***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Good luck Lulie!

40+3 today, I am absolutely losing my mind.
Aelys was born today at 11 am. Waters were broken at 7, nothing happened til 9, dilation stayed at 4cm til 10 and then I had one contraction after the other. At 10.30, I told the midwife I felt some pressure down below, she checked and I was fully dilated already! Started pushing and half an hour later she was in my arms... She already breastfed a few times and drinks quite good but falls asleep after 10mins so we have to wake her up again :-) big brother came around this afternoon and was very interested but clearly wonders 'what is all this?'.
Congrats flo!!! Amazing!

Michael how scary!! I hope your wife is recovering okay and baby is alright! So scary!! Thinking of you!

We got back from caravan today and it was fun but hard work lol xx
Aw lovely congrats flo!

Lexi how many days after giving birth did you go away?!
Here's a quick photo. Tired but OK!

Congrats flo x

Aww Michael he is lovely! Hope you and your wife are doing well x
Lovely pic Michael!

How is everyone? Its gone quiet so hopefully that means more babies are coming!?

I took the girls to the beach today with others from playgroup. Indias first trip to the beach, was daunting this morning whilst packing everything they both needed but went better than expected! Not the most practical place to go for the day with a newborn but she slept most of the time so it went smoothly and we had a really nice time. Hope everyone is well x
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You're brave Roxy getting out to the beach with such a little one, glad it went well!

Still waiting here. Hospital appointment tomorrow so I'm going to get all my housework done today just incase they don't let me back out, haha!
Had a sweep yesterday altho wasn't successful cervix still.long,high but soft! Being sent for a growth scan today as measuring 39 and I'm nearly 41 wks and MW slightly concerned I've not noticed any weight gain in last few weeks and baby has dropped from 90th to 50th centile hopefully it's due to her finally being engaged and there isn't a problem fingers crossed x Another sweep booked for sat and induction Tuesday!! So this time next week I should have my baby either way x
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At least you have a date in sight mictho if you don't have baby before then. When is your growth scan? X
Growth scan is today at 1230 x lost a lot more plug just now so maybe sweep did something fingers crossed you never know x
I've lost my plug too so I'm hoping it's the start of things! Come on babies!!! X

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Good luck at your growth scan. Exciting for you both loosing plug! X
Good luck ladies!

Mic, I haven't gained weight in a few weeks either.

40+5 today. I've been up since 3am, this pregnancy insomnia is so bad now. I feel so so so depressed today. Each day that passes feels farther away from meeting my baby instead of closer cause each overdue day I lose a little more hope that this baby is coming any time soon. My mom is here 3 more days- at this point I'm 100% sure baby will not be born by then.

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