***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Get your list of jobs done early so you can chill out :D lol. I have another sweep booked in next bloody Wednesday when I will be 5 days overdue, so fingers crossed I won't need it but if I do, then at least I have one booked lol, how are you feeling about being induced tomorrow?! Are you nervous at all? Or just glad it will all be over with?

The nerves haven't hit yet, probably will in the morning lol. Im just glad its finally over with, its been a bit of a worry these last few weeks. I was induced with harper and it was a good labour and quick so hoping this one will be the same. X
Oh that's alright then if you know sort of what to expect! Do you have to ring for a slot first thing or do you just go in? Our hospital make you ring first to check there is a spare room lol xx
Yeh gotta ring at 8. Had to last time too and was told to be in by 9 x
Hiya girls, hope your all well?? Anyone else had there baby yet?
Coby doing really he'll be 8 weeks old Monday, hopefully coming home tomorrow if he stays doing well with his bottles.
He's coming home on oxygen so that got fitted yesterday.
It's been one hell of a ride but we're finally getting there now!
This was him yesterday after his bath and a big bottle lol xx


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Hiya girls, hope your all well?? Anyone else had there baby yet?
Coby doing really he'll be 8 weeks old Monday, hopefully coming home tomorrow if he stays doing well with his bottles.
He's coming home on oxygen so that got fitted yesterday.
It's been one hell of a ride but we're finally getting there now!
This was him yesterday after his bath and a big bottle lol xx

Aww he's gorgeous.
So pleased to hear he's doing really well and on the brink of coming home (have often wondered how you guys were doing) xx
It's just been crazy, been a roll coaster of a ride but finally nearly got our little boy home.
It's not going to be end of hospital appointments etc he's been diagnosed with Down's syndrome, he as a little while in his heart but it's in the best place possible.
Nothing is going to stop our little boy, there's going to be no limits!! I know he's going to do amazing in life xx
Hurry up the rest of August babies!!! We're still in hospital :( I needed a blood transfusion last night as my haemoglobin was half the level it should be :( and Alex has a wee irregularity with his heartbeat so they're going to run some tests this morning but hopefully we'll get home today!!! Ab he sounds like a wee superstar and it's perfectly true that they only give special babies to special mummies!! He'll make you proud and burst with love every day xx
Ab I am so so so happy for you, I am sure he's going to live the most amazing lovely life ever! I know a few downs people and they are all incredible people so don't you ever let anyone tell you any different! He's well and truly gorgeous and you are gonna have such an adventure together! I hope you can get home and get into normal life and enjoy him in your own home environment!

GillM I hope you are ok?! And Alex?? I am thinking of you both!!

Just went on a nice dog walk, was refreshing, there were some horses jumping in the field so we watched them for a little while! I do all my own accounts for my dog grooming business and I haven't caught up on June and July yet so I think I best get to it now to be honest lol, so I will probably spend my afternoon sorting work out lol xx
Ab he is gorgeous!!! And I have no doubt he will have the most amazing life with you. One of my best friends has a cousin who is turning 22 with downs this year, she is my little buddy, I have never bean Kirsty with her, my name is Ste, she is the only person I ever let call me anything other than Kirsty.

Gill I hope you and Alex are ok, and feeling better soon!

I have some pottering about the house to do today, I will probably reorganise the nursery for like the 50th time this week! Oh is off today, and he wants to do some gardening etc, I cleaned the house yesterday, but will probably go over it again today!

Hope everyone has a good day x
So glad he'll be home with you very soon ab. You must be so excited to finally get him home and walk through the door with him :)

Gill keep us posted on the tests won't you. Hopefully you'll both be home soon too.

I have mw today baby has dropped really low down now but I'm still not sure I'm ready for the sweep, I guess only she'll be able to tell me if my cervix is playing ball & even then it probably won't work knowing my luck lol

I get where other mums come from but some do get so uppity when you have a slight moan don't they Lexi. You had every right to moan you were sick some people just like to make a drama out of it.
Lol thanks summer I agree I thought I was well within my rights to a moan!

Well I am having a majorly productive day lol, I am currently on hold to upgrading my phone lmao and I have done my business accounts all up to date, I am also gonna reorganise my room (baby will be sharing with us for a loooong time lol) and I am going to clean the kitchen later too :D So much fun preparing for a baby lol xx
Yes Flo we are due date buddy's yay xx I've done some house work this morning not a lot just the basics put a casserole in the slow cooker for tea and now I'm having a rest I've been band from the kitchen as daughters are making Anniversary cards for us for tommorow hubby has day off tommorow but can't go out 12-4 as having a new gas meter fitted typical hopefully do something nice in the evening ��
Ab, lovely you will have your boy home with you so soon.
Gill hope you start to feel better soon and an get home.

I am buying all my sons bits for school today so that's sorted and then finishing off jobs at home ready for induction on Saturday
so glad to read he'll be soon Ab, Gill I hope you're both allowed home soon.

Today I'm trying to finish my Sage booking course so I can get started on my final course, I'm basically just trying to keep busy so I don't freak out about labour/movements/being a mum. I also need to do the washing up as our dish washer is broke but standing to long hurts so I'm putting it off, hubby will do it when he gets home but I feel bad as I've been home all day.

Got midwife tomorrow, I think I see her every week now until he's here.
Congrats Ab, what a gorgeous little boy! Gill, hope you are both home soon. :)
Been running about cleaning and organising, gone through all our clothes to see what we can chuck out/donate. Had to sit down now as got a bit of back/period type pain, it's gone now though so don't suppose it's anything, hubby won't let me get on the gym ball until at least next week as he only started a new job last week so he's hoping to get proper into it before baby arrives haha!
God this is so exciting! By sunday we should have at least two babies then, Roxy and Clare!! EEEEEKKK!!! please don't forget about the rest of us lol and come back and say hi when you have had your babies! xx
Glad to hear he's doing well ab and he'll be home soon. He looks so cute in the pics. Been thinking of you guys.

Sorry to hear your still in hospital Gill. Hope your both home soon.

I've had lower back pain since last night and been getting a few sharp pains today. Not sure if its gonna turn into anything or whether I'm just symptom spotting. Xx
Have you been to the midwife yet summer? Was she able to do a sweep? X
Hope you can go home soon, Gill!
Ab, your boy is sooo cute and he looks so happy! We had a slightly elevated risk for Downs syndrome too this pregnancy and I refused further tests as I don't think it matters. We have a family history of Aspergers syndrome (autism), which can't be tested during pregnancy, and personally I would mind that more than Down's. In the right family they can have such a happy life, while when I look at my family members with Aspergers, I sometimes wonder if they're ever happy. Take good care of him, I'm sure you'll be a very happy and loving family together!

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