Brody and his poorly face... New update pg 6

Oh Urchin... :cry: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Its OK.... tomorrow a proper plastic surgeon will look at it and get it stitched up... He'll probably take great pleasure in explaining those scars and how he did them as a kid...and I promise, He will only tell tales of how brave he was and how heroic his actions were to get those scars in the first place... :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oh poor thing!!!! you must have been beside yourself :hug: hope all goes well tom
Well he came home quite churpy, I read him a story and put him to bed. He has an appointment with the plastic surgeon at 8am. OH I taking him, I'm doing the school run and dropping Riley at mums then going in at 9.30. Presumably they are going to give him a general cos he's nil by mouth.

here's a pic, actually doesn't look so bad, they have deliberately taped it far forward (the inside is just gaping open)

Tomorrow I am expecting it to look 10 times worse and all swollen.
poor little man, I hope all goes well in the morning :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww bless him.

Good luck tomorrow, please let us know how it goes.

Valentine Xxx
awww bless his lil soul

he will be fine hun from wot iv heard u say bout him his a lil fighter, and hell have a war wound to show the girls. we know how men like that
ill be thinking of u allll tomoz :hug: :hug: :hug:

how is mason doing?
awwww poor litle thing you must be so worried. I hope you get on ok tomoro and i hope mason is ok too :hug:
ouch, poor little dude!! hope hes ok urchin, hugs for u :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor lil mite :hug: :hug:
Hope all goes well tomorrow hun. I'm sure all will be fine and girls dig scars don't you know!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Poor Brody. I am sure he will be fine.

My brother cut his teeth through his bottom lip (or just under his lip) as a child and he does have a little cute scar if you look REALLY carefully, but you wouldn't notice it unless you knew it was there.

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Ouch poor Brody :hug: :hug: :hug:

Hope it goes well tomorrow, try not to worry hun, he will be fine, every bloke I know has a scar on their face or under their jaw from similar accidents, must be a boy thing, :roll: the others are right he will have a great story about it in time,

Hope you all get a good nights rest and you and Mason get over the shock, big :hug: :hug: :hug: for brave lil Brody x
Ouchy poor Brody, I hope it goes well tomorrow :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Aww, something very similar happened to my DD a few weeks ago. She bit all the way through the lip and knocked a tooth back. At first they were talking about operating, but I was amazed at how quickly it healed. She still has a small scar now (three little white lines) but once the swelling had gone down (after about three days) it healed soooooooo quickly.

Hope he's OK
aww the poor mite, hope the appointment goes okay today :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
try not to worry to much hun i know its upsetting ut the hospitals are brilliant, i had this with Hannah and now she has just got a line where they operated and then kie did the same at the beginning of the year and you cant see where it was now
Oh Urchin that sounds horrible. :( Poor little thing. My sister had an accident when she was little and a couple of her teeth came through her bottom lip. She had a little scar for a long time where they cut through but now it has faded so that you can hardly see it.
It must have been terrible to see him so hurt. Sorry :hug:

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