Emerald I'm sorry to hear about your birth partner
Hope you manage to get something worked out so you're not on your own x
Good luck to Spice and Jacki! And fingers crossed for you too Jen!
Well, saw in 39 weeks with a fun day... Had to go to the hospital for an echocardiogram to see if the hole in my heart (which closed when I was 3) is still closed... And surprise surprise... It is
But it being an hour long bus ride there and back the bouncing around set off some HORRENDOUS pains! And then walking to tesco when we got back into town, and back to the bus stop... I thought I as going to die!
But still, even with all the pains and sporadic plug loss... Nothing seems to be changing
A few of my friends keep saying I'm gunna go this week. 2 say thursday, 1 saturday and 1 is just convinced I'll go before d-day... We'll see
Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx