Been Sent to Hospital *UPDATE pg3*

Good luck for tomorrow! Fingers crossed your little angel will be with you soon xx
just seen this hun, glad all is ok and good luck for tomorrow!!! xxx
Good luck for tomorrow honey, glad you were oktoday! Shame you had to waste so much time in hospital unnecessarily! Xx
Good Luck! Hope you have a nice quick induction and labour!! :D
hey hun so sorry i missed this! i feel like such a bad text buddy :(!! house sitting OH's parents house at the minuie and the internet is so rubbish! lol.

i'm so glad to hear the blood pressure and protein wasn't too much to worry about. i would've got well mad at all the waiting around! one registrar! that's ridiculous! thank god it wasn't an emergency!

so can't believe that you'll be getting induced today!!! let me know everything and i will be sure to update everyone. lots and LOTS of luck for today :dust::dust::dust: (got some labour pain free dust in there too :p)

lots of love hunni, can't wait to see baby Moss :hug::love:

Glad it wasn't anything bad yesterday.

Best of luck for your induction today, sending you lots of good labour vibes that it all goes well for you and you are holding your LO very soon :dust:
all the best today lovely wont be long now to your have your little one in your arms x
eeeeee ho exciting!!! i love how it was just like a footnote aswell, like oh yea im getting induced tomorrow :lol: good luck today hun xxxx
Hey guys!
Just getting settled into my room! Got my own ensuite (bath AND shower!) TV, birthing ball etc! Wont be missing the xfactor tonight! Wasn't expecting this, thought i'd be on a ward with loads of people! Anyway, just waiting to be seen by midwife and then i'll be given the prostoglandin pessary to hopefully kick start labour!
I'll leave you all in the very capable hands of my text buddies, mel_ed and ria!
:love: to you all! I'm going to be a mummy soon!! :yay: Xxx
:yay: good luck this morning! I bet you cant wait to get started!! I was overdue when I was induced and only needed one dose of the gel to get things moving. :yay: Ill be waiting for your news!!! :)
so excited, wish you all lived near me so i could meet all these babies :( lol, good luck tashyyy xxxxxxxx
Woot woot! Tv shower ball and privet toilet when I was induced they jut stuck me in day assesment lol!!!

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Bless you! At last!! Good luck hun, hope it all goes swimmingly for you - can't wait to hear the news xxxxx
i had txt from her this morn telling me she had gone into hosp and that she was chuffed that she had her won roon with en suite and tv. she was glad that she wernt gonna miss x factor lol!
good luck tasha we r all thinking about you xx
Oooh good luck!! Can't wait to hear what baby is and what you call it!!

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