***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Oh Gill hope you are feeling ok and you all are home soon!

Ab he is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing pictures. Were you aware of the possibility of a DS diagnosis while you were pregnant?

Flo I know exactly what you mean. My little brother has Aspergers and is honestly the most unhappy person I know. My cousin has it too and he's also just... Never content it seems. Meanwhile my husband's cousin has Down syndrome and is the happiest kid you ever met.
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Yep successful sweep for me. She could feel baby's head. My plug has already gone (which I wasn't 100% aware of as what I thought was it a couple weeks ago was clear but she said there's no plug there otherwise she would have pulled it away) and it's beginning to soften nicely. Already 1-2cm.

I didn't find it hurt at all, a teeny bit uncomfortable and she said I'm only 1 of now 2 ladies that she's managed that good of a stretch and sweep on because we weren't bothered by it. Gave me a bishops score of 4 which is good and said she'll do another on Tuesday if this doesn't work and book in for induction date as Tuesday is due date.

Went for a long walk after. Can't have spicy for tea as its being cooked for us but I'll be sure to be on the adult exercise when we're home! Ahaha
That all sounds positive summer. Fingers crossed it works for you x
I so hope it does. She did say baby was a bit back to back though but shouldn't be a problem as they end up turning themselves anyway and she isn't worried one bit that baby is showing big. So all good. I just hope I get woke up in the night contracting ahaha
Oooh Summer exciting!!! Spicy food and sex for you now, STAT!
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Thanks ladies. I've felt totally normal since the sweep just a bit of period pain achyness but nothing much.

Hope tomorrow goes well for you roxy xx
Thanks summer. I dont think its hit me yet, I feel really calm lol. I'm so hoping its a quick one like it was with harper x
Fingers crossed it is for you chick. Keeping calm from what I've heard is the best thing for it all :)
Hi Ladies hope you are all well.

Do any of you know how many 5ths your engaged? X

Summer that is great news! I am really hoping it does more than my sweep did! Lol. Considering I have been 2 cms since Wednesday I am a little gutted he hasn't come yet but I am not too bothered if I go overdue now, just annoying watching your due date come and possibly go! Haha!

Good luck today Roxy have you gone in yet?!

Hopejoy I was 2/5ths engaged at 35 weeks then at 37 weeks it says "fully engaged" and has been ever since. I am not too sure what all that means but some babies don't actually engage until you go into labour, it doesn't mean anything too exciting as my baby has been engaged for weeks now lol.

I came down with a full blown cold yesterday evening and now I feel really quite unwell which is bloody typical isn't it! How am I gonna go into labour with a sore throat and blocked nose?! I am not too happy about feeling like death lol.

Anyone doing anything cool this weekend?! All we got booked in is a BBQ tomorrow and then the rest of the time is ours to do what we please with, I think a great big food shop is in order then we can forget about that part for a good long while.

I can't believe its time for all of us to actually start going into labour! I wonder how many people will go nice and early! xx
Happy due date lexi. Sorry to hear you've got a cold, typical to get one when labour could be so close. Hope you feel better soon.

I'm at the hospital, got here just before 9 although nothing happened yet, they've put me in a side room and haven't been back since. I'm so impatient haha. Harper had us up at 5am this morning, hasn't woken that early in a long while. Maybe she can sense what's happening today. Got a bit emotional saying goodbye to harper earlier, she came in the car to drop us off as my mum took us and she was upset she couldn't come in with us. Made me sad leaving her.

How was your night summer? Has anything happened since your sweep? X
Yay happy due date lexi!! Hopefully not too much longer for you.

How are you doing this morning roxy?

Hopejoy I was 2/5th engaged at 38 weeks but she didn't tell me how engaged I was yesterday just said she could easily feel the head and hair when giving me a sweep.

Doesn't seem like the sweep has done anything. I had a pretty good night's sleep. No cramps or anything so looks like it hasn't worked. I still live in hope that baby will be kind to me and my ocd and arrive early or on time!!

I am off to the theatre this weekend with friends to see Mary Poppins were off to the Saturday afternoon showing. Glad we booked that one as evenings lately I just want to sit and chill!
Ah roxy I was typing as you were posting. Hopefully they see you soon and don't keep you waiting long. Did they say how they're going to start you off? Pessary first? X
Eek Roxy you're there!!! Ahh! Bless you leaving Harper though I wouldn't have been able to do it with Sofia I will have to leave her somewhere or something as I would cry so much just saying bye to her knowing she will be a sister next time I saw her lol! I hope it all goes really smoothly and you can have this baby by the afternoon or evening! xxx
Summer you never know sweeps can take a few days! It is slightly frustrating that your sweep was a good one but sometimes I guess it is really hard to judge whether these things actually do anything at all! or is it just co incidence that labour sometimes starts after the sweep! Quite interesting really isn't it lol.

Sofia is pushing around her push chair and playing with her dolly, now she's got her in the sink giving her a bath :rofl: she's desperate to meet this baby and help with bathing and changing and stuff bless her .. it is so cute watching her get this excited xx
Thanks ladies. I'm on the monitor now. They are doing the pessary summer x
Happy DUE Date Lexi soooo exciting. I'm 8 days away.... I have no more appointments unless i go over.... Here they dobt sweep until ur over due so i'm trying everything to get this baby moving.

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