pre -eclampsia


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2007
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hey guys, iv been back and forth hospital every day this week as my gp sent me in on monday night due to high blood pressure, visual disturbances and headaches. My BP went down after over the night on the ward and i was sent home but had to go to day unit every day as i still had protein in my urine. They sent me hoem and asked me to do a 24hr urine collection and im getting the results after 6pm today via phone call by midwife. Im so worried about it. i hope my baby will be ok, as i heard that if it is pre-eclampsia then it cud be life threatening towards her. HAve ne one else been through or had a scare like this?
:hug: my mum had pre-eclampsia in both her pregnancies so I've been watching out for it.

If you have got pre-eclampsia they may choose to induce you rather than keep the baby at risk- or they may just monitor you to make sure she doesn't go into distress.

Try not to worry too much- it's a common problem in pregnancy and the hospital will know exactly how best to deal with it so that you and your baby are safe. :hug: :hug: :hug:
its just scary, Iv had such a fab pregnancy up until last week, i had no problems, no sickness, no horrible symptoms and this happens! im sure everything will be ok i just cnt help worrying.
i had pre-eclampsia and was induced at 37weeks, as long as they are monitering you and baby you will be fine, if they though your bay was in any danger they would deliver right away, good luck hun, pm me if you need to know anything
I had pre eclampsia and was induced at 38 weeks. I have just posted my birth story if you want to have a read. Try not to worry hun. They sound like they have picked up on it early if you do have it and the earlier the better! :hug:
I didn't have pre-eclampsia but had pregnancy induced hypertension so they were monitoring me and my baby really closely from 35 weeks in case it bacame PE. The constant trips to the hospital and midwife checks did kind of take over my life towards the end of my pregnancy but I did feel reassured and in good hands. My consultant advised me to be induced once I had reached full term which I was not too keen on but went for. Despite my fears I ended up having very positive labour and birth. I hope everything works out just as well for you xxx :hug:

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