**C-Section Mummies thread**

Poor you Sassy :(

I'm going to the docs as I've started bleeding again, like a light period. I haven't been doing too much either!
Hi girls :)

I had an elective section 4 days ago now. Asides from the usual aches and pains etc, I more concerned about the shooting back pains I get running up and down my spine.

Is this normal or has anyone experienced it at all?

It can be due to the anaesthetic xx

tapatalking x
Question: how long did you wait before dtd after your section? I've finished bleeding now and think I might be ready. It's been 10 months!

Erm... 3 weeks!! I wanted to do it 2 days later lol xx

Hi girls :)

I had an elective section 4 days ago now. Asides from the usual aches and pains etc, I more concerned about the shooting back pains I get running up and down my spine.

Is this normal or has anyone experienced it at all?


Yep I had this for a couple of weeks afterwards xx

Hi Tia,

Thanks hun. I saw the midwife and she said the same :)

Forum hopping here, i probably dont belong in here but saw this thread and had to come in!.

I had my son 9 months ago via c-section after i was in labour 32 hours and didn't progress, even on that god awful drip they give you to speed up your contractions, to cut a long story short my son got stuck in my cervix so it wouldn't dilate.

I pretty much recovered quickly afterwards and i was only in hospital for 3 days, we're TTC in May and i know this sounds mad but if i got pregnant again id love another c-section :lol:..The thought of giving birth normally terrifies me :lol:
The bit that's numb and tingly above the scar now feels a bit bruised. Does anyone know if that's meant to happen? I have my 6 week check up on Friday so I'm getting it checked out then but I just wanted to see if anyone else had experienced this?xxx
I feel very bruised Babybee, and I'm quite purple around the scar site. Other than that I'm pleased to report that I feel OK. Operation lose the weight can begin :roll:
I'm purple, my scar is weepy and itched still, don't think the thrush has gone! :-( xx

Oh Sassy, you are really suffering hun. They don't warn you about this when you have a c-section!
You sound a bit like me DC.

Sassy, I wish I could give you a big hug!!xxx
I feel very bruised Babybee, and I'm quite purple around the scar site. Other than that I'm pleased to report that I feel OK. Operation lose the weight can begin :roll:

I'm starting operation weight loss too.... Trying to anyway!
hi girls, need some help / advice - had a c section 4 weeks ago and i thought scare was healing well, but there is just one small gap in scar in the middle that seems to be a little bit open and weeping - ive booked to see gp next thurs, but any advice or anything i should / shouldnt be doing or anyone who had similar?

How are all you c-section mums doing today?

Im having problems with my scar today :(, I had my son nearly 10 months ago via C-section and im not completely back to normal :(, i have no feeling around my scar or just above it..It just feels really numb and tingly..Honest..You could go ahead and flick me there and i probably wouldn't feel it :\..And im very itchy there today but im not going to scratch! :|
Oh Sassy, you are really suffering hun. They don't warn you about this when you have a c-section!

They do, but as everythings so hectic you forget! They explain it all when you sign the form x

tapatalking x
Mines been sooooo itchy!! And its still so purple!! Its lovely and neat though I suppose.

It annoys me how even though its major surgery, people expect you to be up and about so soon. But wouldnt if it were say heart surgery or another form of major surgery x

tapatalking x

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