***August Mummies Final Hurdle! ***

I'm not terribly hungry, but I am waking up super thirsty! Then of course getting up have a drink only adds to the all-night peeing.

Last night was SO bad again, like every freaking night. I just don't know what it's going to take for my kids to sleep. My son was up screaming 4-5 times, then up for the day at 5, I am just so sick of feeling like garbage 24/7 because I get so little sleep at night. It's been horrible for almost 5 years! Please, please let this baby sleep. Please. My daughter too wakes every single night, it's just insane. At this point coffee doesn't even help at all, but not having it is worse!

I am just so sick of sleep deprivation ruling my life. I can't ever make plans cause I never know how horrible our night is going to be. Sometimes it's only a bad night, but other times it's so horrendous I literally can't leave the house the next day. I'm so over it you guys!!!
Kholl that is literally terrible - over there is there any kind of health visitor? We get a health visitor for the kid's first 5 years of life that advise on this sort of thing, surely you cannot go on like that it's literally madness I would die!
Do they actually want anything in the night? Or do they just want you to settle them back to sleep? Really tricky :( I really really hope your new baby sleeps way better than the two you already have, it's not fun at all x
I really dont know what to say kholl, it must be horrendous. I bet you've tried everything too to try and get them to sleep. Do you get much help from family etc to rest in the day?

I've had enough of this sickness now, haven't been able to keep anything down for days. I feel drained. I have such a bad headache too. I've got doctors appointment in the morning so hopefully they'll be able to give me something to help. I cant go on another 7 weeks like this, its horrible x
Oh Kholl that must be hell - I'm really suffering with having to wee dirty times a night and insomnia but at least my son sleeps through. It must be awful for you :(
Lexi can I have a date change please? Saw the consultant today and they've agreed to me having a planned section - at last!!!! I'm booked in for the 1st August!!! Xx
Oh wow GillM!!!! That is soooo exciting! I will sure change it now.

Roxy that is not good, I hope they can give you something, you've probably got a headache from being dehydrated if you are being sick so much, pregnancy is so hard sometimes! xx
Thanks Lexi!! Aw Roxy hopefully the doc will be able to do something - it may just be dehydration but best to get it checked out xx
Lexi no we don't have health visitors here- gosh that sounds so great though!

Roxy oh my gosh I'm so sorry you are so sick! That is the worst!! I really hope you find some relief soon.

Gill!!! OMG!! How exciting! Did you have a csection with your son? Is that why they're planning another? August 1 is so soon!

Thanks for the support everyone-- I will keep being consistent and taking them back to their room when they wake, it's just SO disruptive to me especially while pregnant cause it takes me SO long to fall asleep again after being woken up!
Hi Kholl, no I delivered him naturally but my labour was fairly traumatic. I was in latent labour for 4 days with no sleep then established labour for about 12 hours, 5 attempts at a epidural that failed, remyphentanol instead so I felt so out of control then when he was delivered I had a bleed and instead of taking me to theatre the consultant decided to remove the clots there and then but failed to realise that the gas and air and remyphentanol had been switched off!! All in all not the most pleasant experience!! I'd do all of that again but my four year is disabled and no one can categorically assure me that his difficulties are not a result of any of the above. To be honest i think it's just one of those things but I'm not taking any chances at all this time around xx
Oh my god Gill! That is horrifying! I am so, so sorry and so glad they are booking you in for a csection after that kind of nightmare.

Does your son have a diagnosis?
His current diagnosis is a global development delay and hyper mobility, however, he's still undergoing investigations and has an mri booked next month and a review at the geneticist. He's currently got an occupational therapist, speech and language therapist, physiotherapist, sees a podiatrist, an ophthalmologist and ent consultant and has a paediatric consultant. He receives one to one support at nursery from a fantastic lady that loves him like her own and who will always now be in our lives whether she works with him or not. It all sounds a bit extreme but the progress we've made in the last year is phenomenal. When he first started at his nursery a year ago he couldn't walk or talk but he's now walking and we're getting more and more single words each day. He's got such a loving and infectious little personality that people are just drawn to him and I couldn't be a prouder mummy!!! Xx
Gill what amazing progress he's making! Before I had children I was an early intervention specialist (don't know if there's a different term for that outside the US), I did therapy for babies and children ages 0-5 (mostly worked with 0-3). I became so very close with some families and one family has become an extension of my own, I love them and will know them for life!

You must be so proud of your son, it is humbling and inspiring to see children work so hard every day and never complain or get down on themselves. Such awesome little people.
Wow knoll that sounds horrific. Hopefully they'll begin to settle soon & this baby is a sleeper.

Gill how exciting for you & what amazing progress your son has made so far.

Roxy let us know how you get on at the docs. Hopefully they'll be able to help but like lexi mentioned keep up your fluids headaches could be because of dehydration from being sick often.

Tri 3 is really hitting us all now isn't it ladies. Xx
Hi Guys,

It's been a while - we moved from Isle of Man back to England so been a bit hectic!

Wife is due 29th August 2016 but will probably be induced the same as last time 2 weeks earlier, will know more when consultant gives days on the 30th June 2016 :)

Oh wow nicki exciting. Now chill & relax if you can until baby arrives.

Welcome back Michael!
Hello again Michael! Welcome back :D

Nicki I am soooo jealous - You lucky minx!!! I literally cannot WAIT for my last day at work! Feels like forever away - my official last day is 15th July! Really wish I could finish sooner but I need the money (I am half self employed you see). I know by the last week of my work I will be absolutely shattered though - I am already shattered after half a days work! I have managed to cut down a fair amount though.

Wow GillM I can completely understand why you have gone with the C section this time, that is one terrible experience to put you off for life, but I hope that your son can just carry on developing well and you never know he might just be a little miracle that will lead the most lovely life! Bless him :)

I can't believe I am 33 weeks today! I am really happy about it though, I like these last 10 weeks as a countdown they are so close to the due date and any time after 37 weeks anything could happen!

Exciting isn't it lexi I loved the fact I could count down when I hit 30'weeks & it was single figures.

I've bought some raspberry leaf tea today just pondering when to start! X
Ahh flinty yeah I know what you mean - its not really going fast for me, I just like the count down lol, it is our last few weeks of "freedom" after all!

Summergurl I did the whole raspberry leaf tea thing in my last pregnancy from about 35 ish weeks I think - I hated the stuff and I could not get on with it lol - I can't even really remember what it does lol! I can't be bothered for it this time around, but enjoy it if you can! I just hate all those herbal teas and stuff I am a weirdo - I have heard they do capsules but I just can't be bothered lol xx
How is everyone?

I got new anti sickness meds from the GP today so fingers crossed they'll work better. Funny enough I woke up this morning feeling the best I have in days. Managed to get a fair bit of housework and shopping done too. Xx

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