**C-Section Mummies thread**

Mines really itchy too and so numb! -
My wound is itching to the point of being painful tonight, I wanna cry with it :-( xx

Tired Mummy to Colby Jacques born 4/2/2013
My c section experience was sooooo traumatic im still a bit teary about the experience a week on! It took them 8 attempts to actually get the epidural in the right place. And the pain and discomfort from having that put in is forever stained in my memory. Oh it hurt so much. And it even traumatized my OH yo see me being put through so much. My recovery etc has been ok although my scar is a little scary. And as one of U girls posted before, people just expect U to go about hints as normal and kinda forget that U have had major major surgey. Its a big operation for us ladies to go through and it takes a long time to actually recover. Xxx
Gosh 8 attempts! You poor thing! I think after three I'd have demanding a different anethatist!

I seem to be doing really well. Everything has netted back beautifully and I've had nothing c-section wise to complain about.
i had c section 5 months ago trying to lose weight now but no luck can someone guide me
I've had sharp shooting pains in my scar tonight. Never had this since about 4 weeks post partum. Dunno what's caused it out of the blue, any ideas? No heavy lifting, no exercise, nothing out of the ordinary. Just sudden pain :(
I get this leesey but dunno why :/ x

tapatalking x
Hi I was just wondering I had my csection 12 days ago with my twins and my belly is so saggy, when I walk I feel like my insides are moving up and down inside, and since last night I've been getting random stabbing pains just above my public bone, was wondering if anyone else has felt this x
Im 22 months post c section. I stilk have numb areas ;/

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
Scattyash, maybe get that checked out? I have no idea whether or not that is common but I didn't experience that after my c-section.

Sorry not a particularly helpful comment.xxx
Hi , just after a bit of advise really, I had a c section on 29th July, baby had stopped growing so they wanted to bring her out at 37 weeks, really under estimated how hard it would be afterwards!!! But so much better now , moving around easily and getting better each day!

However today I've felt very unwell and started loosing a lot of discharge etc , it slowed down and nearly stopped past couple of days but today it's really bad I would say easily a pint full just pouring at times , is this normal?

Very sorry too much info!!! It smells horrible and strong and is pink / brown in colour .... Again really sorry for the detail!!!

Other than that scar albeit it a bit stingy at times is healing fab n lost nearly all of my bump already ...which surprised me x

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