***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***


Summer that is great news! I am really hoping it does more than my sweep did! Lol. Considering I have been 2 cms since Wednesday I am a little gutted he hasn't come yet but I am not too bothered if I go overdue now, just annoying watching your due date come and possibly go! Haha!

Good luck today Roxy have you gone in yet?!

Hopejoy I was 2/5ths engaged at 35 weeks then at 37 weeks it says "fully engaged" and has been ever since. I am not too sure what all that means but some babies don't actually engage until you go into labour, it doesn't mean anything too exciting as my baby has been engaged for weeks now lol.

I came down with a full blown cold yesterday evening and now I feel really quite unwell which is bloody typical isn't it! How am I gonna go into labour with a sore throat and blocked nose?! I am not too happy about feeling like death lol.

Anyone doing anything cool this weekend?! All we got booked in is a BBQ tomorrow and then the rest of the time is ours to do what we please with, I think a great big food shop is in order then we can forget about that part for a good long while.

I can't believe its time for all of us to actually start going into labour! I wonder how many people will go nice and early! xx

Happy due date :), fingers crossed your little guy makes his appearance soon x
Thank you mrsB!

I just got a message from my friend who was induced wednesday and she had a baby girl yesterday! Soooo exciting! xxx
Hope it is a quick process for you Roxy.

Happy due date Lexi, hope you haven't got too much longer to wait.

Perhaps the sweep will come to something today Summer?
So Wren Dolly Chandler was born on the 3rd of August at 10.39 am weighing in at 5lb 6oz 3 weeks early at exactly 37 weeks 😊 were both doing great and have managed to get home yest afternoon good luck to everyone still waiting and congratulations to everyone who's already met there precious little bundles 😊


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Keep us posted when you can roxy. Be thinking of you and hope it all goes smoothly.

It sure is fascinating. I'm not sure there's any actual evidence to prove a sweep actually works is there. Hopefully something kicks off but if I keep the last day of the 23rd in my head anything sooner will be a bonus!
Good luck, Roxy! Well done saying bye to Harper, you'll see her again soon and she'll have a good time with your mum.
Congrats with your due date, Lexi! Maybe he arrives today and if not it really can't be long now!
Thanks ladies. Had the pessary put in about 10.30, still on the monitor atm but will be coming off it soon and will be allowed to go for a walk. Nothing much happening yet bar a few cramps and a lot of pressure down below.

Congrats dgreen. Xx
Thank you mrsB!

I just got a message from my friend who was induced wednesday and she had a baby girl yesterday! Soooo exciting! xxx

Aww that's fab,I hope everything went well for her and baby. :) at least you have a maximum of 2 weeks now X
Congrats d green, what a gorgeous little bundle!
Hopefully there'll be an influx of August babies soon, come on ladies haha! No sign of anything happening here.. my hubby's cousin is 41+5 and in hospital trying to start her off but looks like her little boy is stubborn and doesn't want out!
Congratulations Dgreen! Enjoy your first days together with that lovely baby!
Congrats Dgreen, Happy Due date Lexi and good luck Roxy, hope things get moving for you.

I had the midwife this morning and I'm on 1/5th engaged, I tell you I nearly burst into tears! Been booked in for a sweep in 2 weeks time :( midwife thinks I've got a way to go! On the plus side I'm going to see suicide squad tonight and I've just been told I only have 2 weeks to finish my course not the 6 months I was originally told so if he's late I've got a shot at finishing.

My midwife told me to eat the core of a pineapple apparently thats got the enzyme in it to trigger labour, nah thanks - I don't really like pineapple and I can't see the core being nicer that the bit you're supposed to eat.
Ugh, no, the core is horrible Nicki, I wouldn't bother either!
I cannot stomach the thought of pineapple after seeing my SIL a few years ago eat 3 I'd rather not bother trying it either :rofl: I wouldn't worry too much nicki about baby being engaged some don't even engage until labour has started and some that do engage pop back up!
Congratulations Dgreen that is sooooo cool! Are you recovering well so far??

Ewwwwwww the core of a pineapple sounds absolutely disgusting! Haha no way will you catch me doing that :rofl:

Co incidentally we are going for a curry with friends tonight so if I grow some balls and actually get something hotter than a tikka masala maybe I am in for a chance :lol: I don't really like hot food but hey anything goes these days lol.

Oooh roxy that is so exciting that you are on the ball with induction :D I hope your walk can help you progress! And it isn't too long a process xx
Tikka is about as hot as i can go Lexi, I can eat quite hot bombay mix so might get some of that for the movies :D
I'm glad i'm not the only one that feels the same about pineapple, I seriously thought she was joking at first.
Congrats Dgreen! Absolutely gorgeous!

I am starting to get so jealous of seeing these babies coming! Excited for all obviously, but so jealous, it is making me will this labour on more! Had lots of BH last night, so spending the day washing clothes in my new machine (amazing how something like that can get you excited!) Walking and bouncing in the ball... will go for a walk around the shops with my mum tomorrow as well, and will enjoy our weekly coffee and cake! Hope everyone has a good weekend x
I'm 37 weeks and baby isn't engaged yet but midwife said not everyone does before labour altho still plenty of time my tummy had been tight all day which is very uncomfortable think baby didn't like all the cleaning I did this morning
I'm jealous too, we've been on a long journey and we really don't have long left at all.

I hope roxy is getting on ok.

I'm off to bingo tonight with my mum and have been for a walk today, really struggled with that but did just short of 2hours. X

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