Brody cut his face UPDATE NOT GOOD :O(


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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Aw Brody has cut his face quite badly :(

He came into our room this morning to come and see Riley, rolled off the bed and caught the corner of his mouth on a drawer that has been stuck open (it's come off the rail and I'm waiting for OH to fix it)

Its a tiny cut but quite deep, right in the corner of his mouth :(
I'm worried it's going to scar, OH has come home from work and has taken him to my local doctors who are going to have a quick look and see if they can get some of that glue on it, or maybe OH will take him to A&E depending on what they say.

I don't know how this is going to heal, if he cries or laughs or eats its going to open up again, I hope they can glue it asap!
Awwww poor Brody, I'm sure the doctors will get is sorted for him.

Awww poor little Brody, hope the doctor sorts something out asap for him. Toddlers tend to roll off beds so easily. A little boy I used to babysit years ago used to do it all the time, I managed to catch him a few times! :eek:

Keep us updated :hug:
Oh poor Brody!

Wee ones are tougher than we give them credit for! Hopefully a bit of glue will keep it together and he'll be as right as rain

:hug: :hug: :hug:

Aw the poor little thing :( hope he gets it fixed soon
phew well OH just rang and its been glued shut. :)

I'm so glad we got him there quick he only did it about 40 mins ago.
I'm going to buy some of that glue too in case it comes unstuck.

fingers crossed it heals quick and doesn't open up again. :pray:
Aww poor little guy :(
hope it heals fast and without too much trouble x
Aw poor Brody. They heal so quickly when they're young, hopefully he won't have too much bother from it.
aww bless him :hug: Glad they glued it shut.
Hope it heals quickly :D
poor Brody, though I bet it won't keep him down for long.
aww no poor brody! The glue really is good though and will help heal it quickly!
Stephen cut all his forhead open at 18 months and it was really bad and they glued it and was pretty much healed within the week.
Im sure he will heal quickyl urchin and it wont ever bother him - poor little guy though :(
it came unstuck today and was all open again, I tried to stick it the best I could and put a plaster over for bedtime... I hope it heals ok. :?
Oww, what a place to catch yourself, other than inbetween your fingers, cant imagine trying to keep my mouth shut !!!

Bless him!!!
Oh no! i know its not nice but cant they stitch it if is really bad?

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