*!*!*!*!cbfm thread!*!*!*!*

Hi girls,

How you all doing?

I'm feeling very fed up and sorry for myself today :(

I've managed to get myself in right miserable mood. One of those 'its not fair' and 'will it ever happen to me' kinda moods.

I'm fed up of waiting....honestly thats all ttc is about and im so impatient!

Im sat here with niggly aching in my ovary area and i know i'm not ovulating yet, my body is evil to me :roll: This cycle seems to be taking for ever!

My friend has just been for her first scan, its her first baby and she fell on the first round of clomid, lucky girl, i know i'm not that lucky. My other friend has just given birth to a little boy, everyone seems to be either pregnant or just had baby! Here i am 2 and half years later still bump-less :( I feel slightly jealous of them!

I've been thinking today if these clomid dont work i may give up on ttc. I have 3 cycles of the clomid, by the time i finish the last cycle i'll be nearly at the 3 year mark for ttc....i have put myself through so much both physically and mentally....maybe a break is what i need.

I feel very sad and emotional today, think i need my pjs, some chocloate and a glass of wine tonight :cry:

Sorry for the moaning x x x
The pain has calmed down now but I have been at work all day and not bd since Monday night as though I would ov later this month.

I have had ewcm but a lot more than usual and I put this down to the epo.

I'm sorry your having a bad day :( we all have those days, I do quite regularly.

How is it going with the clomid? X
I know hun trying to work out when you ov is a pain in the arse.

Month before i got a peak on cd17 & 18, month just gone i got peaks on cd 13 & 14!! Luckly we had bd'd the night before the first peak....not that it made a great deal of difference still got a bfn!

Dont panic hun, go home have sex over the weekend, stressing about it isnt going to help! You still have plently of time, ovulation happen roughly 24-48 hours after the peak...or so ive just read....so you have plenty of time.

Im not really sure how its going with the clomid to be honest, didnt get any low readings so i suppose thats a good sign, meaning its increased my hormones. I'm doing cheapie opks too, i have a second line on them but its nothing like a positive yet...so at least there both showing the same thing! I've started temp charting too but to be honest i have no idea what im looking for...gonna stick it up on here and see if the ladies can determine if ov has happened! When or if the time comes.

x x x
I'm laying in bed on tears hubby has had to work and I have not seen him since 7am this morning and he will not be home until about 9am and I start work at 8am. He works on the motor way so had some emergency work to do which now means we have not bd for ages and I got my first peak this morning. I am so upset and feel I have wasted this month. If I ever see his boss again he will be getting a piece of my mind
Aww hun don't cry :hugs:

I know it doesn't help much but it does only take 1 sperm. if you can bd tomorrow night and Sunday morning you'll still have a fighting chance hunny. you may have even longer....who's to say your count down doesn't begin from the time of your second peak...every woman and her cycle is different.

chin up sweet x x x
I tested this morning and got a peak again....

The manual says you ovulate 24-36 hours after the peak but I had those strong pains yesterday.

Oh well not a lot I can do of we don't catch this month then onto month 16.

Sorry for the bore just on a downer!

But on the plus side we are looking at holidays and it will be over my next fertile time so hopefully that will do us some good!

Hope you all have a lovey weekend, I'm stuck at work! X
Hey hun

everyone is entitled to a down day, get to us all at some point. Hopefully your body was just gearing up and ov will happen in the next day or so.

Oh holidays....whats one of those?! Its been ages since i had a holiday, the joys of saving for a house :roll: You going anywhere nice??

I'm on cd 12 today, monitor still showing highs. Got a awful headache, had it last night too and woke up to a faceful of zits.....dont usually get them til the end of the month....side effect of the clomid i think. Here's me thinking i got away side effect free! :lol:

And to top it off i'm working this weekend, heres hoping for a easy shift!

x x x
I'm sure the spots will be worth it of you get a bfp!!

Hopefully you get your peak very soon, mines an early one this month.

We are not too sure where to go we will prob look for a late deal to greece or something but we booked the time off work an it falls on my firtile week :)
Hey guys.

Hope Poppy and Emma are feeling better now? I had a really bad few days last month so know how you are feeling.

Day 22 for me and still high. Think It's fair to say it won't show a peak this time! Xx
Hi Emma, not been around for a bit, but here's my update for the front page

Mishi- cycle 6
4th cycle on cbfm (but first since I reset it so fx'd it's working properly now!)
Epo 2000mg
Pre conception vitamins (both of us)
DHEA 75mg, Aspirin 75mg

AF due 21st or 22nd August, but won't test unless not here by 23rd.


Hey mishi :wave:

How have you been?? Was starting to think you had left us :shock:

Oh you've reset the monitor, i hope this month it works for you! Dont forget tho that it will ask for 20 sticks this cycle! Didnt want you falling short!

Can i ask what is DHEA?? If seen it mentioned a few times but not actually sure what it is...i would google it but i dont have time...and sometimes google lies! :lol:

I'll update your info when i get home hun.

FX for you, hope this is your month x x x

Sorry hon, only just seen this. I've been lying low this month as I've been going through a bit of a low period - it will be my EDD on 19th August and I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself.

Monitor still showing High, but not had a +ve OPK yet, so we will see. And yes I remembered to buy some extra stick as it will want 20! This ttc is an expensive business!

I went to see a consultant in June for a scan and to check some bloods regarding egg quality. We were worried due to the chromosome issue with previous pregnancy. He suggested DHEA which in very basic terms is a hormone supplement, but there has been some research done that suggests it MAY improve egg quality. The aspirin is because the DHEA can make your blood clot more, so this should counter that effect.

Hope your doing ok on your Clomid sweets?xx
Hi Emma, not been around for a bit, but here's my update for the front page

Mishi- cycle 6
4th cycle on cbfm (but first since I reset it so fx'd it's working properly now!)
Epo 2000mg
Pre conception vitamins (both of us)
DHEA 75mg, Aspirin 75mg

AF due 21st or 22nd August, but won't test unless not here by 23rd.


Hey mishi :wave:

How have you been?? Was starting to think you had left us :shock:

Oh you've reset the monitor, i hope this month it works for you! Dont forget tho that it will ask for 20 sticks this cycle! Didnt want you falling short!

Can i ask what is DHEA?? If seen it mentioned a few times but not actually sure what it is...i would google it but i dont have time...and sometimes google lies! :lol:

I'll update your info when i get home hun.

FX for you, hope this is your month x x x

Sorry hon, only just seen this. I've been lying low this month as I've been going through a bit of a low period - it will be my EDD on 19th August and I've been feeling a bit sorry for myself.

Monitor still showing High, but not had a +ve OPK yet, so we will see. And yes I remembered to buy some extra stick as it will want 20! This ttc is an expensive business!

I went to see a consultant in June for a scan and to check some bloods regarding egg quality. We were worried due to the chromosome issue with previous pregnancy. He suggested DHEA which in very basic terms is a hormone supplement, but there has been some research done that suggests it MAY improve egg quality. The aspirin is because the DHEA can make your blood clot more, so this should counter that effect.

Hope your doing ok on your Clomid sweets?xx

:hugs::hugs:to you hun, i wont say i understand how you feel because i dont, but i can imagine. I have no words of wisdom other than remember to take care of yourself.

Ahh so thats what DHEA is, well you learn something new every day! And you dont have to tell me about the expense....i thought they only cost money once they were born!!

The clomid is going ok i think, no signs or obvious symptoms...i have a outbreak of spots my face, looks like i have the peak district on my mush! And keep having headaches. Im using opks which have two lines but not positives altho they seem to be getting darker, monitor still showing high. And i decided to temp this month and so far all my temp has done is decline! :/

Suppose only time will tell :roll:

Fx for you, hope your monitor shows a peak and agrees with the opks this month! x x x
Morning ladies,

How you all doing?

I'm on cd15 today. I've pee'd on my monitor stick just waiting for it to read. Did an opk last night a was looking very good a shade or 3 lighter than the control line, but the darkest to date. Had a few twinges in my right side too. Wondering if I'll ovulate from that side....

....monitor is showing peak!! Woohoo, just gotta wait for the shift in temps over the next couple of days to confirm ov.

Fx to all of us this cycle x x
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Hello ladies

Hope you don't mind if I join in your thead. I'm new to all this as this month is my first using cbfm! I had low readings from cd6 - cd9 and then high readings up to today cd14 when I got my first peek!!

I have a few questions - when is the best time to bd now?? When
Gould I expect temp to rise (also charting) - should I put an old stick in the monitor tomorrow rather than opening a new? And how long after peek should ov come

Sorry for so many questions

Thanks for your help xxx
Yay for your peak Emma, I got mine this morning too and a lovely +ve opk. Hopefully temp will rise in next couple of days but I'm flying to Scotland on Thursday, so that may put a cat amongst the pigeons!

Welcome Stephttc :wave: yes get bd'ing now! I think it's anything from 12-36 hours after your surge that you wil ovulate and expect to see your temps rise in the next couple of days. You need to use a new stick every morning so the monitor can assess the fluctuations in hormones and get to 'know' you!

You may well get a peak tomorrow too, so I'd bd today, tomorrow and the next day if I were you!

Good luck everyone.xx
Hey Mishi

Thank you for your reply - I think we are all at the same stage of the month so fingers crossed we all get our bfp this month!

I will use new stick tomorrow now I know - think I will try an opk aswell today (have never have a + on one of those)

How funny I am also off to Scotland this week although don't have the pleasure of flying ( we drive Friday evening and I fly back Saturday afternoon) bit of a joaunt for a bridesmaid dress fitting! I suppose I still have 3 days of bd'ing to try and catch that egg

Good luck everyone xxx
Hi and welcome stephttc. Like mishi said its a good idea to use the full 20 tests this cycle as its your first and the monitor is getting. to know you. I think the monitors are programmed to give 2 peaks so you should get another tomorrow. Either way again like mishi said It's anytime from 12t-36 hours Althought I think I've read 12-48 hour...so just have sex over the next few days as much as possible. Also you should see a temp rise once ovulation has occured in the next few days.

Yay mishi resetting worked! Boo for having to fly on Thursday....still plenty of time to get bding...also if you don't catch egg this cycle at least you know the monitor is working, should make it easier for you!

Ya know statistically at least 1 of us should get there bfp! Ha yeah right, hopefully we'll all get it!

Fx for us all x x
Hi and welcome stephttc. Like mishi said its a good idea to use the full 20 tests this cycle as its your first and the monitor is getting. to know you. I think the monitors are programmed to give 2 peaks so you should get another tomorrow. Either way again like mishi said It's anytime from 12t-36 hours Althought I think I've read 12-48 hour...so just have sex over the next few days as much as possible. Also you should see a temp rise once ovulation has occured in the next few days.

Yay mishi resetting worked! Boo for having to fly on Thursday....still plenty of time to get bding...also if you don't catch egg this cycle at least you know the monitor is working, should make it easier for you!

Ya know statistically at least 1 of us should get there bfp! Ha yeah right, hopefully we'll all get it!

Fx for us all x x

Yep hon you were right about having to reset it - thank you!

We have tried ALOT this month! CD10,12,13,14,15,16 and this morning on CD17. Plan is to go again tonight and tomorrow before heading off to Scotland on Thursday morning which will be CD19. Hubby will be joining me late Friday evening, but will be too late by then, so hopefully catch it before I go.

Definitely Fx'd for us all this cycle.xx
Hey Mishi

Thank you for your reply - I think we are all at the same stage of the month so fingers crossed we all get our bfp this month!

I will use new stick tomorrow now I know - think I will try an opk aswell today (have never have a + on one of those)

How funny I am also off to Scotland this week although don't have the pleasure of flying ( we drive Friday evening and I fly back Saturday afternoon) bit of a joaunt for a bridesmaid dress fitting! I suppose I still have 3 days of bd'ing to try and catch that egg

Good luck everyone xxx

No problem honey!

I'm going up to Scotland for my Sisters wedding :) Really hoping the rain stays away!

Fingers will indeed be crossed for us all.xxx
Hi and welcome stephttc. Like mishi said its a good idea to use the full 20 tests this cycle as its your first and the monitor is getting. to know you. I think the monitors are programmed to give 2 peaks so you should get another tomorrow. Either way again like mishi said It's anytime from 12t-36 hours Althought I think I've read 12-48 hour...so just have sex over the next few days as much as possible. Also you should see a temp rise once ovulation has occured in the next few days.

Yay mishi resetting worked! Boo for having to fly on Thursday....still plenty of time to get bding...also if you don't catch egg this cycle at least you know the monitor is working, should make it easier for you!

Ya know statistically at least 1 of us should get there bfp! Ha yeah right, hopefully we'll all get it!

Fx for us all x x

Yep hon you were right about having to reset it - thank you!

We have tried ALOT this month! CD10,12,13,14,15,16 and this morning on CD17. Plan is to go again tonight and tomorrow before heading off to Scotland on Thursday morning which will be CD19. Hubby will be joining me late Friday evening, but will be too late by then, so hopefully catch it before I go.

Definitely Fx'd for us all this cycle.xx

Wow thought we'd been giving it a go try this month, ours is pitiful compared to you! Lol we've done the deed cd4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, we was ment to this morning but oh was up late so were gonna bd before i go to work at 5pm and again when i get home at 11pm! Haha we will catch this flipping egg!

And resetting the monitor was just a stab in the dark but im glad it worked :lol:

Im having a few niggling pains again, alternating between the left and right side. Wonder which side i'll ovualate and if i'll feel it this month. Glad i've finally had a peak, this cycle seemed to be taking forever!

x x x
I have now ovulated so am officially in my 2ww, I hope af doesn't arrive, as usual the next 2 weeks will be hell!

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