c-section to avoid get induced?

^^ what about the risks associated with MAJOR surgery?
I'm not saying a c-section is risk free, but I'd rather have a planned c-section rather than doubling up on the risks by getting induced and still possibly end up in an emergency c-section.
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Update for those who may have the same thoughts as me.

Just had a chat with a friend who is a doctor - don't know why I didn't think of asking her first...
So she has advised me that the MW will try to talk you out of any planned c-section regardless of the circumstances due to the cost associated with a c-section.

However, you should ask for a consultant, which they can't refuse and if she does, then you should complain as they can't refuse you see a consultant.

At the end of the day; they are not allowed to refuse an elective c-section, but you do have to fight for it but ultimately they can't, even though they make it sound like you don't have an option. It's just a matter of how hard you want to fight for it.
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chances are that you might not require an induction though... but even without induction you could still end up with an emergency section (although less likely) if circumstances deem necessary.... epidurals have a risk of nerve damage and paralysis.... does that mean you will want a GA, which carries increased risk of anaphalxis.... 35% might seem quite high but think of it in terms of number of babies that are born naturally with induction.... might be worth thinking about the monitoring, trying to keep active. I think a lot of people think that induction automatically means being strapped to a bed, with doesn't help labour.... but is not always needed and you sound determined enough to fight your cause...

Hope you meeting with a consultant helps you
Im sorry i dont understand, you can always ask for a c section if you go over and not get induced? but the chances are you probably wont need an induction anyway :S
Im sorry i dont understand, you can always ask for a c section if you go over and not get induced? but the chances are you probably wont need an induction anyway :S
Not always some hospitals will still push for a natural birth when being induced and only do a c-section if deemed necessary.
but your risking having a c section on the off chance that you might need inducing and have those risks, you may just be fine and have a natural normal birth. If its what you want to do that's fine and your choice but the whole induction thing sounds like an excuse really (sorry to sound harsh) x
Hun , you only hear the horror story's about inductions I had a great induction and would do it all the same way again . I don't understand why you would put
Your body through surgery unless u need it . Your recovery time will be so much longer and there are the risks involved with the surgery as well x
but your risking having a c section on the off chance that you might need inducing and have those risks, you may just be fine and have a natural normal birth. If its what you want to do that's fine and your choice but the whole induction thing sounds like an excuse really (sorry to sound harsh) x

I don't think ur being harsh Hun ,
I actually agree with u xxx
but your risking having a c section on the off chance that you might need inducing and have those risks, you may just be fine and have a natural normal birth. If its what you want to do that's fine and your choice but the whole induction thing sounds like an excuse really (sorry to sound harsh) x
Excuse for what?

I don't expect others to understand my reasoning for wanting to avoid getting induced and that's fine, but just to be clear I do hope for a natural birth.
I'm hoping that I'll give birth naturally between week 38-40, but I want in my birth plan that if I should go over time then I want a c-section by 41+0 and not get induced because of the risks involved with getting induced.
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If there is a chance if c section after induction... Then surely the odds are better to go for an induction if.you are not bothered by a c section anyway?

What risks are there from induction? I was not warned of any and it went very smoothly.

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
but your risking having a c section on the off chance that you might need inducing and have those risks, you may just be fine and have a natural normal birth. If its what you want to do that's fine and your choice but the whole induction thing sounds like an excuse really (sorry to sound harsh) x
Excuse for what?

I don't expect others to understand my reasoning for wanting to avoid getting induced and that's fine, but just to be clear I do hope for a natural birth.
I'm hoping that I'll give birth naturally between week 38-40, but I want in my birth plan that if I should go over time then I want a c-section by 41+0 and not get induced because of the risks involved with getting induced.

Surely the risks of c section outweigh the risks of induction otherwise they would offer c section when ladies go overdue and not induction??

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
If there is a chance if c section after induction... Then surely the odds are better to go for an induction if.you are not bothered by a c section anyway?

What risks are there from induction? I was not warned of any and it went very smoothly.

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
The same risks as a natural birth, however an emergency c section carries more risks than a planned c-section. In my opinion they should tell you that around 35% of inductions end up in emergency c-sections as well as tell you about the increased risks with an emergency c-section compared to a planned c-section.
Surely the risks of c section outweigh the risks of induction otherwise they would offer c section when ladies go overdue and not induction??

Sent from my shit hot phone! Fo shizzle home girls.
No, the hospitals are paid one set amount for a birth regardless of the delivery method.

Therefore, if you opt for an epidural or a c-section then the hospital will "earn" less of your birth and basically affect their bottom line.

Moreover, when the 2011 NICE guidelines were first published it advised MWs to push for natural birth (no epidural and no CS) due to the extra cost involved. Funnily enough the guidelines did not mention that they should push for natural birth due to the risks involved with epidural or CS. After a lot of critique this specific text was removed and reworded.

So short answer to your question is no.
I've just had a wonderful induction and as a vbac, I was taking a risk but it was a calculated and highly monitored risk.
As someone who has experienced a non induction vaginal delivery, an induction and a c section - I would walk on hot coals to avoid a section!
Maybe I didnt make my point clear enough. What I mean is that if you are opting for an c section because 35% of inductions end in c section... yet want a vaginal birth why not take the chance that 65% of induction are vaginal births (what you want) and if you end up with a section your not that bothered anyway cause you thought about elective section?

I dont really get why you would want major surgery when the likelihood points to a normal vaginal birth.

I am not talking about costs to the hospital. A doctor wouldnt opt for you to have a less invasive procedure over surgery if it was more dangerous just because of the cost. They has to be other elements taken into consideration.

Anyway, thats just how im thinking. Obviously you have every right to go with c section if offered to you, i wouldnt personally.

Aside from the obvious risks and issues with a section, out of 4 babies , I had 2 of them go to special care after sections (elective sections too, not as you say more risky emergency ones). Both babies had wet lungs, one went straight from theatre and had an infection and stayed in hospital for 2 weeks, (I only got my first hold/cuddle on day 3 , for 30 seconds, and I was chucked out as fit and well and had to go home without baby - awful feeling and I did find I had much slower bonding). The other had no suck reflex and basically I tried and failed to feed them myself with breastfeeding, so I had to tube feed instead. It's much harder to get breastfeeding established although it can be done. And all caused by a elective section. At least with an emergency section baby would have decided to arrive themselves, which surely is what you want anyway, by avoiding induction?

I have a numb stomach, which is nice.... but you get used to it. I also have part of my left thigh that is numb on the outside, luckily my left groin area did recover and feeling returned after 1 year post section. Also sorry for TMI, but my the top half of my lady garden has never grown back in the same way and even when looking tidy, I have a two tier effect that is just plain odd!! Oh and a 8 inch scar...

Sorry to be a little blunt, and I know it's your choice and you have your reasons and your trying to work it all out and think it through, but it's really something , I would never opt for, I would love to bend, stand , walk and live normally after birth.. I actually still feel a little robbed of my chance to do this.
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A friend had induction couple of days ago, had an epidural and after 1.5 hours of pushing gave birth to a 9lb7oz girl with no complications and she was very positive. I think if you have spoken to people who share their experiences negatively that really won't help your state if mind.

I was scared of induction I hadn't even considered I would need one so it was a shock but although it ended up in a section I would do the induction first. Epidurals make such a difference, the notes given were to consider pain relief because inductions are intense but I would have rather delivered naturally and seen LO, OH to cut the cord etc

Hope you are not too worried & you have a natural delivery! If not it's nothing to worry about at the end of it you get to hold LO and once that happens you won't give a monkeys about things you worried about before.

Maybe I didnt make my point clear enough. What I mean is that if you are opting for an c section because 35% of inductions end in c section... yet want a vaginal birth why not take the chance that 65% of induction are vaginal births (what you want) and if you end up with a section your not that bothered anyway cause you thought about elective section?

I dont really get why you would want major surgery when the likelihood points to a normal vaginal birth.

I am not talking about costs to the hospital. A doctor wouldnt opt for you to have a less invasive procedure over surgery if it was more dangerous just because of the cost. They has to be other elements taken into consideration.

Anyway, thats just how im thinking. Obviously you have every right to go with c section if offered to you, i wouldnt personally.

I'm not opting for a c section because of the 35% of inductions end up in emergency c-section.
I'm opting for a planned c-section, IF I go overdue, as I deem the risks involved with an induction incl. the emergency c-section are too high for my unborn son and myself.

Yes, there are people out there who have had wonderful inductions just as well as there are people who have had no complication c-sections.

We each look at the risk factors differently but I believe in my gut instinct and I can't ignore the fact that we have friends with a severely handicapped son and others who gave birth to angels - all of them were induced.
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Update for ladies who share the same concerns as me:

Went to for my 28 week MW appointment today and brought up my concerns. They didn't fight back as hard as I thought they would and I now have an appointment to see a gynaecologist consultant in a few weeks.

Perhaps it helped that I had read the NICE guidelines so I knew what my rights were, because as soon as I brought them up and talked about stats as well as personal experiences they referred me straight away. :)
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but your risking having a c section on the off chance that you might need inducing and have those risks, you may just be fine and have a natural normal birth. If its what you want to do that's fine and your choice but the whole induction thing sounds like an excuse really (sorry to sound harsh) x
Excuse for what?

I don't expect others to understand my reasoning for wanting to avoid getting induced and that's fine, but just to be clear I do hope for a natural birth.
I'm hoping that I'll give birth naturally between week 38-40, but I want in my birth plan that if I should go over time then I want a c-section by 41+0 and not get induced because of the risks involved with getting induced.

Excuse for having a planned section is what i meant because you hadn't explained only if you went overdue, i thought you meant you wanted one no matter what on the off chance that you needed induction.

I just think you come off as sounding a bit mixed up because as ladies have explained there are a lot of risks with c section it sounds like your ignoring because of your friends bad experience.
We almost lost my sister in law after a planned section (breech baby) due to a bad reaction to the drugs and she had a fit, then the doctors wanted to know what drug she had reacted to so she had another fit :roll: She lost the first few days with her son because of her been asleep, she missed changing, dressing, feeding for the first time and even though he is 10 now she still wishes she had those moments.
I dont want to scare you but im saying you can't let one off's cloud your judgment. What im struggling to understand is - - if you are happy with a c section, and you have induction then there is a 65% chance you will have a vaginal bith which your happy with and a 35% chance of a c section which also your happy with, What risks are you most worried about with the induction?

Again i really dont want to sound nasty im trying to understand xx

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