*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Morning all. That's me out this month. Hoping to see a peak next time! xx
hey ladies how are you all?

Poppy...sore boobies!! fx thats a really good sign! I dont have any signs at the min, but i am only 4dpo so dont think they would show yet. You should give temping a go, i love it. Didnt think i would, but i like to see that i have actually ov'ed and when i thought i had too! I would love to go see fortune teller, just havent got round to it yet. FX her predictions were right, you never know you could have a lovely little bump if you fall this month!

Niknak...why are you out?? Has AF showed her ugly mug?

I went camping yesterday, it was adults only and i got a little sloshed. I feel a tad guilty but i've played it by the book loads and been strict and it makes no difference. So figured what the hell. Had the most horrendous acid tho, so painful, but it might have had something to do with the strawberry and lime cider. Went back to sleep as soon as i got home and took my temp after 2 and half hours kip, its still super high but i think it may be a little misleading. So gonna see what tomorrows temp is like. If its loads lower i'll take todays temp out.

MISHI!!!!!!!!!!!!! were are you hun, how you getting on? x x x
Hi Emma can you update my details on the main page. The :witch: has arrived so 1st cycle using CBFM wasn't lucky for me so onto the next cycle it is then.

2nd cycle using CBFM
Not sure when testing in September
POA: Folic acid, Calcium, vitamin D, drinking lots of water, grapefruit juice, Temp charting, SMEP!

Thanks Michelle x

Updated for you hun, good luck with this cycle x x x
Hi Emma can you update my details on the main page. The :witch: has arrived so 1st cycle using CBFM wasn't lucky for me so onto the next cycle it is then.

2nd cycle using CBFM
Not sure when testing in September

POA: Folic acid, Calcium, vitamin D, drinking lots of water, grapefruit juice, Temp charting, SMEP!

Thanks Michelle x

Updated for you hun, good luck with this cycle x x x

You haven't changed the test date for september or cycle number using the monitor, Which I have underlined.

Just wanted to say thanks for starting this thread it has helped me so much in using the monitor. It helps knowing there is always someone to ask any questions to.

Thanks once again.

Michelle x
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Hi Emma can you update my details on the main page. The :witch: has arrived so 1st cycle using CBFM wasn't lucky for me so onto the next cycle it is then.

2nd cycle using CBFM
Not sure when testing in September

POA: Folic acid, Calcium, vitamin D, drinking lots of water, grapefruit juice, Temp charting, SMEP!

Thanks Michelle x

Updated for you hun, good luck with this cycle x x x

You haven't changed the test date for september or cycle number using the monitor, Which I have underlined.

Just wanted to say thanks for starting this thread it has helped me so much in using the monitor. It helps knowing there is always someone to ask any questions to.

Thanks once again.

Michelle x

Apologies not sure how I managed to miss changing those! All updated now, just let me know if you figure out a date is Sept. X

Glad the thread has helped, x x x
Yes Emma it got me earlier, dammit! Strangely a lot more relaxed this month and I wasn't upset as usually am. Quite looking forward to weeing on sticks again, ha! Must remember to buy some this week! X
MISHI!!!!!!!!!!!!! were are you hun, how you getting on? x x x

I'm here sweets!!

I've been in Scotland for my Sisters wedding, which was amazing! :)

I got my two peaks then one high, then back to low's this cycle so it's worked again :) First cycle temping and according to FF I ovulated on Wednesday, so 5dpo today, test day is 22nd if no AF.

I like seeing that ive actually ovulated, think i might contunue with the temping. I can't seem to figure out how to link my chart though?

Good luck everyone.xxx
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Morning ladies

Hope your all feeling well!

I'm 5dpo today - as you can see by chart I ov'd also on Wednesday! Getting a bit fed up of this waiting game - I'm trying really hard not to think about it but can't get it off my mind. I seem to be counting the days of the month away to get to either ov day or testing day lol!!

Have any of you had any symptoms yet (as we are all 5dpo) also at what dpo would implantation usually happen? I was hoping to test on Sunday as that would be 11dpo - do you think that's too early??

To get your chart on here go onto ff and the sharing button at the top, then go to tickers and it will give you some links that you can copy and paste onto your signature on here - you need to choose the one that says thumbnail

Hope that helps!!

Look forward to your update and keeping me sane xxx
Morning ladies

Hope your all feeling well!

I'm 5dpo today - as you can see by chart I ov'd also on Wednesday! Getting a bit fed up of this waiting game - I'm trying really hard not to think about it but can't get it off my mind. I seem to be counting the days of the month away to get to either ov day or testing day lol!!

Have any of you had any symptoms yet (as we are all 5dpo) also at what dpo would implantation usually happen? I was hoping to test on Sunday as that would be 11dpo - do you think that's too early??

To get your chart on here go onto ff and the sharing button at the top, then go to tickers and it will give you some links that you can copy and paste onto your signature on here - you need to choose the one that says thumbnail

Hope that helps!!

Look forward to your update and keeping me sane xxx

Thanks for the tip - I've tried to put the link on, just need one of you to tell me if it works!

I'm refusing to symptom spot - it drives me insane as the progesterone plays too many tricks on us - same/similar symptoms for AF and pregnancy :roll:

Implantation can occur from day 6 to day 10 but can be as late as day 14, so I always try and hold off and only test if AF is late - its just too depressing getting BFN's all the time and If I had a chemical I'd be gutted, so I'd rather not know if that make sense?

I'd try and hold off a little later than Sunday if I were you hon.

Fx'd for you.xx
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Hi Mishi

Thanks for the advise - I am going to try really hard not to poas this month lol!

I can see your ov chart now - looking good!
Going to try and keep myself occupied this week after work with other things!

Good luck and fx for all xx
Hey mishi,

I'm so glad the monitor is working now. Your chart is looking good, slightly freaky as its every similar to mine! Glad you had a good time in Scotland, hopefully all that relaxing has helped and you have a beautiful egg ready to implant! I'm loving charting too, didn't think I would, but I like seeing that I have ov rather than just guessing!

Steph- I would hold off as long as you can before testing, if you test to early your likely to get a bfn as there won't be enough hormone, especially if your a late implanter. I'm not testing until I'm 18dpo, if I make it that far, I usually have a 13 day lp but last cycle it changed to 17days so to save tests I'm playing it safe! Lol

By the way your chart looks amazing, very promising.

I've got no symptoms but I don't expect to at this stage, and I'm gonna try and not look for them. Hopefully. Lol

Good luck ladies x x x
Hi ladies
CD 13 today and still showing two bars (thats high right?) I don't reunite with OH until Thursday afternoon so hoping against hope ovulation will hold out until then! Though will be surprised if it does as that would be pretty late for me (i think) Aghhh Im getting all upset & frustrated thinking about it again:sad:
Fingers crossed your cycles are all going okay and one of us will get our bfp this month xxx
aww red nurse i have everything crossed that ov is late for you. I hate having bad days, but find it does me good to have a good old cry!

And yes 2 bars on the monitor means its high readings x x x
Thanks hun! Heres hoping its a long cycle like the last one :-) xxx
So CD 14 & still high readings. According to my days and period traccker tomorrow is ovulation day for me. I really hope it holds off one more day..... If I do get a peak tomorrow I'm guessing I'll be too late to catch eggy by bd'ing on Thursday? Oh I so hope this cycle is a long one.
How is everyone else today? Xxx
Hi all

Now on 6dpo and my god it's dragging! Seems like next Wednesday is forever away! I've been feeling good overall apart from the fact I'm full of wind (tmi) lol

Rednurse - I hope you get your peak on Thursday - I certainly wouldn't write it off yet - as you can see fr my chart I actually ov'd on the second peek day so if same happens for you that may be Thursday!! I've also read that eggy should be available for 24hours so you still could be in luck this month! Fx

Trying to stay positive in this countdown - good luck all xxxx
Hey rednurse just wanted to echo what steph said. I really think your gonna ovulate on Thursday, might be early morning but still leaves plenty of time as egg can survive for 24 hours.

if you was gonna ovulate tomorrow I really think your monitor would. have picked up on a surge in hormones and given you a peak today. as you can see from my chart I got my first peak then ov'd on the second, I I'm sure mishi did too. so you in with a fighting chance.

steph- I can't get over your chart hun, it looks amazing, and having wind is a great sign. when you planning on testing? x x
6dpo and I feel no different. I have a few dull period type pains yesterday but none today so far. I was full of hope at tIe beginning of tif week but as time passes by I feel less hopefully. Was hoping my temp would go back up this morning but its pretty much stayed the same.

Suppose only time will tell, but I won't hold my breath.

X x x
Hi emma. I'm going to try and hold out until next Wednesday but think I may have caved before that! Lol!

Do you take your temps at the same time each day - fro
What I gather if you wake slightly earlier (even 30min) this can cause a temp dip on the chart!

I'm trying to take your advise and not symptom spot but am failing miserably at that! Only major things I have noticed is my constant need to fart lol, a few twinges in lover belly here and there, and a tingling in the tips of my arms and legs on and off - not sure what thats all about! I have also had the runny bum today tmi sorry!

Try not to get too disheartened yet - we've still got a way to go havnt we and we could just be in look!

So glad I joined this site - it's really helping me hearing all of your stories and realising we all feel the same. Xx
Ps of you took that one high spike out of your chart from the weekend it's still on the upward curve hun x

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