*August Mummys - Our Tri3 Thread*

Ok I keep popping on here to see if any of the August ladies have popped. Just thought I would say I would not worry about the baby being engaged or not. On the Wed Katrina was not engaged in the midwifes words she was low down and bobbing around then the Sat morning she was here I think she must have engaged during labour
How are we all this evening ladies? Only 3 sleeps til my due date and hopefully a sweep from my MW xx
Jacki - how you feeling? Feeling better than yesterday?

Songbird - Thanks for the info on baby engaging! MW does say he is low down tho, so I suppose that's better than nothing!

How is little katrina :) x
Yeah am pretty much the same thanks Kelly, keep getting little twinges and I've had backache today. Its just the not knowing that does my head in lol. What about you? X
Lol, where do I start! I'm VERY uncomfortable tonight! Backache, pain under ribs, sharp pains in foof, super swollen feet and I'm now covered in bites that really itch.. So not a great day lol..
Yer I totally get the not knowing doing your head in! Let's hope the start of a new week turns things around for us all and we have a few babies born! :) xx
YAY to only a week left for you Heppi :)

well i'm still here . . . have been feeling pressure more regularly and think i might have started to have some form of BH last night, but have kind of eased off this morning :( have had a bounce on my ball and that made the pressure feeling double instantly so will be going back on that shortly!

hope you all have a nice easy monday :hugs: x
Morning ladies, happy 39 weeks Kelly and Heppi. Only 2 sleeps until my due date eek!!! Maybe this baby will be on time and arrive on its due date even though i know its probably going to be a few more days yet. xxx
How exciting! 2days :) would be nice to have a due date baby, haven't had one for ages I don't think! So do you have any feeling of when LO is going to arrive!

OH keeps asking me like every hour if I feel ok, any twinges etc.. He is soo impatient, he desperate to meet his son! I just wish I knew what day he was coming! Xx
Hi all :wave:

Kelly - 5-6 days overdue, pah! :p It's funny cause for the first time I think this might be my last week; have a feeling something may start to happen on Friday but who knows eh? I thought I was getting my period the month I got my BFP! I'll be offered a sweep a week today anyway so let's see what happens in the next 7 days, eeeep!

Tracey - I like your prediction of due date baby ;-) x
Sorry hun! I hope I'm wrong for you! :) hehe

Would be nice to have a few due date babies this month! X
I think we definately need some due date babies. I'd love it if my little one arrived on Wednesday. I've had some backache today and have had to take some paracetamol for it and my pelvis bones seem to be making like a grinding feeling, which could be the bones moving ready for baby to come out. Hopefully these are good signs and mean baby are on their way.

My birth partner was going to be my niece but her new boyfriend wont allow her.
Everyone seems to be going on holiday so i cant find anyone who can defintly say yes. Im scared to do it on my own but its looking like i will.
Hope everyone is ok.
OMG you cant be on your own..... surely there must be someone? Upon saying that, my hubby was pretty useless during my labour and I chatted to a wonderful student for hours and hours (I was on epidural then). How is your hospital for one to one midwife? People keep asking me what I will do if my hubby is on shift (60 miles away) when I go into labour and I just say that I'll call an ambulance and just go myself - he can get me later... maybe even get better attention from hospital staff....
Emerald I'm sorry to hear about your birth partner :( Hope you manage to get something worked out so you're not on your own x

Good luck to Spice and Jacki! And fingers crossed for you too Jen!

Well, saw in 39 weeks with a fun day... Had to go to the hospital for an echocardiogram to see if the hole in my heart (which closed when I was 3) is still closed... And surprise surprise... It is :roll: But it being an hour long bus ride there and back the bouncing around set off some HORRENDOUS pains! And then walking to tesco when we got back into town, and back to the bus stop... I thought I as going to die!

But still, even with all the pains and sporadic plug loss... Nothing seems to be changing :roll:

A few of my friends keep saying I'm gunna go this week. 2 say thursday, 1 saturday and 1 is just convinced I'll go before d-day... We'll see :)

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx
Im keeping my fingers (and legs) crossed that baby stays in till my lovley sil gets back from her holiday. She was my first choice she was there with my older 2.
If not then hopefully midwife will stay with me.

Gettinh pains but thats my own fault as kids needed new clothes so we went in town to pumpkin patch since they have all sale items £7 or less and i love the clothes there.
Fingers crossed for bubs staying put a little longer hun :)

I'm getting pains as well :) thinking this might be it! 6 mins apart from around 2:25 til 3:15 when they dropped down to 4 minutes apart and since 4:55ish they've been 3 mins apart :) I'm going to give it til half past then give midwife a call xx
ok I definitely think this is it..... now down to every 2 minutes and fucking hell...... ive never felt pain like it :eek: just sent OH out for paracetamol... And midwife is coming out to check me very soon so will see what happens :) x

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