Brody cut his face UPDATE NOT GOOD :O(

bad news, the glue came off yesterday and its got a bit infected, i took him to the docs as its open, not healing together and he said there is no point putting more glue on as its starting to heal now.

I'm really upset about it, its swollen and basically gaping open, its only a few mms across but I want my baby to be perfect and it looks like its going to scar. I'm totally gutted and blame myself. :(
Awwwwwww Urchin :hug: Dont worry, I am sure it will heal far better than you expect it too, children have brilliant healing abilities and elastic skin! Don't balme yourself, kids have accidents all the time and with three boys you are bound to get your fair share of bumps and bruises!!
Oh Urchin dont blame yourself :hug:
When I was about Brody's age I fell and bashed my face on the sink while playing washing up with my Mum, resulting in a cut on my lip which did scar but certainly has never bothered me - its actually quite cool like a harry potter lightning bolt lol! My Mum STILL feels guilty nearly 30 years later, but I have no memory of doing it, its just a part of me! I am sure Brody will heal fine, its just a tricky place to keep still and clean. Big :hug: for you both
aw Urchin, dont blame yourself! Kids have accidents unfortunately.

Try not to worry yourself too much about it scarring - my little bro was a walking disaster as a kid and had a scar across his forehead, bridge of his nose and chin from falling over and banging his face on the corner of a swimming pool on 3 seperate occasions!!!! You cant even see them now!! (he is 13 now)
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: its surprising how much scars can fade, especially when he's so young. dont blame yourself hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor Brody. :(

It should heal really well with time, and most boys seem to love a war story!
Urchin, it's not your fault! Accidents happen and as I just mentioned, the little boy who I used to look after was always toppling off the bed. I myself have a scar on my left brow as I had a cyst removed when I was two. It has never bothered me and is hardly noticeable now.

Also Dan has a slight bit of discolouration in the middle of his forehead. When he was born he had his little hand put into a splint as he was receiving some antibiotics. The poor little mite used to hit himself on the forehead with it when he moved his arms. This really upset me to begin with but it is fading and will continue to fade with time.

Try not to worry to much :hug:
thanks everyone.

this morning it looks a little better, like it may be sticking together a bit, I'm still trying to keep him quiet so he's not crying or shouting too much.
Trouble is, I've totally dug myself a hole. Yesterday he got his own way the whole day, watching "the land before time" all day and eating chocolate buttons.
Today he came downstairs and demanded biscuits and buttons right away :shock: looks like I have a fun few days ahead cos I still don't want him crying too much, and I think he knows it LOL
hi hun i had this with hannah she cut her forehead open last year and hers came unstuck but has healed ok it has scared but not to badly i can take a pic and show u what hers looks like if you want may put your mind at rest, i was so upset too but dont think about it now and hers was a right mess she got taken to hospital by ambulance :hug:
awww Urchin.... Its certainly not you fault and I can pretty much guarantee it won't be the last time one of your boys hurts himself, even if you could watch them 24 hours aday :hug: :hug: :hug:... Tia fell over when she was bout 18 months running around the living room... I was watching her at the time telling her to stop or she would fall over and hurt herself....and well she did... sent one of her teeth through her bottom lip...

The hospital glued it up but it would just keep opening... I just washed it every day with warm salt water and when it scabbed up I went and got vitamin E cream and rubbed that in every day after a wash for yonks... Now I can barely see the scar although if I look for it I can... but you'd never notice otherwise...:) Plus chicks dig scars :wink:
Aw thanks girls.

It seems everyone I've spoken to has some story about some teeny tiny scar they have that was major when they were kids. :)

I was hopeful this morning when I saw it all dry and sealed up, but breakfast, a drink and some talking later have just wet it and opened it up again :?
It all the food etc going in there too, I just want it to stay dry to give it a chance, I keep putting this anti-biotic cream on but I kinda want to put sudacrem or vaseline on it to help it along, but I'm worried I'll make it worse.
Awwww poor little guy :( Really don't worry about the scarring. When my bro was 2 he split his lip open really badly on a cardboard sign in a shop. It was really deep and long and he had to have a lot of stitches. He's 17 now and there is absolutely no scar and you wouldn't have any idea that he'd had such a bad gash.
hope all is ok urch. don't blame yourself cick. accidents do happen. :hug:
its looking a lot better today, I'm not sure how "deep" it is now as I don't want to open it to look, hopefully tomorrow it will be even better.

fingers crossed :pray:
if it doesn't look any better tomorrow id take him back to accident and emergency. He may need a stitch
Aww Urchin. Don't blame yourself.
I took Tom to a soft play place when he'd just started to walk and thought he could fall away to his heart's content but he fell on to the only sharp thing in the whole friend's thumbnail!
He's got a little scar now on his forehead. I was so upset about it but I've started putting bio-oil on it every night and it's almost faded now.
It gives them character anyway! And remember how great Action Man looked with his big macho scar! xx
aww poor brody! :(

i would get some special healing ointment from the chemists. poor thing, it must sting, these are for him :hug: :hug: :hug:

and these ones are for u :hug: :hug: :hug:

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