***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

This baby is seriously running out of room everytime she moves which is a lot the last few days it is so uncomfortable and quiet painful sometimes I think is she moving or is it a contraction lol every night we all go to bed hoping tonight's the night I'm soo tired and bored now walking is a killer and seem to be house bound atm I feel sorry for my girls 8 and 5 but luckily they are quite happy at home watching films or playing. Bank holiday weekend would be good as hubby off.tommorow so come on baby tonight is good for us all lol ��
Gosh I hope we have our babies tonight or tomorrow. I am so done!
I feel ya Kholl! I've spent this entire pregnancy worried about giving birth and now I'm just willing to progress somehow as I'm so done!

Let's hope tonight is the night Mictho! Keep getting the odd pang, but nothing consistent. I know what you mean about a big baby, I'm seriously worried mine is a 10 pounder!
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Yeah at least baby's weight gain slows at the end, or I'm sure mine would be massive too. Even my weight gain has stopped completely, I weighed exactly the same at 38 weeks and at 40 weeks. And probably will at 42 effing weeks as well.
Well I just did what I swore I'd never ever EVER do again - I took castor oil. Last time I took it (with my first pregnancy) I took 4 tbsp and this time I only took one tbsp so I hope I won't be as miserable as I was that time. Still feeling the whole "wtf have I done?!!" part though. Sigh. Wish me luck.
Hi ladies. No time to read up at the moment, I hope you're all doing well and will read tomorrow hopefully. Just wanted to tell you that the last few days were horrible with things starting, stopping, starting again... After all the good signs I still got 4 days overdue! Just went on the monitor which confirms I'm having contractions every 3mins, but everything is stuck since Tuesday. So now they're going to break my waters at 7 am. I'm excited and a bit scared but sooo relieved that I'll finally hold my baby tomorrow and all this waiting will be over. When I have her, I hope to find lots of beautiful birth stories here! I hope there are at least a few August babies that arrived around their due date!
Ah Flo best of luck for a quick and smooth labor, can't wait for the story and baby pictures!

The castor oil made me throw up and gave me terrible gas but no contractions. Sigh. Acupuncture tomorrow and Tuesday. After that I give up!
Hey everyone. Quick update as it's 3.30am here. Wifey had her waters broken Sunday (yesterday) morning. At about 10am. Had contractions for about an hour.. Nothing regular though. Went on drip at about 1.10pm Examined at 2pm no change still 2-3cm but midwife found more waters (fore waters I believe) and ruptured these. Back on the drip until 6pm had another exam midwife believed she was 3cm so nothing much was happening but at this point she realised the IV line had blocked so Wifey wasn't getting the drip. Fixed and back on the drip had lots of contractions nice and regular night midwife came in to take over examined again at 9.10pm as baby's heart rate was showing down midwife thought this meant baby was almost here. Another hour passes another exam this time 7cm but no cervix changes. Doctor called as baby was showing signs of distress at 10.15pm. Dr puts clip on baby heart rate keeps dropping after contractions to around 40BPM. Then a blur.. Emergency alarm is activated lots of people rush in all talking and shouting orders at my wife, move you arm. Keep it still. Don't push. Use gas and air etc.. 10.30pm call to on call theatre staff wife needs emergency c section. Wife dragged to theatre mid contractions no gas and air and Put to sleep. Baby out at 10.46pm. Mother and baby are doing OK but very tired. Baby weighs 7lb7oz x no WiFi in hospital or phone signal. In for a few more days the home to start our life as a family of 4.

Good luck everyone stl waiting x

Michael x
Blimey Michael sounds like you have have had an eventful 24 hours, but lovely to hear baby is our safe and well and your wife is doing OK.

Hope you manage to have some rest and lots of cuddles! Xx
Oh gosh Michael so glad everyone is ok after that, and I hope your wife recovers quickly and that the transition to life with 2 kids is as smooth as possible!
Good luck Flo! Not long for you now!

Congrats Michael and your wife on your new bundle! Sounds like baby made a dramatic entrance but glad all is well!

41 bloody weeks here. Gah!!
Aw well firstly congrats to you and your wife Michael and so very glad mum and baby are OK. Enjoy your first few days and if mum and baby are having to stay in be sure she at least gets out for a bit of fresh air even for 10 mins a day..I made the mistake of not doing it and had a mini breakdown on day 2. Enjoy your little one and update us when you can.

Eeeekkkkkk exciting for you flo. Keep us updated and I hope all goes smoothly for you. Not long till baby will be in your arms.

We're all good here. Poppy is a dream. Sleeps so well at night is so content, hardly cries and loves being on my chest. Midwife came yesterday did her heel prick twice and she didn't bat an eye just stayed sleeping! Oh and the little porker has put on an oz! There was us worrying she wasn't feeding enough!
Congrats to you and your wife Michael. Sorry it wasn't straightforward but I'm glad both mum and baby are well.

Exciting Flo. Hope your having baby cuddles soon.

Glad poppy is doing well summer and she has gained an oz. Did she not loose any of her birth weight?

Hope your having a nice time away lexi xx
Congratulations Michael!

It's my due date today and absolutely no signs! Hoping she doesn't keep me waiting 11 extra days like her big sister did! I do have a sweep booked in for tomorrow and Thursday and if neither of those work I will be begging for an induction date sooner rather than later!

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Fingers crossed you're not waiting too long Aes!

I hope Nicki will update us, as I'm sure her bundle has arrived by now!

Clutching at straws here, but got the runs this morning (sorry, tmi!) Hoping it's yet another sign that something is going to happen soon!
Happy due date aes.

Lulie I was thinking of Nicki too this morning and wondering if she's had baby yet as haven't seen her post for a few days. Fingers crossed she's having baby cuddles. Xx
Congrats to you and your wife Michael. Sorry it wasn't straightforward but I'm glad both mum and baby are well.

Exciting Flo. Hope your having baby cuddles soon.

Glad poppy is doing well summer and she has gained an oz. Did she not loose any of her birth weight?

Hope your having a nice time away lexi xx

No didn't lose a thing, I was worried she would have lost more as she didn't feed well the first few days but she's obviously made up for it! Porker poppy is what we're naming her right now!
You guys, I have the most terrible back pain again. Please cross your fingers this is the start of something, eep!

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