***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I'm. Back from.scañ all is good baby is VERY low down and we'll engaged and estimated 8lb so all is good just got to wait for her to decide she is ready come on u little monkey xx
Ah I hope she comes out for you soon! X

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Ended up ringing the birth department as the little monkey decided to have a quiet day, totally stressed me out!

I felt very little movement until 4pm, when by the time I got there he had woken up! They checked movement and heart rate on the monitor and my blood pressure every 10 mins for an hour and said all was fine, thank god!

Quite typically, he's super active again now, but always worth getting checked out just to put your mind at rest!

Hospital appointment tomorrow where I think they do a growth scan and all the usual checks. Thankful that he's OK after the day we have had but bloody hell, come out!!
Thanks Mictho, had the hospital appointment today where they did all the checks, ultrasound shows a very happy baby who is in no rush to come out! She reckons he's about 9lbs so he's a big boy aswell, yikes!

All fine thank god, so back on Monday morning if nothing has happened before and then are going to try and induce me using the balloon catheter first, so we will see. Eep!
MW told me at growth scan about 8lb but when I looked on notes it works our about 9lb 3!! I hope it's wrong 1st baby was 9.10 2nd 8.8 so.knew this one wouldn't be much smaller lol EEK
Glad all is well! Nothing to report here :( I have the option of another sweep today so trying to decide if it's worth it. Only 3 days late so far but this will be my last midwife appointment until induction date now so don't know whether to just go for it. X

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Good luck ladies!

40+6 and still a whole lot of nothing except brutal insomnia. I now can't sleep past 3am for the last 5 days or so.
I have the same problem with sleep kholl. I wake up at 3am every morning without fail

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Ugh Aes you too?!? It's awful! I sleep sooooo much better in those sweet cuddly newborn days. God I wish this baby would come out today!
Yup! It's been happening for weeks now. On the plus side I've read so many books lately lol x

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Did you have a sweep aes?

Glad the hospital went well lulie. What's the balloon catheter for induction? Never heard of it before.

Sorry your not getting much sleep kholl and your still waiting. Have you had any sweeps since being overdue? X
Yeah I've gone from 3cm long to 1cm and cervix is softening. Quite glad I had it done. No further along though. No pain or anything. Booked in for a last one on Wednesday and then my induction 10th x

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Yes roxy, they said they'd start with the balloon as it's abit gentler so worth trying that first to see if it helps, I googled it and it doesn't seem to be done often in the UK, not sure if it's just something they try over here. From what I understand it should fall out when I'm 3cm, and that might get things started. :)
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I've never heard of the ballon either.

I feel for all you ladies being overdue. It's rubbish were now into September and not all of August mummies have delivered yet. Hopefully you're all not waiting too much longer!
Most of the August babies seemed to go over due! Shouldn't be much longer for you ladies who are still waiting x
Yeah if I have to be induced I'll try every drug-free route I can first. Which pretty much leaves me with the foley bulb and breaking my water. But I hope so much it doesn't come to that.
Reading this whilst snuggling my 5 day old, ( was September mummy but snook in ) I wish you all good luck and totally worth the wait. They are soon here and then the day's truly fly by
Congrats MrsMcc!

Ah thanks Kholl, when it said balloon I assume it's the same as the foley bulb, which I'm having put in on Monday.
Reading this whilst snuggling my 5 day old, ( was September mummy but snook in ) I wish you all good luck and totally worth the wait. They are soon here and then the day's truly fly by

Haha there is a few of us that snook in from September lol x

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