scared of c section

zoe c said:
rusks said:
thanks so much for starting this rach and all the replies also, it has just reassured me no end as i have my c-section booked for monday and this makes me feel so much happier as i too am anxious.

can i ask do you still bleed after c section vaginally i.e do i need to take my maternity quilts in with me!! seems like a silly question. and do you advise i buy a breast pump as my little man will probably have to go to special care for a couple of weeks.

You do bleed Rusks, I was surprised at this :shock: Mine was about as heavy as a period loss, and lasted around two weeks. Nurses gave me pads, I had my own but the hozzie ones are soooo much more absorbent (sp?), even though they are large and bulky!!!

Please dont be scared Rusks, you will be just fine!! Be excited, its so amazing when they lift the baby from your tummy!!! Awesome!!! I LOVED the feeling!! Do tak it easy afterwards though, and take painkillers regularly, even if you feel ok, you will need them :hug: :hug:

thanks zoe xx
good luck for monday rusks im sure all will be well :hug: and you can come back on this thread and reassure me too :hug: thinking of you hun xxxxxxxxx
rach said:
good luck for monday rusks im sure all will be well :hug: and you can come back on this thread and reassure me too :hug: thinking of you hun xxxxxxxxx

great idea i hope i will have a great experience to ressure you with xx
Good luck lovie hope its as good as it can be, just think you get to meet your baby on Monday you lucky thing!!!

I just wanted to also re-assure you on emergency c-sections.

I had an emergency c section due to my little girls breech position going undetected, and I had a very very good experience. Even though it was classed as an emergency it did not feel like that at any point, the hospital staff were really good and explained everything to me before it happended, and everything seemed so relaxed.

my only other advise to you is to make sure that you dont over do it afterwards, as it is very easy to and accept any drugs that the hospital offer you even if you feel ok.

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