Brody and his poorly face... New update pg 6

HI guys, it helps to know so many other kids have done it :)

Had a terrible night, Brody slept through absolutely no probs but I hardly slept, and Riley woke a lot too. :?

I woke him up and gave him some water at 7am (he could have water till then) he couldn't drink it, and was really thirsty and getting upset, I tried a few different bottles, straight from the cup, and a straw but he still couldn't do it :(
In the end I got the calpol syringe and syringed a few mouthfuls in. He hasn't eaten since a little snack at minxys at about 4.30 yesterday, I bet he's gonna be starving and so thirsty. :(

Oh has taken him in, I'm leaving in a few mins to take Mason to school, he really doesn't want to go but I am going to ask the teacher to keep him busy and give him a few little jobs to do to keep him occupied.
Just packing a bag for Riley, my mum is having him for the first time LOL. I have no idea how long I'm gonna be gone for :?
Poor little mite.. hope it heals fast for him :hug: :hug: xx
OMG, poor boy. Poor all of you. These things happen, I know, but you can't help to be upset. I hope it all goes well for him this morning. He will be okay. It's amazing how they can patch you up these days. Much love and hugs xxxxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww i hope it all goes well today :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am sure it will heal up in no time at all :)
aww hun i am so so sorry big hugs to you and brody :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Well we're home. It looks sore and swollen but tbh not half as bad as I was expecting. It was such a worry though, waiting on the ward while he was in theatre... just waiting for them to come and tell us something :(
They needed to stitch the inside of his mouth, the inside of the muscle and then his skin too so 3 layers of stitches!

We went to get him from the recovery room when he woke up, he was so drowsy though, they wheeled him back on the bed to the ward and he started asking for a drink, he gulped down loads of squash and a load of toast bless him.

We waited an hour and they needed the bed, they didn't rush us at all though, brody was doing well and I just wanted him home with me so we came home. he's fast asleep in bed now :)

Here's a few pics I took to show him when he gets older LOL

asleep in the recovery room


in his bed back on the ward


eating his toast LOL


he's drooling a lot cos he wants to keep his mouth open. You can just see the thin strip of gauze covering the wound.

awwww bless him!!

Hope he feels better soon. You must be exhausted Urchin. I'm sure as parents we feel more pain than the kids do!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aw how adorable is he in those pics!! What a brave little man. Glad he's ok! :hug:
oh bless him :hug: :hug: :hug:

i don't think you'll be able to tell at all when he's older! and toast isn't easy to eat with a sore mouth so he mustn't be feeling too bad :) :hug: :hug:
Aw, he looks so cute. And it doesn't look bad at all, fingers crossed for a good heal.

Hope you get some sleep xxx
Im glad Brodys op went well, i hope he's feeling ok.

You must have been scared stiff hun, i cant imagine :hug:
Bless him - you'll hear him telling his friends about this experience in a few years time and I bet it will be a story involving a near death experience ;)

He's so cute, steri-strips or not :hug:
awww im so pleased he is ok, brody looks as cute as ever
Awwwww I have only just seen this - I saw your status on Facebook and didn't understand.
Bless him I wanna give him a big squeeze!!! :hug: It must have been awful for all of you :hug:

They have done a brilliant job I'm so glad he is ok :cheer: :dance: :hug:
oh wow...they've done a great job :shock: :D Doesn't look at all bad, just a bit swollen... you couldn't tell it needed stitches... :D
Awwww, bless the wee thing. They have done a really good job!
aww just read all of this, he's such a brave wee soldier :hug:

hope it heals up well and you all get some sleep tonight :hug:

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