**C-Section Mummies thread**

I had an emergency c section last Sunday (10th Feb), can I join?
Of course you can hun :) x

Hows everyone doing?
Scar is healing up fine now. Just a mucus cough haha. Been soaking in baths a lot and its really helping. Trying to take it easy but when boyfriend is in his final few weeks of his honours degree there isnt much help going so started bleeding quite bad again. Gp told me to take it easy too cos he said the pain was muscle strain from doing/lifting too much too soon. Ughhh stressed.

Hope everyone else is doing good now xxx
Sarah I'm the same, everytime I overdo it I start bleeding a lot so have to take it easy, easier said then done with a baby! I did housework today and now my scar really hurts I'm in soo much pain! I'm definitely going to try take it easy tomorrow. I can't wait to start exercising I want to lose this belly! I wonder if the numbness ever goes away? Or the flabby loose skin?
Quick question. When you have had a MC or delivered naturally you can't use tampons or have baths go in pools etc because your cervix apparently is open and it can lead to infection. RIGHT?

Well if you have had a planned C section or a really early emergency one (say 35 weeks) so you have not gone into labour at all and your cervix is pretty much in the same position it is during a period right. Can you swim and use tampons in this instance?

I just want to use the pool I'm in Perth Australia and it is stinking hot and the pool is mocking me every day cause I'm still having some spotting!!!!!
I can't answer your question Liz, but I'm wondering how soon after I can have a bubble bath? Really fancy one right now! X

Quick question. When you have had a MC or delivered naturally you can't use tampons or have baths go in pools etc because your cervix apparently is open and it can lead to infection. RIGHT?

Well if you have had a planned C section or a really early emergency one (say 35 weeks) so you have not gone into labour at all and your cervix is pretty much in the same position it is during a period right. Can you swim and use tampons in this instance?

I just want to use the pool I'm in Perth Australia and it is stinking hot and the pool is mocking me every day cause I'm still having some spotting!!!!!

I wasn't told I couldn't use tampons, so I think you should be fine xx

Sorry if this has already come up and it also a bit gross.
I had my section 10 days ago, today I've had really painful trapped gas in all areas down below. I just went to the toilet and did the biggest clear out I'd ever done in my life. I thought I was going to lose an organ.

Is this normal???
I've just seen the midwife and she told me to see dr ASAP as my scar is severely infected :-(

:( sorry to hear that Sassy!
My cousin had an infection on her wound too and was on antibiotics and it cleared very quickly so don't worry too much if you can help it chickadee!xxx
It's so painful, may also explain why I felt so ill and why it's been itching! Got antibiotics and back to drs Tuesday :-( xx

Sorry if this has already come up and it also a bit gross.
I had my section 10 days ago, today I've had really painful trapped gas in all areas down below. I just went to the toilet and did the biggest clear out I'd ever done in my life. I thought I was going to lose an organ.

Is this normal???

Yeah, i think i needed gas and air when this happened to me. Bloody painful. OH was like "its cos you skipped the pain of real labour" was just about to let him experience real labour with my foot.
Ok cool. That's what I thought too, I'd missed the painful labour so was being punished by having to go through this!

Thanks did the reassurance!x
Has anyone felt scar tissue forming above the scar? I have on my right hand side. I showed the midwife and she didn't seem too concerned but I'm still worried.
As you know Hun, I'm just having a crap time with my scar with it being infected, I'm so fed up with it! X

Can I join in? I had an emergency section on 18/02/13 after getting to 9cm :wall2:

When will it stop hurting? I'm so fed up of feeling 'ill' the scar feels like it's pulling on one side and I struggle to bend over. I had my first bath yesterday and it was wonderful- just warm water with a few drops of tea tree oil in it for 20 mins, but I felt so much better afterwards.

Also, when will the bleeding stop? (from downstairs, not the scar) I realise I need to have 9 months worth of periods, but I'm fed up of bleeding too!

Can't wait to feel normal, to be able to lift and go for a walk without pain. :)
I bled.for about 10 weeks or more!! X

Talking on my phoneee!! x
The bleeding has varied with mine from 6 week first time to 4 weeks average..

You will turn a corner about 2 weeks in, but don't rush it, if it hurts listen to it and go easy or you will delay healing and prolong the recovery.. I found walking the most annoying bit (I have long legs and the edge two inches of scar were quite tightly tethered to the tops of my thighs, with my large strides, and I had to constantly remember to take smaller strides on the school run, which is hard when your going to be late for school!

Ouchy that scar sounds sore, is it burning pain? hope the anitibiotics get in there quickly, couple of days and yourll feel a new woman!

Ive had 4 sections and a section style op through opening up the section scar again , 14 weeks ago, and I was talkign to a lady at my daughters athletics about a mutal friend who is overdue her baby at mo, she then told me about her births and then I said Ive not had labour , all mine were sections, and she got all excited and said " oh how lovely!" I was mortified. I would never assume labour was the easy option as Ive not had it, I was sooo cross with her to assume sections are an easy option, like I was too posh to push as they put it!

I just stared at her in shock and said "errr no not really!" and that my stomach was starting to look a real mess! So she replied well I doubt either of us would be wearing a bikini on holiday and showing off our tums.. I decided not to say what i was thinking!, actually i love a tankini myself you chubby thing!!
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So how have people gone about exercise? I only managed 7 mins of ab exercises last week and omg, I thought Id ruptured my scar or something, so painful and couldnt even eat!! I used to do dancing 5 days a week!! Xx

Talking on my phoneee!! x

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