grrr now I'm peed off
When the Children's Hospital discharged him today they said they would ring us "in a couple of hours" when his prescription was ready. They said one of us could either wait for it or we could all go home and come back for it later.
We decided to come home, OH would go to work, then go and pick it up afterwards.
They never rang to say it was ready, but it didn't matter cos I knew it would be. I rang at about 4pm to ask about keeping his wound clean and I checked then that it was ready, and it was.
OH was working near home so he called me at 5pm to say he was leaving now to go and get it. At 5.55pm they called to ask when we were getting it, I told them OH was on his way.
They said the day unit (where Brody had been) was closing at 6 but they would give it to ward 2, which is opposite. All good.
It took OH an hour and a half to get there, and when he got there they couldn't find it. Ward 2 said they hadn't been given it, and when they went into the day unit too look for it it wasn't there either!
I was fuming, calpol and ibuprofen I don't care about but he had already got a bit of a temp and I wanted him to start his antibiotics tonight. Last time he had a small cut on his mouth the next day he woke up with it all infected and the wound all opened up again because of it. I so didn't want to leave it.
By now it was already about 7pm so I called the out of hours doc, who fortunatly faxed another prescription the late pharmacy in Boots up the road, so I collected it and he's had his first dose.
What a bloody faff though, its a shame cos the hospital and the staff today were all fab, I was really impressed, now someone has messed up and pissed me right off, I'd just about had enough today, then this