***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Hello ladies!

I cannot believe August babies are this overdue! Kholl I logged on really really hoping that you had had your baby! COME ON!!!!

How is everyone getting on pregnant and already mums?! I just cannot believe how much time I DON'T have any more, even logging on here is really hard lately and all I want to do is sit on here for a solid hour and really catch up! I just find it impossible with little baby George lol even when he naps I am running round trying to get dressed, hoover, clean, etc!

Talk to me ladies, I need to catch up! xx
Morning lexi!
I'm the same. Although I'm not doing much of anything as OH won't let me telling me to rest and let my c sec heal I still find myself besotted by poppy and just sitting with her for hours and staring and cuddling and then the day goes!

How is George doing?
Got much planned for the weekend?

Poppy is a little dream. 1 night feed. Has a bit of a fussy period in the evenings between 8 and 10 but doesn't ever cry only if she wants a bottle and we haven't done it quick enough. I still catch myself thinking is this real as I still can't believe she is here.
Awww Summer!! So lovely, one feed a night is not a bad deal at all, George wakes for 2 feeds a night. He is also terribly fussy from about 7pm til 9pm, settles til 2 am then feeds. Wakes again at around 5 for a feed then back to sleep til 7 ish, I feed him, then he goes back off to sleep around 8 for a good hour whilst I get ready! I have to get to school at 8.40 in the mornings for Sofia so this is going to be fun! I have to do the first school run on tuesday so we shall see how I manage that one, as he naps at that sort of time it should work out okay it is just balancing me getting out of bed and getting ready and feeding him and helping sofia get ready that scares me!

I have done my research on the evening fussiness thing and apparently it is completely normal so that is good to know.

I am still up in arms about his tongue tie thing - we had an appointment to get it revised but the midwife didn't think it was bad enough to do so we went home. However I have done some research and it might turn into a problem when he is a bit bigger apparently so I don't know what to do, I will speak to my health visitor but I think that in the UK they aren't so clued up on tongue tie whereas I am on a support group on facebook that is US based and they have a lot more in depth knowledge on it all and they all think I should be getting it sorted ASAP so god knows! That is where I am at. He feeds well off the breast though so god knows what to do xx
Good to hear your both doing well, and babies too! India wakes for 2 night feeds too and settles down pretty quickly after. Harpers sleeping has gone bad again, she sleeps worse than India! I was worried this would happen :( she was awake 4.30am-6am this morning and then went back to sleep until 8am but is in such a foul mood today as she's now overtired, she'll be like this all day too :( x
Still waiting for my August baby! Glad George and Poppy are doing well.

It really helps that I now have a deadline, hes being evicted next week, no matter what! Haha!
Roxy that majorly sicks doesn't it!! How do you function?! I am so glad the baby sleeps alright though that is important as little miss Harper doesn't!! xxx
Lexi it took me years to find someone who took my daughter's lip tie seriously. She'll be 5 in November and I finally found a specialist who knows enough about lip tie and tongue tie to know hers needs to be fixed. She's having it lasered in October. Keep pushing if you feel it's important. I had a nagging feeling for years that her lip tie needed attention and I kept being dismissed. I'm so glad I didn't stop until I found someone to take me seriously!

41 weeks today, I have my appointment in a few hours.
Roxy that majorly sicks doesn't it!! How do you function?! I am so glad the baby sleeps alright though that is important as little miss Harper doesn't!! xxx

A lot of coffee and redbull is how I function! And even then its still not enough lol. Its so frustrating tho because I could be getting some decent sleep between feeds but instead I'm awake with harper because she refuses point blank to sleep. And its not just the sleeping but now her eating has gone to pot too and wont eat much most days!! I feel like hitting my head against a brick wall lately. X
Ah roxy sounds like you're having a bit of a mare with harper at the minute. Hopefully she stops soon for you. Could be her way of keeping your attention now that India is here?

Lexi I'm sure after a couple of goes that school run will become a breeze and you could do it in your sleep. Defo keep on to them about the tongue tie though. It's good that George is still feeding well through it. I'm guessing that's why they're dismissing it.

Come on the rest of you August babies it's defo time to make your appearance now! Xx
Oo I can't help wonder if Kholl has gone into labour due to lack of update here, keeping everything crossed for her!

No signs here except increased braxton hicks and the runs(!) Well and truly fed up now, come on body, get to work!
No update here either. No signs or anything. Ugh x

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Had what I thought were contractions last night (4 6 mins apart) and cronic back ache really thought it was it but alas I'm still here and nothing got 2nd sweep booked at 12 truly fed up now!!
Oh Lulie, hopefully soon!

Louie isn't having a great time at night. Refuses to settle after a feed in his moses basket - however he'll sleep on his changing mat and on our mattress (currently without a bedframe!) with no issues at all. Midwife has suggested we try the Red Castle CocoonaBaby Nest - which I'm now braving the british weather to go and get! John Lewis being the only store that sell them in the high street.

Louie also doesn't seem to want to feed more than 2oz at each feed. Midwife is very pushy and says he should be closer to 4oz by now, he's only 6 days old!

Michael x
Ah roxy sounds like you're having a bit of a mare with harper at the minute. Hopefully she stops soon for you. Could be her way of keeping your attention now that India is here?

Lexi I'm sure after a couple of goes that school run will become a breeze and you could do it in your sleep. Defo keep on to them about the tongue tie though. It's good that George is still feeding well through it. I'm guessing that's why they're dismissing it.

Come on the rest of you August babies it's defo time to make your appearance now! Xx

We've always had problems on and off with both her sleeping and eating, we generally have good periods and bad periods of it. The bad periods usually last a week or couple. But this has most definitely been the worst. I do think it is because of India. My mums gonna have India tomorrow for a bit so I can take harper out to the beach or park just the two of us x
I really hope Kholl has her baby now!

It's so hectic, these first days, with all the visitors and midwife and arrangements for the baby (health insurance and getting her kids ID etc)... Glad to read you're all doing fine! I'm sorry to read George has tongue tie, what is that exactly? Does it make feeding more difficult?

Aelys is doing great, she's a really easy baby just lies in her little sofa (a doomoo seat thing) and looks around or sleeps. Ilias is really sweet for her, but we have to keep an eye on him as he's always trying to pick her up by himself. He does eat less and every meal he says he doesn't want to eat. Maybe it's normal behavior, Roxy. I find it difficult, because they have to eat but don't want to be angry with him... I just hope it passes quickly!

You are all so lucky with the few night feeds! Aelys feeds every 2-3hrs at day and EVERY 2 hours at night. Then she sleeps 4hrs after her 7am feed, but that's the one time a day I can't sleep with morning rush for Ilias. Hubby is great but not for this problem: if I don't get up immediately when she cries, he starts pushing me or gets her to me to feed. With DS he had back problems and was on painkillers and didn't wake up from crying, so I did it alone and refused to feed him too soon after the previous bf. I just found a website with sleeping tips that says they shouldn't feed every time they wake, just comforting and only feeding if that doesn't help. I showed him and he seems convinced so hopefully we can try it tonight and I can get some decent sleep! Hubby makes sure I get a good afternoon nap, taking DS out etc but tomorrow we have a barbecue and afterwards my sisters birthday so I won't get a nap then.

Mummies, when do you start try losing the extra weight? I'm doubting if it's a good idea to start now already. And what do you do, exercise, some kind of diet..?
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Flo no baby. I was in labor all day yesterday and then it stopped. 41+1 now and my mom leaves in a few hours :( Also Aelys' night feeding schedule sounds like what my babies did- very normal especially for exclusively breastfed babies!

I start focusing on weight loss very gradually at about 3-4 months postpartum.

Roxy I'm so sorry about the struggles with Harper. I'm certain she will adjust soon. I am anticipating challenges with my son as well.

Michael so sorry for the nighttime challenges, those are so normal and I'm sure will pass soon!

Remember ladies these sweet babies are in the "fourth trimester" and they will regulate soon! Looks like my baby just wants to spend a fourth trimester on the inside, ha!
NOOO Kholl!!! For goodness sake you must be a good host in that belly! I can't believe you were in labour and everything!!

Roxy it is hard isn't it, Sofia is a little bit of a pickle now that George is here, just being a bit over excited and she messes me around more than she used to by not doing as she is asked and stuff, but they must just need adjustment time or something, luckily Sof is at school soon and her being back at school might just sort out our daily routine a little better whereas now it is hard to entertain her and stuff whilst being stuck in more than we are used to, I am just about brave enough to take two kids out on my own! xxx

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