I promise I don't get those amounts in bennefits x
I think the thing is that the DM (I have them blocked on my laptop for the benefit of my mental health/blood pressure

) finds very extreme examples because that is their forte, they get pageviews due to the extreme nature of what they print (and they've had some humdingers in the last fortnight.)
The thing is, cost of living massively varies over the country, as do wages, council tax etc.
I'm not a massive supporter of the "people on benefits shouldn't live in expensive areas" concept, due to the fact that there is a movement to remove vulnerable people out of the nations big cities.
Historically, this has been achieved through slum clearance programs that saw communities destroyed and bused off to council estates all over the country, and I think everyone can see what happened there. The destruction of community, family social groups etc hit them hard and has led to these areas having high crime etc.
To an extent, the argument should be - why are these rents so high when they're housing social tenants. There is a lack of social housing because in the 1980's so much of the social housing stock got sold off without re-investment and building replacements. This is why benefit claimants are living in private rented houses with astonishingly high rents. Transplanting those families to areas with lower cost of living does not help this, it creates rootless people. The heat should be centred on the government who are not doing anything to ease the situation.
Just think of all the housing that has been built as part of the Olympic village - I haven't seen any data on whether a percentage of it will be social housing yet, but I hope so. I feel that the entire thing should be given over to social housing personally, and would not be pleased if the units are sold for a profit.