**C-Section Mummies thread**

I'm still avoiding ab exercises but I really should start. I just 'feel' I should leave it a bit longer even though everything has healed lovely with no problems. I'm making do with walking with the pram a lot!
Gosh....I read this thread sometimes and think you poor souls who have had it sore and uncomfortable. I feel like an absolute fraud. I have a tiny feint line and apart from looking close at that and the odd stretch mark I can hardly believe there was a little person in there. I hope you ladies recover quick. Ive had 9 operations and this one has been the easiest on me so far, maybe cause i had a tiny baby to look after, I dont know. Keep taking the meds and i hope it becomes easier for you. Xxxxxxx:)

I'm still avoiding ab exercises but I really should start. I just 'feel' I should leave it a bit longer even though everything has healed lovely with no problems. I'm making do with walking with the pram a lot!

I think im gonna have to leave it abit then. Ive never had anything like it and I have had muscle burn for days before!!

My scar is still really purple. Dont get me wrong its lovely and neat but very purple! It gets really itchy still and can hurt when wearing fitted jeans etc. I sometimes get sharp stabbing pains too :( x

Talking on my phoneee!! x
After a C section did your first period ache more than normal? I currently have period like cramps but I can feel something else like my scar is aching along with each cramp.

And JJ OMG! I'm a mum who has had completely natural no drugs not even gas & air and that was so much easier than the aftermath of a c section. C sections are not more painful but it's just on going and the frustration of having to rely on others sucks BIG TIME. The worse part was having to have the nurses change my pads for the first day. I hope I never have to go through that again, plus you don't have the same rush of hormones when the baby is born so it's not as magical iykwim.

I hate the fact that I've had one. It doesn't change the way I feel about my son. I'm more protective over him then I was the other two but sometimes I find myself wishing that he also had the same magic that my other two had. It's hard to explain but then I remind myself he would not have survived labour so a C section was the only way I would have him in my arms safe and sound.
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I agree re pads! When I first got oit of bed, I though I was bleeding to death! There was a big puddle of blood on the floor and all down my legs, so twice a CSW/MW had to come and clean me up, change my pad etc. Although in a way im glad, as know I will appreciate more jow my patiebts who need personal care may be feeling xx

Talking on my phoneee!! x
Ab exercises..... Forget those for a while..... I'm on my 2nd lot of antibiotics for the infection in my wound, and have to go for blood taking next week to check they have worked..... So fed up of it, especially considering it still aches, and is so much worse if I try to do too much, or even carry little man in his car seat etc!

Question ladies, well two really.....

1) I got a letter saying I need a smear, I know it's 6 week after natural birth but is it same for section????
2) how soon can I have a coil fitted????(Decided to try this method.... Not that he is getting anywhere near me, but just wanna get sorted!)

Sassy, regarding a smear, I was told yesterday that unless you have an underlying medical condition then a smear test is just every 3 years regardless of whether or not you've been pregnant.

As for the coil, I think you need to wait until your 6 week check? The only thing I would say on that is my cousin was on it for a few months and then discovered she was pregnant!!! But then I guess that happens with people on other kinds of contraception.
I was due my smear in December, so I'm overdue Hun!!!
It's difficult with me for contraception due to my disabilities and the medication I take, thought it might be worth a try!

Ive never had a smear!! :confused:

Talking on my phoneee!! x
Ah that must be why you're being called.
As for contraception, I think go for it! My cousin was a very rare case.

Babyem, you're only called for them when you turn 25. Unless you think something might be wrong then you can go before.
It's not the most pleasant experience but then again it could be so much worse, and I guess your dignity defo goes out the window when pregnant!

Babyem, as babybee said its only once your past a certain age that you go for them, not sure how old you are (looking at your photo id say less than 25), my auntie is 60 and has never had a smear, if you ask me she is mental because they save lives!
My wound hurts today on the left hand side, mind you I feel like crap again today! X

Ah ok! Yes, im only 22! But look about 12!!

I might look into it, had a massive cyst and other problems lately so may be worth a check x

x Lexi-Mai Louise Birkett's Mummy :) x Sharing a birthday with her baby boy buddies Ethan and Aaron!! x
In Australia we have to have them every 2 years and from the age of 18 unless you are sexually active before that then you start earlier. If something minor is found it's every year after that. Its funny how different countries treat things differently.

Boys is Australia now get the cervical cancer vaccine at the same time teen girls have it. Men apparently can catch the virus that causes it and become carriers then pass it onto other sexual partners. Do you have the same in the UK????
We have the HPV vaccine between the ages of 15-19 I think. I had mine at 17, its 3 seperate injections over the course of a few weeks. I dont think I had my thired though :confused:

And only girls get it.here xx
tapatalking x
I'm still avoiding ab exercises but I really should start. I just 'feel' I should leave it a bit longer even though everything has healed lovely with no problems. I'm making do with walking with the pram a lot!

I think im gonna have to leave it abit then. Ive never had anything like it and I have had muscle burn for days before!!

My scar is still really purple. Dont get me wrong its lovely and neat but very purple! It gets really itchy still and can hurt when wearing fitted jeans etc. I sometimes get sharp stabbing pains too :( x

Talking on my phoneee!! x

Take it easy hun, do it when you feel ready. I'm actually thinking of going along to a post-natal zumba class. One of the mums I've met is a zumba instructor and is going to set a class up where we can take LO's along too. All of the moves etc will be suitable for post natal mammies :)

My scar changes colour depending on if its been rubbing etc. Though it is fading nicely. I only really get pain if something is wrong, I've had a couple of ingrowing hairs - ouch!!

RE the smear question. I've just had mine, I was advised to have it when LO was 3 months. Mine was well over due, I got my original letter last March - just after I got my BFP! xx
Well I'm back to drs with my wound, looks like another infection, fed up now xxx

Oh Sassy! I feel your pain (literally) I'm on my second course of antibiotics as mine is infected too. I'll loose the baby weight no problem as I've got no appetite.

I know you've been bathing in salt water, but have you tried tea tree oil? I've been adding that to my baths x
Jus come across this thread xx
By the sounds of it ive been lucky with my scar - its healed very well x had the ends of the dissolvable stitches trimmed last wk and is much better :)

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I've got thrush in the wound, I've had two lots of antibiotics now got cream!!! Xx


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