**C-Section Mummies thread**

Woop whoop!!! Hall pass. About to be given a few druggy poos and my husband is aloud to take me to the other hospital for a visit. I'm hoping Ican have my first hold!

First things first I think I have to brave the first bowel movement.
Woop whoop!!! Hall pass. About to be given a few druggy poos and my husband is aloud to take me to the other hospital for a visit. I'm hoping Ican have my first hold!

First things first I think I have to brave the first bowel movement.
Liz how did it go with your baby? Hope you got some cuddles!

How is everyone else doing?

I still feel a bit blah but I think it's getting better each day, Yesterday and today I felt so sorry for my LO he has a blocked nose and had a bit of a cough and threw up some milk all over me and the bed twice! Poor baby I hope he's okay I think I feel closer to him now with looking after him I hate seeing him uncomfortable and potentially unwell :(
Liz how did it go with your baby? Hope you got some cuddles!

How is everyone else doing?

I still feel a bit blah but I think it's getting better each day, Yesterday and today I felt so sorry for my LO he has a blocked nose and had a bit of a cough and threw up some milk all over me and the bed twice! Poor baby I hope he's okay I think I feel closer to him now with looking after him I hate seeing him uncomfortable and potentially unwell :(

Told you! :-) that's what changed me too, knowing they need you xx

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Matthew is doing fine now. We thought we had a set back but all tests turned out OK so I guess they are just being over cautious. It was not a great phone call to get at 1am on a Friday morning. My husband was so stressed out he started to vomit. I just cried and spent the day with him yesterday and all the tests were really good.

How long until I feel normal again though. My scar still aches and it's kinda stiff when I get up and pulls a little.
With ds1 it was 3 weeks and I was "normal" this time I have one spot isnside me that still really really hurts. Feels like theres something permanently pulling in there.....x
Liz I'm glad Matthew is well :).

Im still bleeding heavily down there and it's almost 3 weeks. Anyone else have this? X
Can I join in too? I had an emergency c-section on Monday (4/2/13) after discovering at 10cm dilated that little man was breech!!!
It's healing great but itching like mad, and is really painful, especially on the right and when trying to get up from sitting/laying....thank goodness for tramadol!

Can I join in too? I had an emergency c-section on Monday (4/2/13) after discovering at 10cm dilated that little man was breech!!!
It's healing great but itching like mad, and is really painful, especially on the right and when trying to get up from sitting/laying....thank goodness for tramadol!

Hi sassy. Well done getting to 10cm! Annoying tho isn't it, I had emergency section at 9.5cm. I was gutted!! Glad you're both ok though that's the main thing xx

I'm Slowly going insane with this not driving stuff. I've heard it's for insurance purposes, if I have a crash we are not covered iykwim.

Bright side my OH has realised how hectic my life is now.
It was so scary Tiaflame, my waters went at 9am, and I was sent home twice before going back in at 4am, was told I was 1cm dilated despite contractions being one on top of other, and then 30 mins later was told I was 10cm dilated and needed emergency section, they scanned me 4 times to make sure, within another 10 mins I was in theatre! Glad he was safe though, that's the main thing! Xx

I'm still in hospital too, hopefully they will let me out today, but he developed jaundice so waiting to see xx

Feels and looks a wee bit like my scar is popping open at the left side. Dont know if its just scabbing... Anyone else experience anything like this. Still so painful, more painful than the days after the actual op :/
Mine is really painful too, if it wasn't for the drugs I wouldn't be able to move!!! Maybe get it checked by gp or mw if your concerned Hun? Mw checked mine today and so far so good xx

The hv had a look at it on friday and said it looked fine, but shes a bit useless. Might call the drs about it. Having trouble breathing too so might want to discuss the possibility of blood clots this far along. Its the same symptoms i had last time they thought i had a clot in my lungs. Dont want to seem like im making a fuss over nothing though. When did u have ur section?xxx
Mine was done last Monday morning! Can't believe it's 8 days ago now!!!

And your not making a fuss, better to be safe than sorry, that's what they are there for at end ov day! X

Sarah its definitely worth getting checked ..... no need to think your beimg overly worried.....

So I had sexy time yest morning and this morning and my muscles all around the wound are sore.......also had my 6 week check yesterday and I still have a lot of pain in one point internally that I can feel on the surface .... he said give it another few weeks and if its still there ill have to have a scan and PROBABLY more surgery. Fingers crossed it just heals.....

Oh no squeakz, hopefully it will right itself soon!!! X


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