Thank you for answering my questions again lol!
Yeah i thought there was instructions for you to set a time haha ... i turned it on late the day i had it so thats why i suppose but ive learnt for next month (but hopefully i wont need it though lol!!)
I've not used anything before with my son we concieved not planned ... last year i got pregnant not planned but sadly had a miscarriage. And we have been ntnp for a few months last month we ttc for the first time properly and this is our second month .. but tbh its more me then my OH that wants another really bad lol.
I have done the cbfm and basically i used fmu and i tested around 10 minutes ago still on 2 bars but i know for next month where i went wrong this month .. but not too worry!
Before the monitor i had a app on my iphone but obviously thats no good lol! .. not really sure on my cycles to be honest
Before this months af i think my last af was roughly around 30th june as i come off on the 4th july and then my next af was 3rd july and i stopped bleeding heavy on the 8th august 9th august it was just when i wiped myself to be honest.
But i am gonna keep a eye on my periods in future and keep a note of when i come on/off so i can try work my cycles out.
I am feeling hopeful for this month

well a bfp next month .. but i was feeling hopeful in july ttc lol
I have 2 bars again on the cbfm but hopefully next month ill get my peak

hoping bd a few more times so i have a better chance hopefully
thank you again, xxxx