c-section to avoid get induced?

Planned or not a c section still has more risks that an induction x
I know heaps of horror stories with c sections. I won't even have an epidural if I need to have a section. My friend's epidural was stuffed up and she leaked spinal fluid so her brain was just sitting on her spine. Another friend it was not working properly and she could feel the scalpel cut into her, not to mention the fact that they tear the skin the rest of the way. Its easier to stitch up. I know of someone else who had something cut that was not meant too be and she almost bled to death. I know more stories and each one wishes they could have done it naturally even with induction. I'd actually go as far to say 50% or more of people I know who have had one has a bad story.

C sections should be avoided for so many reasons be it human error or just plain bad luck. Just make sure you know all the risks before you sign on the dotted line. Plus remember you will be dependent on other people 4 at least 6 weeks afterwards.
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Maybe I didnt make my point clear enough. What I mean is that if you are opting for an c section because 35% of inductions end in c section... yet want a vaginal birth why not take the chance that 65% of induction are vaginal births (what you want) and if you end up with a section your not that bothered anyway cause you thought about elective section?

I dont really get why you would want major surgery when the likelihood points to a normal vaginal birth.

I am not talking about costs to the hospital. A doctor wouldnt opt for you to have a less invasive procedure over surgery if it was more dangerous just because of the cost. They has to be other elements taken into consideration.

Anyway, thats just how im thinking. Obviously you have every right to go with c section if offered to you, i wouldnt personally.

I'm not opting for a c section because of the 35% of inductions end up in emergency c-section.
I'm opting for a planned c-section, IF I go overdue, as I deem the risks involved with an induction incl. the emergency c-section are too high for my unborn son and myself.

Yes, there are people out there who have had wonderful inductions just as well as there are people who have had no complication c-sections.

We each look at the risk factors differently but I believe in my gut instinct and I can't ignore the fact that we have friends with a severely handicapped son and others who gave birth to angels - all of them were induced.

Surely if this were the case then this would never be an option for expectant mothers...
A woman on here had a section and ended up with an infection which ate away at her flesh so had to have the infection tissue removed with further surgery aswell as having to have a suction drain on the wound for 6 weeks.

Although I was fairly happy with my c-section, I have such alot of guilt regarding my LOs delivery. I was that dosed up on drugs that I couldn't hold LO as I was shaking so much, it was about an hour or so until I got too. Because I was so doped up when I tried BF I couldn't stay awake, so never got that first feed and our first cuddles only lasted a few mins or so as I was lay completely flat and couldn't hold her properly. I lost alot of blood so felt like crap, I had to have someone take me to the loo on a commode as the pain was awful.

I also got mastitis (which I'm not saying was due to the section) but it was so much harder to deal with because of my scar. Oh and there's the 6 week recovery time, where you can't lift/carry anything heavier than LO or walk very far- so no pushing your brand new baby around with pride, or nipping to the shops. And when OH went back to work I couldn't do a quick tidy up or anything, as no hoovering allowed or bending. No driving for weeks either so have to rely on others to ferry you about- which I hate. And then you have another 6 weeks (so 12 in total) until you are actually back to full strength.

It's major surgery, just like other non-pregnancy related surgeries, and I'm sure that you would try other methods to resolve a problem rather than go straight for surgery if it were anything else.
but your risking having a c section on the off chance that you might need inducing and have those risks, you may just be fine and have a natural normal birth. If its what you want to do that's fine and your choice but the whole induction thing sounds like an excuse really (sorry to sound harsh) x
Excuse for what?

I don't expect others to understand my reasoning for wanting to avoid getting induced and that's fine, but just to be clear I do hope for a natural birth.
I'm hoping that I'll give birth naturally between week 38-40, but I want in my birth plan that if I should go over time then I want a c-section by 41+0 and not get induced because of the risks involved with getting induced.

Excuse for having a planned section is what i meant because you hadn't explained only if you went overdue, i thought you meant you wanted one no matter what on the off chance that you needed induction.

I just think you come off as sounding a bit mixed up because as ladies have explained there are a lot of risks with c section it sounds like your ignoring because of your friends bad experience.
We almost lost my sister in law after a planned section (breech baby) due to a bad reaction to the drugs and she had a fit, then the doctors wanted to know what drug she had reacted to so she had another fit :roll: She lost the first few days with her son because of her been asleep, she missed changing, dressing, feeding for the first time and even though he is 10 now she still wishes she had those moments.
I dont want to scare you but im saying you can't let one off's cloud your judgment. What im struggling to understand is - - if you are happy with a c section, and you have induction then there is a 65% chance you will have a vaginal bith which your happy with and a 35% chance of a c section which also your happy with, What risks are you most worried about with the induction?

Again i really dont want to sound nasty im trying to understand xx

I didn't think you could get induced unless you were overdue or something was wrong with your baby?

Anyway, I'm pretty clear about what I want and has never been in any doubt, so no I'm not a little mixed up even though you may think so as I don't care what other people think about c-sections and/or my choices.

I think I have already explained my reasons why I'd rather have a planned c-section if I go overdue, and how I view the risks involved. It's fine that you or anybody else don't agree or understand my reasoning, but at the end of the day it's my body and my baby and fortunately I know my rights.
I know heaps of horror stories with c sections. I won't even have an epidural if I need to have a section. My friend's epidural was stuffed up and she leaked spinal fluid so her brain was just sitting on her spine. Another friend it was not working properly and she could feel the scalpel cut into her, not to mention the fact that they tear the skin the rest of the way. Its easier to stitch up. I know of someone else who had something cut that was not meant too be and she almost bled to death. I know more stories and each one wishes they could have done it naturally even with induction. I'd actually go as far to say 50% or more of people I know who have had one has a bad story.

C sections should be avoided for so many reasons be it human error or just plain bad luck. Just make sure you know all the risks before you sign on the dotted line. Plus remember you will be dependent on other people 4 at least 6 weeks afterwards.
Yes, I'm aware and we will book a maternity nurse and our cleaner has agreed to errands and other housework needed the weeks after my husbond goes back to work until I'm fully recovered.
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Maybe I didnt make my point clear enough. What I mean is that if you are opting for an c section because 35% of inductions end in c section... yet want a vaginal birth why not take the chance that 65% of induction are vaginal births (what you want) and if you end up with a section your not that bothered anyway cause you thought about elective section?

I dont really get why you would want major surgery when the likelihood points to a normal vaginal birth.

I am not talking about costs to the hospital. A doctor wouldnt opt for you to have a less invasive procedure over surgery if it was more dangerous just because of the cost. They has to be other elements taken into consideration.

Anyway, thats just how im thinking. Obviously you have every right to go with c section if offered to you, i wouldnt personally.

I'm not opting for a c section because of the 35% of inductions end up in emergency c-section.
I'm opting for a planned c-section, IF I go overdue, as I deem the risks involved with an induction incl. the emergency c-section are too high for my unborn son and myself.

Yes, there are people out there who have had wonderful inductions just as well as there are people who have had no complication c-sections.

We each look at the risk factors differently but I believe in my gut instinct and I can't ignore the fact that we have friends with a severely handicapped son and others who gave birth to angels - all of them were induced.

Surely if this were the case then this would never be an option for expectant mothers...
A woman on here had a section and ended up with an infection which ate away at her flesh so had to have the infection tissue removed with further surgery aswell as having to have a suction drain on the wound for 6 weeks.

Although I was fairly happy with my c-section, I have such alot of guilt regarding my LOs delivery. I was that dosed up on drugs that I couldn't hold LO as I was shaking so much, it was about an hour or so until I got too. Because I was so doped up when I tried BF I couldn't stay awake, so never got that first feed and our first cuddles only lasted a few mins or so as I was lay completely flat and couldn't hold her properly. I lost alot of blood so felt like crap, I had to have someone take me to the loo on a commode as the pain was awful.

I also got mastitis (which I'm not saying was due to the section) but it was so much harder to deal with because of my scar. Oh and there's the 6 week recovery time, where you can't lift/carry anything heavier than LO or walk very far- so no pushing your brand new baby around with pride, or nipping to the shops. And when OH went back to work I couldn't do a quick tidy up or anything, as no hoovering allowed or bending. No driving for weeks either so have to rely on others to ferry you about- which I hate. And then you have another 6 weeks (so 12 in total) until you are actually back to full strength.

It's major surgery, just like other non-pregnancy related surgeries, and I'm sure that you would try other methods to resolve a problem rather than go straight for surgery if it were anything else.
No, I'm simply crossing my fingers that he wants to come out between week 38-40.
I thought you meant having a c section early just on the off chance you went overdue which may not even happen. I didnt know you where having one only if you go overdue.

I said its your right to choose what you want for your body and baby and if you want a c section thats fine im not arguing with that but i was just trying to help you because you are mixed up even if you dont think so because there is more risk with a c section than induction and i was trying to help you see that.
You yourself are not mixed up because you know what you want but your view of the risks is mixed up - that's medical fact not a judgement on you.
Its your baby your body and your risk but i didn't think you understood that there is less risk with induction and didn't want you making a mistake because of one friends bad experience.
I think a lot of ladies got confused because you said one of your reasons was most induction ends in c section but it didn't make scene to just have the c section to avoid c section ifykwim? Best of luck im sure you wont go 12 days overdue anyway and everything will be fine :)
Maybe I didnt make my point clear enough. What I mean is that if you are opting for an c section because 35% of inductions end in c section... yet want a vaginal birth why not take the chance that 65% of induction are vaginal births (what you want) and if you end up with a section your not that bothered anyway cause you thought about elective section?

I dont really get why you would want major surgery when the likelihood points to a normal vaginal birth.

I am not talking about costs to the hospital. A doctor wouldnt opt for you to have a less invasive procedure over surgery if it was more dangerous just because of the cost. They has to be other elements taken into consideration.

Anyway, thats just how im thinking. Obviously you have every right to go with c section if offered to you, i wouldnt personally.

I'm not opting for a c section because of the 35% of inductions end up in emergency c-section.
I'm opting for a planned c-section, IF I go overdue, as I deem the risks involved with an induction incl. the emergency c-section are too high for my unborn son and myself.

Yes, there are people out there who have had wonderful inductions just as well as there are people who have had no complication c-sections.

We each look at the risk factors differently but I believe in my gut instinct and I can't ignore the fact that we have friends with a severely handicapped son and others who gave birth to angels - all of them were induced.

Surely if this were the case then this would never be an option for expectant mothers...
A woman on here had a section and ended up with an infection which ate away at her flesh so had to have the infection tissue removed with further surgery aswell as having to have a suction drain on the wound for 6 weeks.

Although I was fairly happy with my c-section, I have such alot of guilt regarding my LOs delivery. I was that dosed up on drugs that I couldn't hold LO as I was shaking so much, it was about an hour or so until I got too. Because I was so doped up when I tried BF I couldn't stay awake, so never got that first feed and our first cuddles only lasted a few mins or so as I was lay completely flat and couldn't hold her properly. I lost alot of blood so felt like crap, I had to have someone take me to the loo on a commode as the pain was awful.

I also got mastitis (which I'm not saying was due to the section) but it was so much harder to deal with because of my scar. Oh and there's the 6 week recovery time, where you can't lift/carry anything heavier than LO or walk very far- so no pushing your brand new baby around with pride, or nipping to the shops. And when OH went back to work I couldn't do a quick tidy up or anything, as no hoovering allowed or bending. No driving for weeks either so have to rely on others to ferry you about- which I hate. And then you have another 6 weeks (so 12 in total) until you are actually back to full strength.

It's major surgery, just like other non-pregnancy related surgeries, and I'm sure that you would try other methods to resolve a problem rather than go straight for surgery if it were anything else.
No, I'm simply crossing my fingers that he wants to come out between week 38-40.

They wont induce you until 41 + 5 anyway so you can always wait until then to see, Alice was only 1 day over and such an easy birth i would give baby a few days to make an appearance. Its worth the wait
Cripes, well I hope I don't result in a c-section that's for sure! I am scared that I will end up ultimately having one though due to my family history of them (down to having small pelvic arches). If my baby never gets to the pelvis then c-section it is (I think, though will discuss with MW on Thursday, but seems logical).

I really don't want a section, my main concern, without even considering the medical ones, is not being able to bond with my son, I hate the thought of not being able to hold him or look after him properly during those first precious days :-(

Plus my OH goes back to work at the 2 weeks over mark, and if I have to have a section, I'll be on my own with no family nearby to help. COMEEEE ON BABY!!
That's the thing I hated about my section (one of many things I hated), not being able to reach over and pick up baby.
I also hate the horrible scar, the little overhang that is impossible to get rid of and the fact that you can't drive for 6 bloody long weeks!
C-sections suck x
The reasons you have said for not wanting to be induced are pregnancy related tho... These things could happen overdue or not?!?
C-sections are MAJOR surgery and should only be used in extreme circumstances...
I'm sure if inductions were so dangerous the nhs would change there guidelines and they wouldn't do them the way they do.
4 of my friends, plus me have all had babies this year. So that's 5 pregnancies that were all induced.
Only 1 of these births ended up with medical assistance, and she had a foreceps delivery. She has health complications before, so this was not a surprise.
Personally I loved being induced, I was monitored at every point in my labour, on the medical side of the labour ward. With a senior midwife. There was 2 midwifes present due to having an induced labour.
I had an epidural and no intervention whatsoever.
I had my baby and was home with him 12 hours later. Breastfeeding and feeling great.
I think that c-section risks outweigh an induced delivery.
As someone who has had a c section I would Urge you not to have one unless its unavoidable.
I just don't understand why anyone would but themselves through major surgery unless absolutely necessary. I agree with what the other ladies have already said .

I was induced as I was 12 days late and it ended up emergency c section due to LO being stuck and awkward position. The after math wasn't as bad as I thought. I would still choose c sec over assisted delivery. But that's my choice, everyone's different x
The reasons you have said for not wanting to be induced are pregnancy related tho... These things could happen overdue or not?!?
C-sections are MAJOR surgery and should only be used in extreme circumstances...
I'm sure if inductions were so dangerous the nhs would change there guidelines and they wouldn't do them the way they do.
4 of my friends, plus me have all had babies this year. So that's 5 pregnancies that were all induced.
Only 1 of these births ended up with medical assistance, and she had a foreceps delivery. She has health complications before, so this was not a surprise.
Personally I loved being induced, I was monitored at every point in my labour, on the medical side of the labour ward. With a senior midwife. There was 2 midwifes present due to having an induced labour.
I had an epidural and no intervention whatsoever.
I had my baby and was home with him 12 hours later. Breastfeeding and feeling great.
I think that c-section risks outweigh an induced delivery.
Listen, I wasn't really asking for anybody's opinion or approval - I was asking whether anybody knew what rights one has when it comes to a c-section when being overdue.

Nothing that you or anybody say can convince me otherwise. I have the rights on my side and my mind is made up and I don't have to justify it to you or anybody else. It's as simple as that.
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Sorry, but if you can't accept peoples opinions, don't post asking advice x
You have rights of course but you posted on an open forum so you will get opinions, whether you want to or not.
If you have such a fear of induction, perhaps consultant is the way forward.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Well, to be fair you have posted on a public forum, so your going to get people's opinions and stories whether you asked for them or not!

I would not wish anyone to go through a section, or the recovery. When you have a section your milk takes longer to come in (you don't get the rush of hormones you get with a natural birth) and can affect you and baby in many more different ways.

People are trying to dissuade you because we are mostly women who have actually been through induction and birth, both natural and sections.

The things you have mentioned are risks even if you were to go into labour naturally.

I'm not trying to change your mind, I'm trying to explain why people are trying to dissuade you.
Babies were meant to come out the natural way, and they should do so unless an emergency!
Tbh Hun u seem miss informed the risks of a section are a lot higher than the risk of an induction . It just seems like your making excuses if am bung honest . This is a public forum and people are allowed there opinions Even if u don't like them . X

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