Been Sent to Hospital *UPDATE pg3*

Oooooh good luck honey x hope baby arrives soon x
Good luck Tasha, fingers crossed today's the day!
Bestest luck tasha!! I Placing my bets on team pink!!! Xx
Last I heard of Tasha was..'Just been examined about an hour ago, was about 1-2cm so MW's given me a sweep and a dose of prostin gel to try and get me going. Stuck in bed until 6.30pm now so it's all fun and games! Been getting some contractions but they're irregular. Just on the trace again for baby's heartbeat at the mo. X' good luck!!! Xxxx
Good luck wait till you get to 4cm
It will speed up then x

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From Tash.. 'Just abouts to go onto labour ward. Doctor had a good route about for my tonsils, the git! Was awful! Only 2cm but they've said they'll be able to break my waters ok so looks like i'm off! Scary stuff! Lol xx' xxx
oooo how exciting hopefully you meet your little one very soon

good luck tasha x x x x
Tash text me this morn.. 'Both myself and Jamie are proud to announce the arrival of baby Evelyn Moss, born 23/08/10 at 10.06am weighing in at 8lb 4 1/2oz :D x'

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! :love::hug: xxx
Just saw this on her fb. congratulations :) x
Goodluck hun....will be looking forward to your news....get lots of rest xx
:D She said she'd like a little girly! Congrats!!! xxx

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