**C-Section Mummies thread**

Zal thats how i felt and just switched over to formula. I feel so guilty that i didnt stick at it but it was too draining and i was really badly bruised and cracked. I just couldnt handle the stress. It feels even more like i dont have a bond with her when i get that stressed out and she just screams because its taking too long etc. I just feel like i cant do this anymore :|
Im struggling to bond with this one. Well not bond...maybe b9nd...I dunno....I dread him waking up and im getting no pleasure ou5 of it. Im snappy with j and with phil and tbh just feel pretty crap. Its because hes so clingy I f33l trapped by a person who cant comkuniate who has been really sicky and screamy who ive been stuck in the bouse with. Im really struggling....x I cant say if its sevtion related or not but I figured id write it here anyway xx
I had my section 20 weeks ago today!! My scar is ok tbf xx

My fat fingers can't spell! x
I still don't feel like he's mine!! How long is this feeling going to last. I'm starting to get worried I won't love my baby the right amount. I look after him it's fine but I want that connection I feel so guilty. Breastfeeding makes it a bit better but only when he latches well he is such a fidget!

Another question, how long did you all wait to dtd? My blood has almost stopped so wanted to get back to normal but I read somewhere to wait after 6 week check or is tha related to vaginal delivery xx
Hi ladies, I had my section a week ago today and am still in so much pain. It's like a stabbing, burning, stinging sensation that is worst when I have been asleep and try to move. When I tell te midwifes they sound suprised but tell me to just keep up with the pain relief. Am so scared its going to go on forever!! They had to re stitch me as the wound came open the night they did it so wondering if this added to the pain.

Has anyone else had a similar pain? Both my sister in laws have had sections and never felt any pain like this, argh!!
I still don't feel like he's mine!! How long is this feeling going to last. I'm starting to get worried I won't love my baby the right amount. I look after him it's fine but I want that connection I feel so guilty. Breastfeeding makes it a bit better but only when he latches well he is such a fidget!

Another question, how long did you all wait to dtd? My blood has almost stopped so wanted to get back to normal but I read somewhere to wait after 6 week check or is tha related to vaginal delivery xx

It will happen, keep with it. I didn't breastfeed either so maybe mine took longer! I dtd after 3 weeks, would have been sooner if hubby let me lol xx

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Hi ladies, I had my section a week ago today and am still in so much pain. It's like a stabbing, burning, stinging sensation that is worst when I have been asleep and try to move. When I tell te midwifes they sound suprised but tell me to just keep up with the pain relief. Am so scared its going to go on forever!! They had to re stitch me as the wound came open the night they did it so wondering if this added to the pain.

Has anyone else had a similar pain? Both my sister in laws have had sections and never felt any pain like this, argh!!

No sorry, the only painful day I had was the next day after the section. And if I tried to do too much. I would go get checked out if I were you xx

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Hi ladies, I had my section a week ago today and am still in so much pain. It's like a stabbing, burning, stinging sensation that is worst when I have been asleep and try to move. When I tell te midwifes they sound suprised but tell me to just keep up with the pain relief. Am so scared its going to go on forever!! They had to re stitch me as the wound came open the night they did it so wondering if this added to the pain.

Has anyone else had a similar pain? Both my sister in laws have had sections and never felt any pain like this, argh!!

This is exactly what happened to me. Burning feeling on the left side of the scar that hurt when I move I realised it was a bit open, midwives told me same things, 12 days later it feels much better and is healing but still hurts every so often so im still on pain killers. But if you're concerned definitely give them a call or go i and get it seen x
I still don't feel like he's mine!! How long is this feeling going to last. I'm starting to get worried I won't love my baby the right amount. I look after him it's fine but I want that connection I feel so guilty. Breastfeeding makes it a bit better but only when he latches well he is such a fidget!

Another question, how long did you all wait to dtd? My blood has almost stopped so wanted to get back to normal but I read somewhere to wait after 6 week check or is tha related to vaginal delivery xx

It will happen, keep with it. I didn't breastfeed either so maybe mine took longer! I dtd after 3 weeks, would have been sooner if hubby let me lol xx

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I really hope so. Lol thats a good time I really want to just waiting for my bleeding to stop taking forever! Thats one positive about a c section lol no stitches down there x
I still don't feel like he's mine!! How long is this feeling going to last. I'm starting to get worried I won't love my baby the right amount. I look after him it's fine but I want that connection I feel so guilty. Breastfeeding makes it a bit better but only when he latches well he is such a fidget!

Another question, how long did you all wait to dtd? My blood has almost stopped so wanted to get back to normal but I read somewhere to wait after 6 week check or is tha related to vaginal delivery xx

It will happen, keep with it. I didn't breastfeed either so maybe mine took longer! I dtd after 3 weeks, would have been sooner if hubby let me lol xx

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I really hope so. Lol thats a good time I really want to just waiting for my bleeding to stop taking forever! Thats one positive about a c section lol no stitches down there x

Exactly lol. I would have done it after 2 days xx

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Wow a lot of you sound like you had great c sections. I just had one a few days ago and it is something I hope I never have to do again. I'm so sore and I feel all battered in my abdomen. My natural births were so much nicer and heaps less painful. I really don't know why people would choose to do this if they were able to go naturally.

When did everyone else's milk come in after a c section? I'm really scared because I didn't go through labour at all it might not come.
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Wow a lot of you sound like you had great c sections. I just had one a few days ago and it is something I hope I never have to do again. I'm so sore and I feel all battered in my abdomen. My natural births were so much nicer and heaps less painful. I really don't know why people would choose to do this if they were able to go naturally.

When did everyone else's milk come in after a c section? I'm really scared because I didn't go through labour at all it might not come.

Awe I'd do it ten times over again and again, but no way to a natural birth. Hope your recovery is smooth. Mine was in on day 4. That hurt more than the section! Hated it!! Xx
Wow a lot of you sound like you had great c sections. I just had one a few days ago and it is something I hope I never have to do again. I'm so sore and I feel all battered in my abdomen. My natural births were so much nicer and heaps less painful. I really don't know why people would choose to do this if they were able to go naturally.

When did everyone else's milk come in after a c section? I'm really scared because I didn't go through labour at all it might not come.

My milk came after day 5 but was very lucky that didn't hurt either xx

Mine was about day3 or 4 .....I had to ecpress every couple of hours though to encourage produxtion so might be why it was quite quick this time x
Ok. Yeah I'm expressing every 3 hours as my baby is in a different hospital due to his lungs being immature. Right now I have the worst gas I'm sitting on the toilet hoping for #2 or just a plain massive fart would be nice. :(
Ok. Yeah I'm expressing every 3 hours as my baby is in a different hospital due to his lungs being immature. Right now I have the worst gas I'm sitting on the toilet hoping for #2 or just a plain massive fart would be nice. :(

My first bowel movement was the worst thing ever, did u take anything to help? I didn't and went from constipated to diarrhea sorry tmi but took a week to clear my system out. Hope your LO is home with u very soon xxx
My milk came around day 5 but now on day 7 is still pretty low and doing top ups at night... He is attached pretty much non stop so any break I get, I am not in the mood to pump!

I would not wish a section on anyone, the aftermath Is soooo painful. I haven't had any trouble bonding though which is good :-) think maybe it just takes a bit longer for your body to catch up emotionally?
Great thread ladies

Zoodle, don't worry, I always have pain liked that, your only a week or so post section, I bet f you go gently at 2 weeks, you will start turning a corner...

I'm going to join this even tho I have no newborn! I had a c-sectionn to access my tubes for repair, 11 weeks ago today.. .. I have also had 4 prev c-sections. I have found they get worse on recovery, but I'm 10 years older now.. Last time they popped gause in to help stop the bleeding from the uterus as I lost alot of blood and , I think it gets caught when I walk..(too tight!).

This last time, I had bladder issues afterwards, kept having accidents when I tried to race to the loo in the middle of the night , (think it didn't help, I was trying to clmb over a baby gate on my bedroom as my son is in with us and a light sleeper). 11 weeks on, thinks are much better.. Maybee not having a baby with me meant that although I was up and about quickly, I didn't have to get in and out of bed constantly to get baby etc, so was doing less and laid down more, so bladder could of adhered more to scar inside..

To those that mentioned feeling a little robbed of the natural way, I do and did, but I'm at peace with it now. All my kids have arrived the same way and thats just how it has to be, so you may feel better about it much later on..

With all my sections, I now have a numb tum, a now really slight overhang, (I didn't have before, think it's built up), well I say overhang, but if I was wearing leggings, I can see a raised area in my panst section.... hummmm that's got to go.. fitness coming to work the tum above it. Think the repair surgeon was less tidy and each layer stitched seems to feel raised , and of course they are ontop of each other, If I get my last baby, I'll ask them to do a tidy job while there... ha ha
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My scar gets sooo itchy :mad:

My fat fingers can't spell! x

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