can you actually afford to have a baby?

In joint claim -
Job seekers - £220 fortnight
Tax credit - £111 weekly
Child benefit - £33 weekly
You get the above? Do you get council tax and housing/rent?

Purely curious.

Why am I working :| lol

Same here.

Thats alot more than we get with OH working and me being a student nurse.
People will never find a job if they get given more money than you can earn in a job x
Yes we do get enough as single patents but do you know what??

I'd much rather be back in the situation where I had a supportive loving partner and the emotional support that comes with it :(

Of course, that's not the point tho. The point is there are joint couples CHOOSING not to worrk to get handed money on a plate. No1 is referring to single mothers 'lifestyle' , it's abut the money people get for nothing when people are working 40+ hours a week for LESS and then have expenses out of their wage too to get to work (travel, food, clothes etc) x
I was simply saying I wasn't jumping up to anyone's comments sorry should have said that.
Jaxx I so get you on that one! Although sometimes I do think life was so much simpler when it was just the 3 of us to think about! And my house was a lot tidier :lol:
LOL @ being single being tidier!! lol

Ah no worries , i just thought you had got offended, but i actually think single mums are the one able -bodied person who shouldnt be forced back into the working world the first couple of years of their childs life. ESP as im sure most of them would change their situation.

I do however think a single mother, on benefits shouldnt actively ttc while still on those benefits with no intention of earning their own crust. xxx
I actually have a question for everyone here, some of you seem a lot more clued up than I am about these things...

I know a woman, she has a son and is with a new partner, he's a self employed manual worker of some sort. She's going to college, but also put up a status on FB a while ago about being stuck in the job centre and how much she hates it.

They go abroad on holiday a fair bit, run a car and a work van for him.

Does anyone know if this sounds right?? I can't personally see why she'd need to go to the job centre unless she was claiming? And if it is legitimate, does college cost her anything if her fiance is working? I'd love to go to college - Want to work in the catering industry but have been put off doing it now by the costs.
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If her partner is on a low income (which even if hes not he may be claiming to be) she can get grants for college and help with childcare and may need to go to the benefits office, yes.

yes totally agree humesy

I do however think a single mother, on benefits shouldnt actively ttc while still on those benefits with no intention of earning their own crust. xxx
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I actually do not know why I am bothering to work, I wish I didn't know how much people were getting :( x
I actually do not know why I am bothering to work, I wish I didn't know how much people were getting :( x

Because you are better than most?

On a serious note - could you reduce your hours and get topped up with WTC? :whistle: - thats what theyre theyre for and what ur earning is going to childcare - didnt u say ur childcare was like £200 a WEEK?! xx
£240 per week.
I am a clinician in the NHS and my workload wouldn't really work if I reduced my hours.
I am quite specialised and to get the job I have on my area is one of only 6 posts so I have been really fortunate to get to where I am now.
If I dropped hours I would never get them back x
I actually do not know why I am bothering to work, I wish I didn't know how much people were getting :( x

I wish my benefits added up to the amounts I've seen on this thread. I have to pay for all of my medication/travel to hospital appointments etc out of them also, I don't get free prescriptions, eyecare or dentistry.

We're not entitled to WTC or anything, either.
I actually do not know why I am bothering to work, I wish I didn't know how much people were getting :( x

Same :( we waited 8 years before ttc and strive and do our best. We built our own house, I waited an extra 2 years to make sure my job was secure and that we knew o/h's promotion was secure in the pipeline. We are lucky that we are both in good secure jobs but things like this make my blood boil (link to mail I mean). It's very demoralising.
I just don't get how there's no apparent consistency. Honest, hard working people who, for whatever reason, fall on hard times are really put through their paces and made to feel like an inconvenience to get some help back from the very system they've actively contributed to. On the other side of the spectrum, people with no interest to seek work, know every trick in the book to get more money and seem to be able to brazenly continue claiming for years with no challenge whatsoever.
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Wish i never said anything now and i wish my partner was working at least then we could at least have a little more money and respect. At the moment he is in agencies signing up

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
Oh sweet Jesus! Well that definitely showcases the "entitlement culture" at it's best.

Where do people get off thinking that it's the governments responsibility to house and feed them. Obviously there has to be a safety net for people who find themselves in difficulty but not an infinite stream of handouts for years on end to people who are perfectly capable of working (be that for minimum wave or not).

I know this family is an extreme example and not typical either of refugees or benefit recipients but they definitely seem to have assimilated the sense of entitlement that is becoming more and more prevalent.

I hope this wasn't aimed at me

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x
Wish i never said anything now and i wish my partner was working at least then we could at least have a little more money and respect. At the moment he is in agencies signing up

20/06/2012 - Elliott born at 12:09 x

11/02/2011 - Leo born at 11:37 x

Exactly hun, he's making an effort and everyone sees that as a good thing. He is striving to work. It's not your situation that makes people mad, it's the ones who seem to have been born with the attitude that the world owes them something for nothing x

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