finally a decent midwife!!!


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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Hiya girls, hope everyone is well!?

Just wanted to moan about my midwife!!... I've had high BP for the last 3 appointments along with headaches, protein in my urine and my feet keep swelling. My usual MW hasn't ever commented or done anything about it....

Today my midwife was ill (luckily for me!!) So I had another MW who took my BP looked at my notes and referred me to the hospital straight away! So I was hooked up to a monitor for a few hours and I've got to ring my MW tomorrow so arrange frequent BP and urine checks!

Why can't they all be this on the ball eh!!
Bloody typical eh? Glad they are now giving you the proper care and attention that you need xx
It's so shocking isn't it the difference between some of these MWs!

My old one was really unapproachable, almost secretive, and was never proactive to tell me what to do... Told me I was fine, no problems etc... Then as soon as I moved and got a new midwife, it's been totally different. She did my BP and turned round to me looking confused saying "is it always this low?" All I could say was it had never been mentioned to me before, so she looked in my old notes and said my previous ones had also been low. So finally (I was 27 weeks at this point) it was explained to me why I was feeling faint at different points every day (if my BP dipped) and also she noticed my iron levels were dangerously low... Apparently a level of 10.5 is considered low, and I was all the way down at 8.1 and getting lower by the day!!! So I've been put on 200mg of iron a day and I'm back up to ten.

If she hadn't have told me, my baby wouldn't have been getting what he needs, it's outrageous!

I'm really shocked in your case though, with those classic pre-eclampsia signs!!! I'm not even a midwife and I know that it looks like something wouldn't be right. These people call themselves professionals but they really need to step it up!

Glad to hear you'll be looked after properly now! xx
Yeah your right its disgusting! We trust what they say to be right and shouldn't ever have reason to doubt them! I called the surgery this morning and asked if my next appointment could be with the MW I saw this morning and they didn't seem suprise that I had asked that... Maybe this has happened before!

Ah well at least we are both getting the correct treatment now! That's awful about ur iron levels and your BP these are things that they are purposely checking so to miss them is beyond me!!!


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