c-section to avoid get induced?

I know it's a public forum and I did expect opinions although I didn't ask for it.

However, seems a bit pointless of trying to persuade me otherwise when my mind is set and I feel I have to respond as I started the thread and it just seems pointless to repeat myself over and over again.

Anyway, so unless a NEW question is asked I'm going to ignore it, as so far nothing of what has been posted could ever change my mind.
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You have rights of course but you posted on an open forum so you will get opinions, whether you want to or not.
If you have such a fear of induction, perhaps consultant is the way forward.

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As posted previously; I got an appointment with a consultant last week.
i am doin the same thing. If i go overdue (im a previous c sectioner btw) to 40+10 (ish) im going to fight for a csection. I personally do not want any induction if it can be at all avoided. FOr me this was based on a previous experience on induction and it was a terrible experience and i never wish to relive that again if possible. But then saying that my recovery was very straight forward and i am very lucky for that.
i am doin the same thing. If i go overdue (im a previous c sectioner btw) to 40+10 (ish) im going to fight for a csection. I personally do not want any induction if it can be at all avoided. FOr me this was based on a previous experience on induction and it was a terrible experience and i never wish to relive that again if possible. But then saying that my recovery was very straight forward and i am very lucky for that.

But if you have had a previous c-section, induction is more of a risk i think. And your personal experience of course is taken into account.
However if it was my first baby, i wouldnylt push for a c section as the chances are i wouldnt need one.
Child birth.has risks no matter what and of course we all evaluate them

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i am doin the same thing. If i go overdue (im a previous c sectioner btw) to 40+10 (ish) im going to fight for a csection. I personally do not want any induction if it can be at all avoided. FOr me this was based on a previous experience on induction and it was a terrible experience and i never wish to relive that again if possible. But then saying that my recovery was very straight forward and i am very lucky for that.

I think it's different if you have had a induction previously and had a very bad experience from it then I can understand , but if you have never experienced giving birth before or being in labour I don't see why women should be allowed sections unless its for medical reasons . Xxx
It is a public forum and like it or not people only try and give there personal experiences and knowledge to try and help people.
The risks of a c-section greatly outweigh the risks of induction?!
If this was not the case than would every woman not be offered a c-section rather than being induced??
Why do so many people after sections push for a VBAC?
I do agree that if you have had a section before then a c-section should be offered.
I hope your consultant appt goes well, and you get offered a section if you go overdue if you want. But people are simply trying to share there experiences and tell you not all inductions are awful.

Childbirth is different for everyone. C-section or vaginal delivery. Everyone has there reasons. But I don't think being scared of induction is a reason to be given a c-section. Induction has such a wide variety of methods and outcome.
You will be offered counselling. Or 'perinatal mental health support' as they call it, given your reasons for wanting one will probably fall under 'anxiety about childbirth'.

I have read the guidelines on this myself and my opinion is that they will not make this easy for you based on the reason you want one. A consultant is at liberty to refuse doing a section as well. Though they are required to refer you to someone else who is willing.

I suspect they will try and talk you out of it quite vigorously. And if they don't they should (for all if the reasons mentioned earlier in this thread).

You never know, someone you speak to may put your mind at rest about the induction process.
As someone who has experienced a normal vaginal delivery, an instrumental delivery with episiotomy, an induction and a c section let me tell you this.
I urge you to think again about a c section. Especially as it is your first and you really have no idea how it will pan out. Every person under the sun has someone telling them stories about "well such and such had an induction and this happened" etc etc.
Any consultant worth their salt with deny you a section based on your reasons and the ones that would carry one out happily, well, I wouldn't let them near my uterus with a barge pole.
I am talking from experience, not hear say or stories.
At the end of the day it's your body and you don't appear to want to listen to the advice given by the ladies who have already been through it. That's up to you of course. I do think you are massively misinformed though and that's just my opinion.
Good luck.
I think the reason she isnt listening to anyones advice is its nothing to do with a fear of inducton she just wants a section no matter what and for some reason instead of just saying 'its what i want because im like posh spice' she is hiding behind bullshit stories friends have given her. If it was because of worries about induction she would be open to listening to the medical facts and other stories/ experiences to be so close minded tells me that its all just a story or for attention. Sorry but thats what i think x
I think the reason she isnt listening to anyones advice is its nothing to do with a fear of inducton she just wants a section no matter what and for some reason instead of just saying 'its what i want because im like posh spice' she is hiding behind bullshit stories friends have given her. If it was because of worries about induction she would be open to listening to the medical facts and other stories/ experiences to be so close minded tells me that its all just a story or for attention. Sorry but thats what i think x

I don't agree, and I don't think it's very fair to make that judgement?

Whilst I don't agree with the OPs decision, she may genuinely be scared of induction. The have been a few women on here who have been scared of labour etc...

Whilst I do think maybe OP has been misinformed, or not looked at all the stats, I don't think it's fair to just decide she's doing it for attention x
I dont see why else she would be so rude about people trying to give her advice and be so closed minded, but thats just what i think .... but i am judgemental ill hold my hands up to that lol x
Like posh spice lol :rofl: x

Its the first person who sprang to mind, she had c sections and was open and said it was because she didn't want to have a 'normal' birth but fair play to her she was honest about it all x
Like posh spice lol :rofl: x

Its the first person who sprang to mind, she had c sections and was open and said it was because she didn't want to have a 'normal' birth but fair play to her she was honest about it all x

But she paid for hers herself. I dont have a problem with it lol

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And she (allegedly) got a tummy tuck at the same time!
I bet she's got awful scarring now though :shock: x
A blooming tummy tuck - well i suppose while there there they may as well! x
I needed a bloody tummy tuck after my section. That little overhang of skin over the scar is impossible to get rid of :( xx
I had overhang before i was pregnant! Only kidding im sure your a beautiful lady or do i need to go searching the forum for a picture of you to prove it?

Im in a better mood now maybe i was too harsh before... oh well typical me! x
Hahaha I was gutted after my section, I'm very fussy about my body and the scar made me cry. I lost a lot of confidence after the section. It was awful. I hated my oh seeing the scar and would never let him touch it. If I felt his hand near it when we were dtd I would be completely put off and it would ruin it. Awful x
Its hard when you have anything about your body you dont like, im a big lass and i get very down about my looks sometimes, it gets easier over time because you because more accepting of it. I hated my belly but now i dont mind so much. xx

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