeing in a cup tomorrow morning then using that when monitor asks for a stick-What am I like! I set it at 1pm so 10 is earliest i can use stick Aghhh!Still haven't got a peak which I'm very confused about....Mind you I also don't have ewcm either so maybe I am just genuinely ovulating later this month....Hmmmm we shall see! Thanks again girls
Hey both

Emma - may be implantation dip?!?

Rednursie - that's unlucky looks like you have a few more days peeing in a cup by the looks of it! I'm sure your peek will come soon

I'm feeling better today than yesterday - I was an emotional wreck yesterday - have deleted face book from my phone .... All it seems to be is an arena for pregnancy announcements lol! Have had very few symptoms - still going strong with the trumpy bum lol! One thing I couldn't shift last night when I sat on the sofa was a constant tingling sensation in my legs - not cramp or pins and needles but a feeling of tingling under the skin (not sure what that's all about)

No spotting, no cramping, no breakout, no heartburn, no constipation so struggling to hold out much hope

At least we are another day closer to either a bfp or the though of starting over again

Ps my temp dipped slightly today but I did take it at 5.15 rather than 6am and havnt adjusted it so will just see what happens tomo x
Hey steph,

It is an odd temp dip. I've had rough nights sleep before and usually the temp is stupidly high. I would have thought tho if it was an implantation dip i would have got it yesterday as i had a few twinges and dull cramping. Been having a look and i cant find any info of when the dip occur in relation to the implantation. So who knows, i dont have any hope for this month tho, i'm just not lucky enough. Lol

I get what you mean about facebook, my wall is full of pregnancy status's.....it drives me round the bend so i dont usually go on there x x
If I am ever lucky enough to fall pregnant again I shall never post a single thing about the pregnancy on facebook. Every time I see a scan pic on it it's like a spear in my heart. Particularly as my due date is coming up. Though one lady was kind enough to pm me telling me she would be announcing a pregnancy soon and would understand if i wanted to block or defriend her. I haven't done either but it was nice of her to be so thoughtful.
Hope everyone else is otherwise well? I'm on the train to my in laws to reunite with oh-Seeing as I didn't get my peak this morning looks like I can wait until tonight before jumping on him lol xxx
I am on CD5 so due to start testing again tomorrow. Hopefully I will get my peaks on CD12-13 like I did last cycle. I love the monitor wich I had gotten it sooner.

Michelle X
Hey hun.

If this is your second month and it picked your surge up last cycle, it might not ask for a test for another couple of days. On on 2nd cycle it asked for first stick on cd9 and this cycle it was cd8.

Just wanted to let you know, didn't want you worrying if it didn't ask for a stick tomorrow x x x
Thanks Emma, I didn't know that, I just assumed it would always ask for a stick on CD6. So glad this thread is here. You learn something new all the time. Thank you so much. I would of totally stressed out if it didn't ask for a stick tomorrow.

Michelle x

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