***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

Nicki of course I am biased but Sofia really is a cutie lol - she's such a character! I love her very much!

I know what you mean about leaving the house too, its really daunting with a new born I remember doing it when Sof was a baby and being terrified that I wouldn't be able to balance feeding and changing in public but I braved it when she was 5 days old and it went okay! So that was a massive bonus. It is hard if you are anxious about going out anyway, so if your fella is taking paternity leave just go out together the first few times to get used to it and have that support and relax and go enjoy a nice drink somewhere to break the ice for it I reckon that will get you going!

I have a nice pedicure booked in tomorrow morning :D my feet are desperate for it, they keep swelling up really really huge then going down, and they are aching like mad. So I am hoping a good foot rub and a paint will help them recover! One of my leaving presents from a client was facial packs from Hong Kong which look amazing so I might have to have a pamper at home after I have my pedicure, do my own facial then paint my nails to make myself feel proper relaxed. I feel like I need it lol - I wish I could afford another massive spa day with like every treatment on the books! My body wants to be pampered lol I would be lucky if Adam gave my hand a rub let alone anywhere else :rofl:

TMI question and don't answer if you don't want, but has anyone done any adult exercise recently? I reckon its been around 11 ish weeks since we did, til yesterday night and we did it, I think Ad half hoped it would kick labour off and he's a little gutted that it hasn't so far lol! I really wasn't up for it but after that long off I think we both needed it LOL xx
Sex is good but the prostaglandin in the sperm is more effective at triggering labour when administered via the gut so orally or the other end....
Lexi the dog story is devastating, but my god I'm so glad that sweet girl survived it. And the old woman??? Amazing! I had so many goosebumps reading that story! God I'd love to meet her and know when my baby is coming and whether it's a boy or a girl haha!!!

Nicki good for you for going, it's great to establish a connection there before baby is here.

We have maintained a very active sex life this pregnancy (my drive is always high but even more so while pregnant!) but the last time (last night) I suddenly felt like such a whale. Out of breath, awkward shifting positions etc. I'm sure we will keep going until the bitter end as we always do, but it's definitely getting more awkward and hilarious. Well it would be hilarious if I didn't get so sensitive and self-conscious about feeling like a beached whale.

Lander I heard that about the oral prostaglandin thing! I'll start testing that theory when I'm closer to my due date... lucky husband.

I don't know who will have her baby first but I vote I'll have mine last!
Kholl that is why I asked because I feel like I am being a drama queen by feeling all unattractive and flumpy! Lol I don't know why we haven't done it for ages, I think I have just been such a closed book for a couple of months because I am hot and fat lol! Well I didn't know about the oral thing, my man might be lucky later too!

So I am on the ball with more strong braxton hicks, I am reluctant to get excited but they don't usually come for no reason, usually I have gone walking or something and it really sets them off but this evening I have literally cooked dinner and sat on my ass and they are coming very frequently!

Does anyone else feel like their foof is swollen and uncomfortable? I remember mine feeling like this when I was healing from having Sofia, and it is like a gentle reminder of what is to come after delivery lol, mine is so puffy though! xx
Enjoy your pedicure Lex, might have to go for one myself, as no hope in reaching my own hooves any time soon :D haha

Haven't done much adult exercise lately, go be honest hubby has decided it's a bit weird, think he thinks he will harm the baby even though I have assured him that he can't possibly. Will start getting on at him soon though as it may start things moving, so he'll just have to man up! :D
Hahaha lulie I had to talk mine into it a little bit a few days ago then last night he approached me about it so I was well chuffed, I think my fella is a bit freaked out by it all as well to be honest, so it's nice to know mine isn't the only one a bit weird about it lol!!

Oh I will enjoy it, I have asked her for an extra bit of foot massage because my feet really need it lol! Go wild and book one for yourself, I love it because I can't reach anyway and I have gel polish on my toes which lasts 6 whole weeks! So I never ever have to paint my toe nails and I just moisturise my feet every day to try keep them happy but to be honest at the moment they are angry feet lol xx
No on the adult exercise, hubby has a bad back and as desperate as I am to kick start labour there is no way I'm swallowing!! :lol: might crack open the breast pump and see what that does!

I lost some more plug I think (does it look like snot?) but no blood! Been on the birth ball a bit today so wondering if it's because of that, got tummy ache too. Lexi do you find the ball triggers your braxton hicks? I still get nothing happening when I'm on mine.
We've been active all the way through pregnancy I've got a very high drive and I'm not phased at all by orally having sperm the OH is obviously more than happy of help with that one when we found out about it lol

I feel mine is all swollen and huge too.

Ah lexi hope you enjoy your pedicure. If you get there & your BH'S don't turn into full blown labour!

I've had a few achy twinges today thought it might be needing a number 2 but I've been twice and it's still kinda there. Have mw tomorrow so loping forward to seeing how much further baby has engaged. I'm even tempted to ask for a sweep. I sooooooo want this baby here now!

I imagine the plug to look like snot from what I've read. I don't think I've lost mine entirely but I have had a few wipes recently that have been quite thick discharge so not sure if that's it or if it's just discharge.

I don't really have a pattern of movement with bubs but it's more active in the evenings when I'm sat chilling and when I get into bed. Don't tend to feel much in the day but that's probably cuz I'm up and about doing stuff.
No on the adult exercise, hubby has a bad back and as desperate as I am to kick start labour there is no way I'm swallowing!! :lol: might crack open the breast pump and see what that does!

I lost some more plug I think (does it look like snot?) but no blood! Been on the birth ball a bit today so wondering if it's because of that, got tummy ache too. Lexi do you find the ball triggers your braxton hicks? I still get nothing happening when I'm on mine.

Hey Nicki - Nope the ball doesn't trigger anything really, but I get on it when I feel like I am having braxton hicks so it makes them a little worse but if I was to just sit on it I don't recall it triggering them. Yeah plug looks like snot! Good signs girl! I have lost a few plugs and I actually tried to express yesterday but it did nothing for me whatsoever except I dribbled out the tiniest bit of colostrum lol! xx
Summergurl you should try asking for a sweep but I doubt they will do one that early, they always wait til due date which sucks! Mine is being nice and letting me have one 2 days before my due date lol!

I really hope mine does something tonight, too many times I have been teased with these and they start aching then they disappear! Ahh! lol xxx
Yeah I've read they're unlikely to do one this early but no harm in asking I guess.

Anybody else got the munchies lately?
I litterally want to eat anything and everything right now. Especially if it's chocolate!
Feels like I haven't been on here in forever!
35 weeks today and exhausted! Luckily have this week off work to rest and then 2 weeks back before I break up which I cannot wait for.
Lexi so sorry to hear about your niece. Hope she is doing okay. Also loving having my little girly to myself for the first time in what feels like forever. She is usually in a vile mood but had been so sweet today. I don't think I realised how much of any impact my stupid work hours had. Can't wait for the year off with her too.

I have got my appetite back the past week or so and cant stop eating. We went to an all you can eat Chinese earlier and I feel stuffed now! Its a busy week for us this week, I have family visiting, my nephews birthday tomorrow and midwife, lot of days out planned this week as its also carnival week in town so a lot going on down the sea front.

I can now say I'm due next week, that's scary! I can't believe how close it is. I'm kinda nervous too about going into labour on my own as I was induced with harper so already at the hospital when it all kicked off. OH is on nights too and also got training in the week 2 hours away so he's not around much this week. Xx
Me and oh have been active too throughout the pregnancy, nothing has phased him at all, albeit he is a little more gentle recently... I think he would have a heart attack if I was to suggest swallowing, although it is his birthday next weekend :rofl: I joked about doing it the other week! Haha.

Lexi enjoy your pedicure I am very jealous, although have got a manicure booked for the weekend. I was told by my ever so sympathetic work colleagues today that I had shrek feet... you should know it was the jokers of the work place, who keep telling me that they will deliver the baby (by the way, I work with men. Police sergeants to be exact! No way I am getting my foof out in front of them!) I too have had an achy foof and feel a little swollen too!
Cant sleep tonight, haven't slept a bit since going to bed even tho I'm knackered I'm wide awake. Feeling very uncomfortable with hips/back and pelvis :( tomorrow is so busy and going to be a long day if I don't get any sleep soon. Xx
Oh Roxy I can relate the insomnia is just killer. You will be fine tomorrow, you will push through and it won't be as bad as you fear. We mamas can handle a lot more than we think.
Welcome back Aes! Long time no see!! How is it going??? Sounds like you need some time off to relax and for your little one too, it does affect them I think too my daughter has been a little angel now I am off with her for the holidays! Even the first few days have been better!

I just cannot wait to be sat in that pedicure chair! lol. I can't believe I can also say I am due next week as well! Ahh that is madness!

I wonder how Ab is getting on with her little one xxx
Thanks kholl, how is your sleeping now? Any better or still the same? I must of got an hour or so as the next time I looked at the time it was 6.30. Not actually feeling too bad atm but it'll probably hit me this afternoon when were at my nephews birthday. X
All good thanks lexi. Feels like I've been pregnant for about 3 years but close to the end now! I'm massive too which doesn't help! I hope all of you are okay and a coping now it's cooled down a bit! I know I am! X


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