*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Snap Hun I feel exactly the same!! I hate her when she turns up and when she doesn't lol!! Xx

14dpo and still no sign of af...even had another rummage about up there this morning. Tmi, but usually the day before I find brown coloured cm, but nothing. My bbs have stopped hurting too.

Woke this morning at 4am needing a wee, so took my temp then used the bbt calculator to see what it would have been at 6am. I got 36.64 which sounds about right, apart from I expected it to be going down.

Not testing til Saturday morning if af hasn't arrived. Got 1 frer.

Good luck ladies x x x
Anyone seen mishi......

.......MISHI have you done a sneaky test yet? Here hoping the witch hasn't shown up for you. Good luck. X x x

And good luck to Clairabell testing on the 25th x x x
Morning guys. Need some advice. I've slept through my alarm and missed the window to test today! yesterday was the first day of high on day 9 so today it is just showing day 10 at high again. Guessing I just carry on as normal tomorrow? Only annoying thing is that I'm nights tonight so when I test tomorrow morning it won't be strong fmu! Arghhh! Xx

Yeah just carry on with normal testing tomorrow. I missed a day this cycle, it made no difference.

As for the nights thingy. If you can hold your pee for a few hours before testing and limit your liquid intake, hopefully that should give enough hormone for the monitor it pick up on. If i were you i would get some cheapie opk strips to use when your working nights, just as i back up in case the monitor doesnt pick up enough hormones. I would hate for you to miss your surge.

Good luck x x x
Day 22 and still high sUrely that can't be right? I know I shouldn't expect a peak my first month but should I have so many high readings?! I'm buying cheapie OPK's to back up for next month-But I'm almost out of sticks for this month-Am thinking of reusing as I haven't thrown away-Is that totallly daft? I mean, know I won't get a peak anyway this cycle, not at this stage!
No dont re-use any sticks on this cycle. I will ask for a full box of sticks on your first cycle, so 20. It needs all the sticks so it can get use to your hormones. If you re-use it wont have accurate readings. You need these readings as it actually stores then and uses them as reference for your next cycles.

It is completely normal to get so many highs on your first cycle, this happened to poppy and i think one of the other girls too. The 2nd cycle it picked up their peaks.

Try not to worry, you will be ovulating its just trying to work out when your at your peak.

If you have had regular sex you will still be in with a really good chance and hopefully wont need the monitor next cycle!

Good luck x x x
Hi ladies can i join your thread please. I've just posted a thread regarding the cbfm and found this 2 seconds later, typical!! xx
Lol hey welcome mummytotoddler.

Of course you can join x x x
Hi Emma thank you :)

Can i ask a question please ..... as i am totally confused with the cbfm

I am on cd 17 or 18 i started my af on the 3rd august .. but we come back off holiday that day i cant remember if it was a proper period or just spotting. So I am on cd 17 or 18 .... on monday (20th) I had 2 bars on my cbfm and 2 bars on 21st august i havent tested today yet as i messed up my timing on the monitor but i have my fmu saved to test with.

Its my first month using the monitor .. but is it too late to get a peak now? As i am worried i arent ovulating ... and i am new to properly ttc as i got pregnant with my son not planned ... i also got pregnant august 2011 but had a miscarriage september 2011.

I have done opks but not had a positive yet

Is 2 bars a sign i am ovulating? Sorry for the daft questions i am knew to all this and i cant tell if i am ovulating or not lol!

We have had sex 10th,11th,12th, 14th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th of august ... sorry for all the dates lol!

Have we had too much? As i have read mixed opinions to wait every other day. I am hoping to tonight and a few more days yet but my OH moans lol :(

Sorry as i said for the daft questions. Also i am not sure on my cycles as they vary.

Thanks in advance if anyone can help me :)
Ok on your monitor what number is showing in the corner?? This is what cycle day your on. Always remember to turn the monitor on on the first day of full flow.So if on 3rd you were only spotting you should have set the monitor to cd1 the following day on the 4th. But either way 1 day isnt going to make any difference.

Anyhow if you havent tested this morning due to missing the window dont worry. But you need to throw away the saved urine, it'll be no good the hormones break down after so many hours so you wont get a accurate reading from that. Just test tomorrow as you normally would.

As this is your first cycle your monitor will ask for a total of 20 sticks. Use a new stick each day it asks, dont re-use sticks on this cycle. During this cycle you my not get a peak reading at all, it can sometimes take the monitor a full cycle to get use to your level of hormones. So dont be worried if you dont recieve a peak reading.

If you have concerns that you may not be ovulating the best way to check is to chart your temperature. That really is the only way of finding out without going to the docs for blood tests and even then the doc may ask that you be trying for a certain period of time before testing.

Hope some of this helps x x
Oh and the amount of sex is fine. The spermies can build back up in less than 12 hours!
Thank you emma :)

Sorry for the daft questions I dont know anything about ttc at all. We just had sex a lot last month hoping to get pregnant lol! My monitor says cd 18 but i arent 100% sure now looking back as i didnt know how cycles counted (daft i know) as i had a miscarriage last year my periods are really bad .. i didnt have a period for like 4-5 months then it would only be when i wiped myself i would bleed like i think i started spotting on the 3rd im pretty sure it wasnt a proper one 4th proper period definitely and then on the 9th i was just spotting again every so often when i wiped myself (sorry if tmi)

I think next month I am going start trying my temp as i have heard some good stuff about that. I am just hoping to bd enough and hopefully if i do ovulate.

Oh and also about my fmu i did a mix up when i first used the monitor .. and i cant test until like 6-7pm which is why i saved it in a pot lol!

Do you think i am best not using the monitor for the rest of this month and start it next month on my next af? As this is what i have been doing everyday saving my fmu until i can test.

thanks xx
If the monitor has changed from low to high readings then its picking up on something! lol. Its entirely up to you if you carry on.

I think if the monitor is changing levels i.e low-high then it might be worth carrying on, just dont be disappointed if you dont get a peak.

Your periods sound as though they are settling now. Bleeding from 4th-8th and spotting on 3rd and 9th is completely normal. I usually have spotting on cd31 full flow next day for 3-4 days then spotting again the day after.

TTC is difficult to get your head around at first but you'll soon pick everything up!

x x x
By the way your questions aren't daft!

I asked all the sames things when i started ttc x x x
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Thank you Emma for answering all my questions .. eek im so excited, and nervous. I dont want build my hopes up though :) .. I dont have a reason to think im not ovulating i just sometimes worry my mc last year may of messed that up and i didnt have a period for a while .. plus with the opks not being positive not even a hint of a line on them so far so it made me worry a little lol!

So the 2 bars is a good sign for now :) thank you!

Sorry can i ask one last question. As my testing time isnt until like 6-7pm do you think it would be ok if i didnt use fmu and used afternoon - late ish if that makes sense?

As i never knew about the hormones break up after so many hours .. learn something new everyday lol :)

thanks again, sorry for all the questions. Hope we all get our bfps soon! I know loads of people who are pregnant so it would be nice to get a bfp myself soon lol :)

Thanks again xxx
Oh sorry one more thing if thats ok.

As my cycles are a bit messed up is it too late for me to ovulate now? Or can you ovulate at anytime? I am sorry for yet another daft question i have tried reading up on it but i get confused and my OH doesnt know i have the cbfm as i would get him worried i think haha :)
Ok the first question~ As my testing time isnt until like 6-7pm do you think it would be ok if i didnt use fmu and used afternoon - late ish if that makes sense?~ For normal opks it they do ask for urine after 2pm but for some reason the monitor needs to have fmu...im not entirely sure why, but thats what it says in the book so thats what i've been sticking too. I think continue with what you doing for this cycle. Then if you need anoter cycle with it make sure you turn it on in the morning! Lol

As my cycles are a bit messed up is it too late for me to ovulate now? Or can you ovulate at anytime?~ You can ovulate at any given time in your cycle! I've had positive opks on cd12, cd13,cd 14, cd16, cd17, cd18 and cd19 in the past! What have you been using prior to getting the monitor? Do you have a rough idea of how long your cycles are?

My OH loves my monitor, he knows when it shows high reading he'll be getting sexy time! lol x x
Thank you for answering my questions again lol!

Yeah i thought there was instructions for you to set a time haha ... i turned it on late the day i had it so thats why i suppose but ive learnt for next month (but hopefully i wont need it though lol!!)

I've not used anything before with my son we concieved not planned ... last year i got pregnant not planned but sadly had a miscarriage. And we have been ntnp for a few months last month we ttc for the first time properly and this is our second month .. but tbh its more me then my OH that wants another really bad lol.

I have done the cbfm and basically i used fmu and i tested around 10 minutes ago still on 2 bars but i know for next month where i went wrong this month .. but not too worry!

Before the monitor i had a app on my iphone but obviously thats no good lol! .. not really sure on my cycles to be honest :(

Before this months af i think my last af was roughly around 30th june as i come off on the 4th july and then my next af was 3rd july and i stopped bleeding heavy on the 8th august 9th august it was just when i wiped myself to be honest.

But i am gonna keep a eye on my periods in future and keep a note of when i come on/off so i can try work my cycles out.

I am feeling hopeful for this month :) well a bfp next month .. but i was feeling hopeful in july ttc lol :(

I have 2 bars again on the cbfm but hopefully next month ill get my peak :) hoping bd a few more times so i have a better chance hopefully :D

thank you again, xxxx
Rednursie, I got highs from something like cd6 - twenty something on my first month I think it was don't worry x

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