Just had a long soak in the bath to try ease the aches its not worked though.
Hows everyone else tonight?
hey ladies,
sorry i didn't get a chance to do a labour watch but thought i'd come and let you know my little boy was born on fridaygoing to write up the birth story now, should be interesting trying to remember it all!
hope all that are overdue, due or close to due date go soon! best of luck ladiesx
hey ladies,
sorry i didn't get a chance to do a labour watch but thought i'd come and let you know my little boy was born on fridaygoing to write up the birth story now, should be interesting trying to remember it all!
hope all that are overdue, due or close to due date go soon! best of luck ladiesx
My original birth partner now says she can be my birth partner again. She isnt happy that i said no i need someone reliable.
Im starting to worry about the results for the growth on my cervixs should be getting them in the next 2 weeks so im starting to panic.